Here is the guts of the event:
Bow, I am playing Bavaria.
It is 1452.
I own Cantabria (431), Asturias (432) , Leon (435), Galicia (433) and Aragon (not that it matters).
Navarra owns Navarra (428) and Languedoc owns Gerona (427).
I am not at war.
The save game file indicates that event 881803 has not fired and has not been slept. A check of the Events folder indicates that no event can sleep event 881803.
The save game file records Bavaria as having the flag crusade_minor = yes
But the event doesn't happen. It ought to happen pretty quickly with an offset of 30. But nothing happens in years of waiting.
Any ideas?
event = {
id = 881803
trigger = {
flag = crusade_minor
NOT = { owned = { province = 431 data = CRD }} #Galicia
NOT = { owned = { province = 432 data = CRD }} #Asturias
NOT = { owned = { province = 433 data = CRD }} #Cantabria
NOT = { owned = { province = 435 data = CRD }} #Leon
NOT = { owned = { province = 428 data = CRD }} #Navarra
NOT = { owned = { province = 427 data = CRD }} #Gerona
NOT = { owned = { province = 431 data = MOR }} #Galicia
NOT = { owned = { province = 432 data = MOR }} #Asturias
NOT = { owned = { province = 433 data = MOR }} #Cantabria
NOT = { owned = { province = 435 data = MOR }} #Leon
NOT = { owned = { province = 428 data = MOR }} #Navarra
NOT = { owned = { province = 427 data = MOR }} #Gerona
NOT = { war = { country = BAY country = CRD }}
random = no
country = BAY
name = "Iberia for Christendom!"
desc = "Doesn't matter"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1447 }
offset = 30
date = { day = 1 month = december year = 1488 }
Bow, I am playing Bavaria.
It is 1452.
I own Cantabria (431), Asturias (432) , Leon (435), Galicia (433) and Aragon (not that it matters).
Navarra owns Navarra (428) and Languedoc owns Gerona (427).
I am not at war.
The save game file indicates that event 881803 has not fired and has not been slept. A check of the Events folder indicates that no event can sleep event 881803.
The save game file records Bavaria as having the flag crusade_minor = yes
But the event doesn't happen. It ought to happen pretty quickly with an offset of 30. But nothing happens in years of waiting.
Any ideas?