So as the title may suggest, I'm looking for a way to end Winter. A little backstory may help here. I began as Lord Reaver Greyjoy in the War of Conquest bookmark. The Hoare's were beaten easily enough by Aegon and his sisters, so while Aegon was busy taking on the Westerlands and Dorne, I overthrew the Hoare's and made myself the lord of the Iron Isles. Flash forward about 30 years and my son is ruling as Lord Paramount and all is not well on the continent. Aegon's nearing 50 years and he just sent is only child to The Wall as a result of a failed revolt for the Iron Throne. His new heir is Orys Baratheon, whom I'm guessing won't last long if he inherits the throne. I'm foreseeing a fairly brutal succession war happening if Orys becomes king. This brings me to the main point of this thread, Winter. If there's going to be a succession war happening in the near future, I want to be ready as full strength, and winter has been here for the better part of 25 years. As it stands now, Pyke has recently upgraded to Normal Winter, stalling much needed upgrades to the holdings of the Iron Isles. I can raise around 30K troops as of now, which I don't think is going to make a huge difference if the war I think will happen. If I end up on the wrong side of Casterly Rock or Highgarden, I think I'm screwed. Not only can they raise much more soldiers than I, but they usually have the more superior commanders. I've tried using "event seasons.3" a few times for force an end to winter, but it doesn't appear to kickstart the receding of winter for the counties. If it were any other scenario, I'd be more than happy to wait it out, but as it stands, I need the troops the winter conditions are taking away from me. I also checked the map and the Others haven't arrived to lay waste to everything so this just appears to be a very long winter right when the game begins. Is there any other events I can console in to remove winter from my holdings or force the end of winter so the modifiers will be removed eventually?