Getting a decent V2 game out of a converted EU4 save would likely be challenging. Remember that the entire balance of V2 revolves around the concept of great powers. The average EU3 game tended to end with the player so powerful that no one could compete with him/her. So where would that leave you in V2? Your country as a massive invincible empire and 7 other GPs who can't touch you. That might make for a boring game, IMO.
CK2 suffers from similar issues, but at least even a blobber will have East Asia and North America to conquer, right?
Nah, it's not possible. How do you determine POPs sizes, ideologies, issues etc.
Getting a decent V2 game out of a converted EU4 save would likely be challenging. Remember that the entire balance of V2 revolves around the concept of great powers. The average EU3 game tended to end with the player so powerful that no one could compete with him/her. So where would that leave you in V2? Your country as a massive invincible empire and 7 other GPs who can't touch you. That might make for a boring game, IMO.
CK2 suffers from similar issues, but at least even a blobber will have East Asia and North America to conquer, right?
You could arbitrarily assign those things based on population sizes, sliders, your economy, etc. Going from CK2 to EU4 seems to have way more challenges than that. I mean, CK2 is a game where every province is a separate tag. What if I finish my CK2 game as a independent count of Middlesex? Do I automatically get annexed to the King of England in the conversion? Most likely!
You cannot arbitrarily assign POP sizes and politics into a game of V2 and hope to have it as anything other than a complete disaster. It's the essence of the game. I assume in a CK>EU game, you would simply take over as sovereign of whatever country you were part of.
Ideologies arent even set in the game files. So the only things would be ruling parties at the start, which doesn't matter too much. Pop sizes would be the problem, but I bet they can find a way. There already is a fan made converter EU3-Vic2 that I have heard works pretty well.
Yeah, they aren't set but the game is balanced so things proceed reasonably realistically. In a totally randomised POP setup, who knows what would happen.
Are you talking about how the different pop setup would effect the ideologies? I think the only problem would be more development like our time line, but overall I doubt it would matter that much.
What I mean is if the POPs were created randomly, you could have 700 million ultra liberal pops living in a tiny backwater or something. You cannot randomise something like a POP setup and expect it to be anything but a disaster.
Well there wouldn't be 700 million pops there. And also, I'm pretty sure all pops start out with an even amount liberal, conservative, and reactionary, and then change according to the ideology files.
How wouldn't there? It's random.
How wouldn't there? It's random.