If your game is from steam, then you can subscribe any mod (even one you do not want to keep),
And then you can click "Open in the steam Workshop" who open the web page in steam workshop,
or click "Open(*) in the directory", who open to you a windows where your mods files are installed.
(*) not sure for the "open", i'm not on english version)
Anyway, if you are on steam, your files are here :
<Steam installation directory>\steamapps\workshop\content\1669000\<mod ID>
if steam is on the C disk, on its default directory, this is :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\1669000\<mod ID>
1669000 is the ID of Age of Wonders 4 game (with others values, you can found mod for others games, from the steam workshop).
<mod ID> is the ID of the mod in the workshop, this is the ID used in the URL where you can found the mod on the workshop too
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=<mod ID>
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\1669000\<mod ID>,
You can manually put mods here - BUT this is a directory managed by steam and it is better to not touch it.
If you make mod, and/or install mod manually (from steam, or for any other source), and if you are in windows, your mod can be found here :
C:\Users\<Your user ID in windows>\AppData\Roaming\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders 4\Mods
=> This is the directory you can use to edit mods if you make mod.
and :
C:\Users\<Your user ID in windows>\OneDrive\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Age of Wonders 4\Mods
(Perhaps not "
OneDrive", it depends on your windows version, if you are on windows)
This is the directory where you can manually place mods
Any mods you will copy here will appear in the mod list in game, and can be activated/desactivated.
Mod you will subcribe from Paradox mods workshop will be placed here, too.
If you make your own mod, this is also here you have to copy your mods files from the "
Roaming" directory, to add them in game, and test them.
This is also the directory where you can copy mods from steam, in order to keep them in a version you do not want steam will automatically update if the mod evolve; as Steam only touch
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\
=> So, if you want to manually install mods, use this "
Document" directory.
But also, if you are on steam, you only have to click "subscribe" on a mod url page, and that's all,
Steam copy mods file himself.
You just have to activate the mod, you do not care where files are placed.