Bulgaria 1419-1819
Hi, after lurking in these forums for about a year without posting anything, I decided time came for me to become a part of an AAR community. As I’ve never written an AAR before I hope you will be patient and will give me as much advice as will be needed.
I’ve read quite a lot of them and played quite a bunch EU2 games, but considering the fact I own game for 5 or more years I really didn’t play much. I discovered how great this game is only after founding this forums.
I played mayor countries in most of my games, with a few exceptions (Brittany on Interregnum for example). As I saw here, most of AARs play minor countries and so decided I. I’ll play Bulgaria on Interregnum 1.07.
History of Bulgaria until 1419
The state of Bulgaria has played a significant role in the Balkans in south-eastern Europe for over fourteen centuries. Modern Bulgaria includes parts of the Roman provinces of Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia. Old European culture within the territory of present-day Bulgaria started to produce golden artifacts by the fifth millennium BC. The first Bulgarian kingdoms on European soil date back to the early Middle Ages (VIIth century). All Bulgarian political entities that subsequently emerged preserved the traditions (in ethnic name, language and alphabet) of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/681 – 1018), which at times covered most of the Balkans and spread its alphabet, literature and culture among the Slavic and other peoples of Eastern Europe. Centuries later, with the decline of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185 – 1396/1422), Bulgarian kingdoms came under Ottoman rule for nearly five centuries.
Source: Wikipedia.org (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria)
Situation in Bulgaria in 1419
Bulgaria starts with 2 provinces, Bulgaria and Rumelia. Both produce medium income and are right-religion and right-culture.
Bulgaria has 2 state cultures – Slavonic and Romanian. This gives me a good basement for expansion, as most of Bulgarian neighbours hold provinces with these cultures.
Bulgaria has 2 mayor enemies – Hungary and Byzantium (which is very strong in Interregnum as there are no Ottomans). However these are way too strong for Bulgaria in 1419, so there should be threated as late game challenge (if there will be any late game ^^ ). Minor enemies are Wallachia, Moldovia and later also Bosnia and Ragusa.
Bulgarian monarch isn’t any great, but will be fine for beginning. Only his low diplo rating might be a problem, as I wanna diploannex Serbia ASAP. But we should get another monarch before this happens.
Bulgarian domestic policy sliders are like these:
Being nearly full narrowminded may pose a problem, because Bulgaria already begins in Orthodox techgroup which requires more investment to advance, and this slider even increases the cost of technologies. On the other hand, we get more missionaries and suffer lower war exhaustion.
All Bulgarian technologies begin at 1, so I put all the money in infrastructure.
Goals for this game:
2.Acquire all Slavonic and Romanian provinces.
3.Acquire all Orthodox provincies (mainly those in Greece/Anatolia).
4.In the end, own only Orthodox provincies.
5.Vassalize Byzantium/Hungary (at least one of them).
6.Do not force-annex orthodox countries (about catholic/other religion – it depends on situation).
Political map of Europe in Interregnum 1.07
As the political map in Interregnum is very different from the Vanilla one, I took screens for you so you can understand the situation in Europe well.
Iberian Peninsula:
British Islands:
Baltic Coast:
Eastern Europe:
OK, I think I provided enough information to interest you, so it’s time to play. I'll post a new report tomorow afternoon. Thanks for reading and I hope someone got interested
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