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Second Lieutenant
Nov 12, 2023


I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




Error: add_courtier effect


Error: add_courtier effect [ Trying to put character in the court they're already in ]
Script location: file: events/dlc/bp2/bp2_yearly_1_events.txt; bp2_yearly_1055_martial_effect line: 18
file: events/dlc/bp2/bp2_yearly_1_events.txt line: 4947

Steps to reproduce​

click person

Game Version​




Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Crashes

Save Game​

Other Attachments​

Upvote 0
[10:28:06][jomini_effect_localization.cpp:163]: Tried to show non-existent past tense localization, showing 'EDUCATE_CHILD_OPTION_CONVERT_FAITH_EFFECT'
[10:30:20][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: change_cultural_acceptance effect [ Trying to set acceptance with self ]
Script location: file: common/scripted_effects; give_worldly_type_reward_effect line: 186
file: common/activities/activity_types/pilgrimage.txt line: 1684
file: common/scripted_effects; pilgrimage_completed_log_entry_effect line: 27
file: common/scripted_effects; give_pilgrimage_reward_effect line: 12

[10:36:03][characterlocationdata.cpp:142]: Removing travel plan from the character BoR_ivoj Přemyslid of (Internal ID: 9098 - Historical ID 500) owner when the travel plan is not ending normally.
[10:36:08][pdx_gui_widget.cpp:2095]: gui/window_combat.gui:2251 - Property 'direction'(77) not handled

[10:36:08][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1470]: gui/window_combat.gui:2235 - Error setting properties for '' (widget)

[10:36:08][pdx_gui_widget.cpp:2095]: gui/window_combat.gui:2251 - Property 'direction'(77) not handled

[10:36:08][pdx_gui_factory.cpp:1470]: gui/window_combat.gui:2235 - Error setting properties for '' (widget)

[10:37:42][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: reverse_add_opinion effect [ target character is dead during effect execution ]
Script location: file: events/scheme_events/seduce_scheme/seduce_ongoing_events.txt line: 7158

[10:37:42][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: add_opinion effect [ target character is dead during effect execution ]
Script location: file: events/scheme_events/seduce_scheme/seduce_ongoing_events.txt line: 7163

[10:37:45][characterlocationdata.cpp:142]: Removing travel plan from the character Kudym-Osh Ishimir of (Internal ID: 8232 - Historical ID 302545) owner when the travel plan is not ending normally.
[10:38:01][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: set_relation_ward effect [ Scripted relation already exists ]
Script location: file: common/scripted_effects; ward_depart_effect line: 47
file: events/interaction_events/character_interaction_events.txt line: 401
file: common/scripted_effects; educate_child_interaction_effect line: 5

[10:41:31][characterlocationdata.cpp:142]: Removing travel plan from the character Kaysan Lowborn of (Internal ID 37613) owner when the travel plan is not ending normally.
[10:46:49][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_city in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 206

[10:48:13][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_castle in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 186

[10:49:23][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_castle in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 186

[10:49:41][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_castle in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 186

[10:49:53][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_city in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 206

[10:50:15][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_castle in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 186

[10:50:26][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_new_building_in_castle in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/province_on_actions.txt line: 186

[10:50:26][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: activate_struggle_catalyst effect [ There is no catalyst with id: catalyst_gain_claim_on_title_fp2 in from current phase struggle_iberia_phase_opportunity to any other phase:
Script location: file: common/on_action/title_on_actions.txt line: 745

[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1413]: Could not find data system function 'Pious'
[10:51:59][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'Pious'
[10:52:03][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: liege trigger [ Failed context switch ]
Script location: file: events/court_events/court_events_general.txt line: 13751

[10:57:09][characterlocationdata.cpp:142]: Removing travel plan from the character Abraam Tulunid of (Internal ID 42283) owner when the travel plan is not ending normally.
[10:58:13][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: add_courtier effect [ Trying to put character in the court they're already in ]
Script location: file: events/dlc/bp2/bp2_yearly_1_events.txt; bp2_yearly_1055_martial_effect line: 18
file: events/dlc/bp2/bp2_yearly_1_events.txt line: 4947

[11:03:14][characterlocationdata.cpp:142]: Removing travel plan from the character Gulnaz Attab of (Internal ID 16788429) owner when the travel plan is not ending normally.
[11:03:33][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: every_entourage_character effect [ Scoped object is not valid. Type: 's journey to weak (Travel_plan - 4294967295)! ]
Script location: file: events/activities/feast_activity/murder_feast_events.txt line: 290

[11:05:14][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: add_opinion effect [ Laurence Hanaya of d_eastern_desert (Internal ID 30580) is trying to add an opinion of themself ]
Script location: file: common/character_interactions/00_marriage_interactions.txt line: 2448

[11:10:11][audio2_fmod.cpp:622]: PdxAudio2: couldn't get event info '' (The requested event, parameter, bus or vca could not be found.).
[11:10:19][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: exists trigger [ Scoped object of type 'character' is not valid (null weak (Character - 4294967295)!) ]
Script location: file: common/script_values/00_diarchy_values.txt line: 697
file: events/dlc/bp2/bp2_yearly_0_5.txt line: 2401

[11:12:12][characterlocationdata.cpp:142]: Removing travel plan from the character Darras Banu Danis of (Internal ID: 9641 - Historical ID danis0013) owner when the travel plan is not ending normally.
[11:12:25][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1417]: Could not find data system function 'GetBaseNameNoTooltip' in 'first.GetBaseNameNoTooltip'.
[11:12:25][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'first.GetBaseNameNoTooltip'
[11:14:26][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1417]: Could not find data system function 'GetBaseNameNoTooltip' in 'first.GetBaseNameNoTooltip'.
[11:14:26][pdx_data_factory.cpp:1032]: Failed converting statement for 'first.GetBaseNameNoTooltip'
[11:14:31][jomini_script_system.cpp:276]: Script system error!
Error: cancel_travel_plan effect [ Cannot cancel travel plan, you are hosting the activity. ]
Script location: file: events/activities/activity_system_events.txt line: 571
file: common/on_action/war_on_actions.txt line: 525