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Southern Byzantophile
73 Badges
Dec 5, 2010
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So playing as the Targs from the conquest start and I've run into an issue, basically I have a drunkard heir with already low health stat so he will almost certainly die before his father. Now the issue is I have a grandson who will inherit Dragonstone but the next in line for the Iron throne is my second son, on Agnatic-cog Primo. I used the console to switch to Agnatic and then the grandson is next line, but back to Agnatic-cog second son again?

Also when a Targ great council disinherits Dragonstone's current holder, shouldn't the title go to the new heir or is there a mechanical issue with that.
So playing as the Targs from the conquest start and I've run into an issue, basically I have a drunkard heir with already low health stat so he will almost certainly die before his father. Now the issue is I have a grandson who will inherit Dragonstone but the next in line for the Iron throne is my second son, on Agnatic-cog Primo. I used the console to switch to Agnatic and then the grandson is next line, but back to Agnatic-cog second son again?
Succession calculations are hardcoded, so any oddities that arise cannot be fixed by us unfortunately.

Also when a Targ great council disinherits Dragonstone's current holder, shouldn't the title go to the new heir or is there a mechanical issue with that.
Perhaps, will think on what is best to do about this!
couldn't you just make dragonstone post-conquest an appointment title?
Sort of how the bloody gate works.
Prince of Dragonstone and Prince of Summerhall command titles would certainly fix these quirks, but it wouldn't be lore. I doubt the team can remake the 101AC council succession laws.
Well, you can simply use console to switch to him after you die and give him Iron Throne and then edit savefile so he follows right after your former king (to not mess up with regnal numbers, if you care about it, that´s what I did in my AAR when the exactly same thing happened to me).

Although, CK2 should apparently put grandsons of first son as heirs even after his death, although I can´t say if it really works that way (my grandson in that playthrough was born after my son´s death, so my second son was still an heir, because the game doesn´t retroactively check in case something changed).
Well, you can simply use console to switch to him after you die and give him Iron Throne and then edit savefile so he follows right after your former king (to not mess up with regnal numbers, if you care about it, that´s what I did in my AAR when the exactly same thing happened to me).

Although, CK2 should apparently put grandsons of first son as heirs even after his death, although I can´t say if it really works that way (my grandson in that playthrough was born after my son´s death, so my second son was still an heir, because the game doesn´t retroactively check in case something changed).
Yeah it doesn't interact with dead characters at all so it literally can't check to see if that changed, it's weird
Can't Dragonstone be locked into "appointment" succession so that it would revert directly to the Iron Throne after death of the holder just like vassals of Holy Orders in vanilla game are?