Chief Gahuda carefully studied the pad in front of him. The latest intel on the Republic of Havensky. Not much of a report, really. It had been too little time since they got their first real asset within the alien republic.
He sighed.
He really wanted to be friends with the Havensky republic. His beloved Roccan Resistance had not been independent of the MSI for long, having fought them off not too long ago, all considered. He had no need for war.
But it seemed like it might come anyways. Just a week ago, the Havensky had claimed a border system. Roccan system. It did not bode well.

The Republic of Havensky is led by these charming beings.
Gahuda scratched his beak.
He had ordered a major buildup of the Roccan forces. Soon he would command two navies of Roccan ships, comprised of a majority of frigates, with some corvettes. They were strong. But were they strong enough to counter the Havensky armadas? He knew nothing of their strength. It might be half of Roccan’s. Or twice. There were no way to know for sure. The chances were they were equal, but chances were a bad thing to stake your future on.
He leaned back.
He commanded three planets. It seemed the Havensky republic had eight. There were few suitable planets around. If he were to strike, he better do it soon. Or not at all. He had tried to butter them up. Sent his best man to improve relations. The Havensky did everything to damage them.
And now this. A claim. A sure sign war was coming.
He had two navies, one full strength, one half, being built up. One shipyard. No way to know for sure how many the enemy had. It was a gamble, but it might be needed to be done.
His gaze moved. The Panurian Raiders. On his borders, in the opposite direction. Close to all his home planets. At least the economy was booming. He could afford to pay them off. Which he had just done. The border was secure.

Panurian Raiders territory.
And then it was the MSI and their debt collectors. He dared not refuse. But 5000 credits every 15 years and a payment plan of over 29 thousand years? At some point, that would have to end.
But not today. Today, they paid.
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