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74 Badges
Feb 10, 2016
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I've been playing an Andal count under Pentos right now and it strikes me as very odd that I have the option to send people to the Night's Watch. I mean, the Watch, lorewise, is a Westerosi thing, not a cultural or religious one. It was there when the First Men ruled Westeros and the invading Andals have adopted the land's custom to send their exiles there.
So, why should the Andals from Essos have the option to do so? Mechanics wise, what is that option tied to? I imagine it has something to do with either being in the Andal culture group or being Faith of the Seven. However, the Targs have the option to send people to the Watch if they rule Westeros. Shouldn't it be linked somehow to be located within de jure Westeros and/or being a Vassal of the Iron Throne?
It is nothing serious really, just a little immersion breaking. What i have been doing is just using the regular exile option plus a disinherit cheat for particularly criminal family members.
  • 6
Are there any plans to make Old Andals unique? They could perhaps have some other variant of the Faith of the Seven, without High Septon and so on (more like Orthodoxy?).
  • 4
Are there any plans to make Old Andals unique? They could perhaps have some other variant of the Faith of the Seven, without High Septon and so on (more like Orthodoxy?).

Seconding this. The World of Ice and Fire book hints that the original Faith of the Seven the Andals brought with them was a lot more "tribal" and less organized than the formal hierarchy in place in Westeros now, and I'd bet there's been quite a bit of divergence between the two over the centuries.
  • 4
To be honest, the current Essosi Andals seem more like an Easter Egg than anything else. There's no evidence of them actually existing and the current Andalos should probably be ruined rather than inhabited by Andals (see Illyrio's travels through Andalos with Tyrion). It's just seems like a nice thing to have around to include the option to recreate the kingdom of Andalos, or perhaps reinvade Westeros.

Apart from that, yes the Andals should probably have a separate religion in which they can carve seven pointed stars into their skin and burn and slaughter non believers. Something most Westerosi would consider barbaric.
  • 4
In a more generic suggestion I always thought the Andals' Faith of the Seven could be represented mechanically as a "popeless" heresy of the westerosi faith. I don't think we have enough canon information about it to propose characteristics that go beyond that. Only the location of the holy sites would have to drastically change, since the westerosi ones probably should be replaced for essosi ones. Apart from Father's Hill, obviously, I thought of counties located in The Axe (where they are supposed to have originated), Lorath (because of Qarloth the Great) and Norvos (which is theorized to have been founded by Andals).
  • 1
To be honest, the current Essosi Andals seem more like an Easter Egg than anything else. There's no evidence of them actually existing and the current Andalos should probably be ruined rather than inhabited by Andals (see Illyrio's travels through Andalos with Tyrion). It's just seems like a nice thing to have around to include the option to recreate the kingdom of Andalos, or perhaps reinvade Westeros.

Apart from that, yes the Andals should probably have a separate religion in which they can carve seven pointed stars into their skin and burn and slaughter non believers. Something most Westerosi would consider barbaric.

In my head, when I play the Andal counts, I always think of them more as backwater impoverished nobles than savages. Especially since the latest version where they are vassals of Pentos and should have been such at least since the Century of Blood.
  • 2