First off I want to say that I love AGOT mod. However, for my own personal use I wanted to edit/replace several of the coat of arms flags for the Kingdom of Ibben, particularly the squirrel coat of arms (No Offense To Whoever Originally Created This LOL). So, I deleted the particular flags (e.g. k_ibben flag) and copied over the ones I wanted to replace them with (e.g. c_saltcliffe) and renamed them so that they would replace the ones I deleted (e.g. c_saltcliffe 2 [copy] to k_ibben), but when I started up the game the old coat of arms flags were there, including the squirrel.... Could anybody help me with this???? Also, please try to explain it simply to me....I have not modded much in the past other than creating cultures, buildings, and editing holdings.... Thanks in advance to anyone who responds.....