How does i get the dragon knowledge now? i have a dragon, but can't tame it, i run into volantis, asshai, king's landing and no event spawns to me, and i've stayed for a year there. i've gone to many places and no knopwledge has been found. first time using 1.3.2 tough
it was easy, but now it dont. i married to a woman with dragons and eggs, so my son got it, thing is.... he hatched before i controlled him, and worst, he killed me in a meele, so he got the rule in a bad way.
anyway, i need to tame that fu********* dragon, but i can't seem to find knowledge anywhere, i stayed for more than a year in all places, i'm going to lose my spot.
btw, wth i'm only findign valiryan steel armour in the found sword ambition? i gave one to myu wife before dying so my son can inherit, but now i willl have two, should we be able to have both? sword and armour i mean
thanks for your help
ps: i'm writing without even looking cause i'm with my daughter
it was easy, but now it dont. i married to a woman with dragons and eggs, so my son got it, thing is.... he hatched before i controlled him, and worst, he killed me in a meele, so he got the rule in a bad way.
anyway, i need to tame that fu********* dragon, but i can't seem to find knowledge anywhere, i stayed for more than a year in all places, i'm going to lose my spot.
btw, wth i'm only findign valiryan steel armour in the found sword ambition? i gave one to myu wife before dying so my son can inherit, but now i willl have two, should we be able to have both? sword and armour i mean
thanks for your help
ps: i'm writing without even looking cause i'm with my daughter