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Nov 22, 2008
Bulgaria 1419-1819

Hi, after lurking in these forums for about a year without posting anything, I decided time came for me to become a part of an AAR community. As I’ve never written an AAR before I hope you will be patient and will give me as much advice as will be needed.

I’ve read quite a lot of them and played quite a bunch EU2 games, but considering the fact I own game for 5 or more years I really didn’t play much. I discovered how great this game is only after founding this forums.

I played mayor countries in most of my games, with a few exceptions (Brittany on Interregnum for example). As I saw here, most of AARs play minor countries and so decided I. I’ll play Bulgaria on Interregnum 1.07.

History of Bulgaria until 1419

The state of Bulgaria has played a significant role in the Balkans in south-eastern Europe for over fourteen centuries. Modern Bulgaria includes parts of the Roman provinces of Moesia, Thrace and Macedonia. Old European culture within the territory of present-day Bulgaria started to produce golden artifacts by the fifth millennium BC. The first Bulgarian kingdoms on European soil date back to the early Middle Ages (VIIth century). All Bulgarian political entities that subsequently emerged preserved the traditions (in ethnic name, language and alphabet) of the First Bulgarian Empire (632/681 – 1018), which at times covered most of the Balkans and spread its alphabet, literature and culture among the Slavic and other peoples of Eastern Europe. Centuries later, with the decline of the Second Bulgarian Empire (1185 – 1396/1422), Bulgarian kingdoms came under Ottoman rule for nearly five centuries.

Source: Wikipedia.org (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria)

Situation in Bulgaria in 1419

Bulgaria starts with 2 provinces, Bulgaria and Rumelia. Both produce medium income and are right-religion and right-culture.


Bulgaria has 2 state cultures – Slavonic and Romanian. This gives me a good basement for expansion, as most of Bulgarian neighbours hold provinces with these cultures.

Bulgaria has 2 mayor enemies – Hungary and Byzantium (which is very strong in Interregnum as there are no Ottomans). However these are way too strong for Bulgaria in 1419, so there should be threated as late game challenge (if there will be any late game ^^ ). Minor enemies are Wallachia, Moldovia and later also Bosnia and Ragusa.

Bulgarian monarch isn’t any great, but will be fine for beginning. Only his low diplo rating might be a problem, as I wanna diploannex Serbia ASAP. But we should get another monarch before this happens.


Bulgarian domestic policy sliders are like these:


Being nearly full narrowminded may pose a problem, because Bulgaria already begins in Orthodox techgroup which requires more investment to advance, and this slider even increases the cost of technologies. On the other hand, we get more missionaries and suffer lower war exhaustion.

All Bulgarian technologies begin at 1, so I put all the money in infrastructure.


Goals for this game:

1.Survive :D
2.Acquire all Slavonic and Romanian provinces.
3.Acquire all Orthodox provincies (mainly those in Greece/Anatolia).
4.In the end, own only Orthodox provincies.
5.Vassalize Byzantium/Hungary (at least one of them).
6.Do not force-annex orthodox countries (about catholic/other religion – it depends on situation).

Political map of Europe in Interregnum 1.07

As the political map in Interregnum is very different from the Vanilla one, I took screens for you so you can understand the situation in Europe well.

Iberian Peninsula:

British Islands:





Baltic Coast:

Eastern Europe:

OK, I think I provided enough information to interest you, so it’s time to play. I'll post a new report tomorow afternoon. Thanks for reading and I hope someone got interested :)
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Nice to see a new Interregnum AAR! :) I've tried Bulgaria once, and it was interesting. If I remember correctly, you will get cores all over the place at the cost of some BB. Let's hope it's worth it - you don't want Hungary or Byzantium knocking on your door too soon. What's the diplomatic situation with Byzantium, by the way? Are they your enemies?
Nice to see a new Interregnum AAR! :) I've tried Bulgaria once, and it was interesting. If I remember correctly, you will get cores all over the place at the cost of some BB. Let's hope it's worth it - you don't want Hungary or Byzantium knocking on your door too soon. What's the diplomatic situation with Byzantium, by the way? Are they your enemies?

Thanks for a feedback, I really appreciate it. I already got those cores, but as u said, Hungary and Byzantium are very nasty enemies. Relations with Byzantium were good at the beginning, like 150+ but considering the fact they have permanent CB on me they will become worse as the time goes. Also event that gives cores on area worses relation with them a bit.

Welcome to the forum and good luck. Can't wait for more.

Thanks for a warm welcome :) I'm gonna post an update now, so you won't have to wait much longer.
Btw. I accidentaly lost all my screenshots I had from like first 50 years of play, so I guess you will have to do without them :(

1419 or the First Steps of Ivan Asen IV.

Bulgaria begins with army of 16k men, which is way too much as Bulgaria can afford to support only 9k men. I dismissed 7k infantry so that we didn’t break the limit. After that, I waited until proposal for royal marriage came from Serbia. I accepted, and as soon as I got a diplomat I sent a personal gift to Serbian king. In June I also accepted to enter royal marriage with Byzantium, I hope that can hold them off for some time. Serbia was vasallized just before the event I was waiting for fired.

