Hello. I've noticed a certain thing in Polish dynamic province names that's been bugging me. Some provinces, when owned by a Polish nation, contain letter "ó" in their names (the only Polish letter supported in EUIV) while the others don't, even though they should. And so we have Kijów, Charków, Królewiec and Czernichów but we also have Krakow, Tarnow, Rowne and Ostroda etc. I've allowed myself to edit the polish.txt file and fix those province names. I've also added dynamic province names for Riga (Ryga) and Narva (Narwa). I attached the fixed polish.txt file to this post. I also have a suggestion regarding a certain province called Ingermanland (ID 34). Its name come from Swedish even though it's held by Russians most of the time. My suggestion is to change its default name to its Russian equivalent: Ingria and add Ingermanland to the list of the Swedish dynamic province names.
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