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2 Badges
Jul 19, 2012
  • Crusader Kings II
  • 500k Club
For some reason I don't understand my king initiated an unsolicited pilgrimage to nowhere that is lasting for three years now. I need to edit the save to remove it manually. Can someone please tell me what part of the save should I look for? I didn't find it in the wiki. :(
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For some reason I don't understand my king initiated an unsolicited pilgrimage to nowhere that is lasting for three years now. I need to edit the save to remove it manually. Can someone please tell me what part of the save should I look for? I didn't find it in the wiki. :(
If you don't get an answer here in the bug forum, go ahead and feel free to ask again in the modding subforum, but be specific that you're asking about about save-game file scrubbing.
It used to be possible to fix this by converting to Islam(*), going on hajj, and then converting back to your original religion. However, after looking at the code, I don't see how this can work - maybe it was patched? You could back up your save and try it, I suppose.

Are you in ironman? If not, you can use debug_mode and/or charinfo to show the flags on your character. Then you can use clr_char_flag to remove the stuck flags. The usual culprit is "do_not_disturb"; the other common ones are contained in the "is_inaccessible_trigger":

is_inaccessible_trigger = { #Remember to write this "is_inaccessible_trigger = no" when scripting, or the tooltip will be messed up (it reads "Is NOT in Hiding, in Seclusion, or out traveling")
    custom_tooltip = {
        text = is_inaccessible_tooltip
        hidden_tooltip = {
            OR = {
                has_character_flag = flag_holding_great_tribal_festival
                trait = in_hiding
                trait = on_hajj
                trait = on_pilgrimage
                trait = on_indian_pilgrimage
                trait = kow_tow_travels
                trait = travelling
                trait = troubled_pregnancy
                trait = pregnancy_finishing
                has_character_modifier = mother_minor_rest
                has_character_modifier = in_seclusion
                has_character_modifier = in_meditation
                has_character_modifier = doing_penance
                has_character_modifier = out_traveling

If you are in ironman, you can't use the console, so you'll need to unzip your save and remove these flags from your character manually. (Back up your save first!) If your character has a fairly unique first or last name, you can search for it directly. Otherwise, you can try to find it by looking for one of your currently-held titles, eg. e_francia. Bear in mind that the save file also contains the full title and character history of the whole world, so you'll want to search for some rare attribute of your character to avoid getting too many "hits".

(*) The easiest method is secret conversion from a spouse/friend/concubine, followed by personally adopting the faith. If you're already married, you'll need to replace your wife. You can convert back the same way, or use the right-click interaction to convert to your capital province's religion.
  • 1
It used to be possible to fix this by converting to Islam(*), going on hajj, and then converting back to your original religion. However, after looking at the code, I don't see how this can work - maybe it was patched? You could back up your save and try it, I suppose.

Are you in ironman? If not, you can use debug_mode and/or charinfo to show the flags on your character. Then you can use clr_char_flag to remove the stuck flags. The usual culprit is "do_not_disturb"; the other common ones are contained in the "is_inaccessible_trigger":

is_inaccessible_trigger = { #Remember to write this "is_inaccessible_trigger = no" when scripting, or the tooltip will be messed up (it reads "Is NOT in Hiding, in Seclusion, or out traveling")
    custom_tooltip = {
        text = is_inaccessible_tooltip
        hidden_tooltip = {
            OR = {
                has_character_flag = flag_holding_great_tribal_festival
                trait = in_hiding
                trait = on_hajj
                trait = on_pilgrimage
                trait = on_indian_pilgrimage
                trait = kow_tow_travels
                trait = travelling
                trait = troubled_pregnancy
                trait = pregnancy_finishing
                has_character_modifier = mother_minor_rest
                has_character_modifier = in_seclusion
                has_character_modifier = in_meditation
                has_character_modifier = doing_penance
                has_character_modifier = out_traveling

If you are in ironman, you can't use the console, so you'll need to unzip your save and remove these flags from your character manually. (Back up your save first!) If your character has a fairly unique first or last name, you can search for it directly. Otherwise, you can try to find it by looking for one of your currently-held titles, eg. e_francia. Bear in mind that the save file also contains the full title and character history of the whole world, so you'll want to search for some rare attribute of your character to avoid getting too many "hits".

(*) The easiest method is secret conversion from a spouse/friend/concubine, followed by personally adopting the faith. If you're already married, you'll need to replace your wife. You can convert back the same way, or use the right-click interaction to convert to your capital province's religion.