It’s a shame I don’t have a screen, but I accidentally pressed F10 instead of F11. Event gave me cores on most of my neighbours and also on Thrace :D I’m not sure if I’m gonna acquire that one one day.

This looked like a nice start, but things changed. Byzantium cancelled military acces and that could mean only one thing. The war came soon after. They attacked in an alliance with Georgia, Kindgdom of Jerusalem and Albania.

Thanks God we got a great leader, Bozidar of Kremna just before war started. His stats 5/5/5 were our only hope. I recruited some more infantry and stayed in capital. Byzantium attacked soon after.

I can’t believe we held them back, my 18k infantry force with 5k cavalary staying in Bulgaria had to fight Byzantian stack of 40k infantry. After crushing Byzantine stack we lost Rumelia, however I used my monarch-leader Ivo Asen V. to take control of Serbian siege in Albania and sent Bozidar with remains of our army into Macedonia and Hellas. We managed to capture these lands just before Byzantium took control of our capital – Georgia’s peace proposal was a gift from God: they offered 200d for peace and as they were an alliance leader it solved the Byzantine case at least for 5 years.

I accepted and renewed the royal marriage with Byzantium and created a new one with Georgia to prevent future wars. However, this war showed us how powerfull Byzantium is. Before we face them next time, we need to acquire a lot of provinces and improve our technology.

I spent the following years peacefully. We reached infra 2 so I started investing into trade. I placed merchants in Thrace, but couldn’t manage to held there more than 2 for longer time. Payed back loan I was forced to take during the war with Byza. Then I waited for expiration of alliance between Wallachia and Moldova. I invited Moldova right after it expired and declared war on Wallachia. Used my monarch with 1000 cavalary to take control of siege in Wallachia and sent Bozidar to siege Dobroduja.

After few months we captured both provincies and I asked for Dobroduja, vassalization and some cash for alliance. Wallachia accepted.

This is where I'll stop, I'll hopefully post new update later evening. Many things happened, both good and bad, but you'll see :)
Btw. I accidentaly lost all my screenshots I had from like first 50 years of play, so I guess you will have to do without them :(

It’s a shame I don’t have a screen, but I accidentally pressed F10 instead of F11. Event gave me cores on most of my neighbours and also on Thrace :D I’m not sure if I’m gonna acquire that one one day.

Miss Click is always around in Eu world.
Nice going. Don't let us rush you into updates. Take your time and enjoy yourself. The rest will follow.
The crushing defeat of the Byzantine alliance will hopefully convince them to focus elsewhere in the future. Having a stronger Balkan alliance for yourself should also help alot.

However I wonder where you could expand now. By the look of things, you must probably go after Byzantium to get some valuable provinces. Or perhaps diploannex some of your vassals. It'll be exciting to see what you will do.

And I agree with Wari Bana; take you time with your updates. No need to stress it. :)
Welcome to the EU2 forum Whiskey_. It's nice to have one more fan of EU2 around, since most of them betrayed the true game and went to the EU3 forum. :mad: hehe

I'll be following your AAR. Good luck expanding, with time you'll certainly be able to defeat the Byzantine Empire. It's an inevitability.
Very good start. Its good to see a new Interregnum AAR come down the line... and even better to see that people are still making new EU2 AARs. :D

Byzantium will be a tough nut to crack in this mod. If you can get some cash together, the best way to deal with them will be the usual Ottoman strategy bringing your navy around into the Bosporus to block them from their European holdings. Though, if you can't afford a big enough navy, you just have to wait and declare on them when their bogged down in a two front war... that is, when they wait for you to declare on them.

Also, just so you know, F11 doesn't work right if an Event box has popped up. In order to be able to take a screenshot of the event, you have to do it the hard way with Print Screen, then pasting into MS Paint.

Good luck. I'm subscribed. :)
Thanks for feedback and posting in my topic, I really appreciate it.

Dreaming about Balkan Empire continues... (1435-1466)

Right after war with Wallachia was finished, I tried to annex Serbia, but they declined. By the way, my second slider move was +1 Aristocracy, so after 2 slider moves we are now full aristocracy, so diplo rating of my monarch is quite good. Problem might be that Serbia built great armies during the war with Wallachia and they don’t want to be annexed by country with much smaller army (me). At least I managed to vassalize Moldovia soon after.

Truce with Byzantium expired 7 years ago, but ever since then they were occupied by wars in Middle East.

I started bribing Wallachia in 1437, the first personal gift improved rellations by 100, which is great. However – we lost Bozidar of Kremna. He was great leader and his services will be missed forever. Honor his memory! Third slider move was +1 Centralization. This should lower our technology cost a bit and increase production. I will keep going towards full centralization. Our military alliance with Serbia and Moldavia expired and was recreated right after.

Next years were again spent peacefully, waiting for opportunity to annex Moldovia, Serbia and Wallachia. I can’t afford many wars, because I can already see Byzantium waiting for my BB to raise. However, my attempts to annex any of them failed.

In 1451 we got a new monarch, Georgi III. I tried to diplo-annex Wallachia again, but they refused and even dared to cancel vassalization we had with them. That made my angry, but Serbia accepted annexation proposal right after. That brought me like 40k army. Just before I dismissed it, Hungary declared war and Bavaria followed.

Hungary was fighting at many places at time, so we managed to cover Bosnia and 4 Hungarian provincies. Our sieges weren’t disrupted by Hungarian army and we soon managed to get like 30% warcsore. When Hungary offered Banat (which is my core , but wrong religion / culture) and 240 gold for us we accepted. However, we weren’t so succesfull against Bavaria, they laid sieges in Dobroduja and Rumelia and captured both provincies.

After clearing them out and reconquering our lands, I started to regain trade and think about solving Wallachian question once for all. I also started conversion in Banat, although the chance was only 22% as our monarch is lame in administrative things.

I started war with Wallachia soon after and I let Moldovia take control of siege, expecting them to annex Wallachia and take BB hit. But after they conquered Wallachia, they didn’t do anything, that made me upset. Then I realized that they won’t make separate peace, as they are my vassals. We took just money from Wallachia (vassalization wasn’t possible due to the fact it was Moldavia not me who was in control of province. This Wallachia will be dealt with later.

I hope u enjoy my update, I'll post more later on.
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Seems like it paid of getting the DIP bonus, as Serbia was annexed. It wasn't surprising to see Hungary went after you, once you had a common border. You handled to war very good - Hungary is not an opponent you take on lightly. Tough luck with the annexation attempt of Wallachia though. :(

vassalization wasn’t possible due to the fact it was Moldavia not me who was in control of province
If you had made a separate peace with Wallachia, Moldovia would have for sure annexed them. Note that even if you have only +1% in wascore, the minor will usually accept most demands on indemnities you give them, as they don't control anything.
Seems like it paid of getting the DIP bonus, as Serbia was annexed. It wasn't surprising to see Hungary went after you, once you had a common border. You handled to war very good - Hungary is not an opponent you take on lightly. Tough luck with the annexation attempt of Wallachia though. :(

If you had made a separate peace with Wallachia, Moldovia would have for sure annexed them. Note that even if you have only +1% in wascore, the minor will usually accept most demands on indemnities you give them, as they don't control anything.

Well thanks for advice, I didn't know this. There's always something new to learn in this game. Only sad thing is that I found out about this just now - I already annexed Moldavia and Wallachia still exists, with no-one arround to annex it :rolleyes:
If you had made a separate peace with Wallachia, Moldovia would have for sure annexed them. Note that even if you have only +1% in wascore, the minor will usually accept most demands on indemnities you give them, as they don't control anything.

That wouldn't have worked. I believe he was the alliance leader, isn't that correct? We know what that means.
:D Well, I learned the trick on the forum back probably when I was just a lurker. So, just passing it on.

Also, if you hold down the right mouse button while the 1419 scenario loads, you'll have an independent Gotland with 85,000 men, cores on all of Europe, and Land/Naval Techs 41...

...yeah, so that's crap, but it would make for some nice strange screenshots.
I used the trick early in the Milan SG, by the way. :p

If only I knew...:)

Also, if you hold down the right mouse button while the 1419 scenario loads, you'll have an independent Gotland with 85,000 men, cores on all of Europe, and Land/Naval Techs 41...

...yeah, so that's crap, but it would make for some nice strange screenshots.

You scared me for a moment. ahah
Borders are expanding, old-time enemies are falling down... (1467-1470)

In 1467 everything looked fine, until Hungary attacked again, in alliance with Croatia and Bosnia.



I rushed to Bosnia to cover the province before they could produce any soldiers. Bosnia was fortified with fortification lvl 2 so I had to leave most of my army there. I therefore recruited some more army, to besiege Croatia and fight Croatian army of 20k men who sieged Banat. Hungarians besieged Moldavia’s capital, as Moldavian army was helping me down in Croatia. Bosnia fell soon after, we made separate piece for 150d for alliance.


Thanks God province of Istria revolted and created a Free City of Triest. This occupied Hungarian stack for few months, enough time for me to conquer Croatia. Moldovia had retaken their capital.


However, when I saw Hungarian stack returning, I had to accept their peace offer only for 24d.

I annexed Moldovia just after war was finished, I think it was succesfull thanks to our new monarch with good stats.


I promoted tax collector in both Moldavian provinces and disbanded 50k army they had because I couldn’t afford it. Annexation meant I lost an alliance partner. Byzantium was free to create a new alliance, but our rellations were –200 and I couldn’t afford to bribe them up. Therefore I created alliance with Georgia, hope they will be able to bring some army when I’ll need it. They did so when they fought against me with Byzantium.

OK, thats where I'll stop. I hope you like the fact I finally got to the part from which I have screens so from now on my updates will be filled with screens :)
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