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Field Marshal
Sep 26, 2003
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Some events on similar lines to MattyG's for Wessex.
The Grand Duchy of York - parallel to the Principality of Wessex:
#  York Becomes a Grand Duchy  #

event = {
	id = 406110
	trigger = {
		owned = { province = 240 data = -1 }#Northumberland
		owned = { province = 244 data = -1 }#Midlands
		countrysize = 5
		atwar = no
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "The Grand Duchy"
	desc = "Once upon a time the Percy family were one of many nobles vying for dominance in England and kept in the shadow of Scotland.
That is no longer the case: York is henceforth a Grand Duchy, clearly one of the principal powers on the Island of Britain, no longer under any foreign suzerain."

		action_a = {
		name = "Excellent"
		command = { type = badboy value = 1 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = vp value = 100 }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = SCO }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = EIR }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = BRI }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = HSA }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = NOR }
The English crown - as above, but with a proviso that Wessex hasn't already had the event. It's unlikely, but possible, that one country could claim to be England, the other could revolt away and annex its former rulers and then have them revolt away - this could lead to Malborough or Wellesley fighting himself. ;)
#  York Claims England  #

event = {
	id = 406112
	trigger = {
		event = 406111
		owned = { province = 247 data = -1 }
		owned = { province = 249 data = -1 }
		stability = 1
		atwar = no
		NOT = {
			vassal = { country = SCO country = YOR }
			exists = PUR
			event = 405010 #Wessex already has made the claim
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "The Resurrection of England"
	desc = "After too long in the shadow of Scotland, The Grand Dukes of York have taken London while crushing their rivals in the West Country and are close to achieving that goal that their ancestors first set out to achieve: the Kingship of England.
Of course, it would certainly cause consternation to our Celtic neighbours if such a claim were to be made.
My Lord, shall we therefore claim once again the Crown of England? The people and nobles are tired of being ruled by Bretons, Germans and Scots."

	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1450 }
	offset = 90

	action_a = { 
		name = "Northerners We Are and Northerners We Shall Remain."
		command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 120 } 
		command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 120 } 
		command = { type = MIL which = -2 value = 120 }
		command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
		command = { type = relation which = SCO value = 150 }
	action_b = {
		name = "To Westminster to Receive the Crown of England!"
		command = { type = addcore which = 240 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 250 }#Is this already a core?
		command = { type = badboy value = 4 }
		command = { type = relation which = HSA value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = BRI value = -200 }
		command = { type = relation which = EIR value = -200 }
		command = { type = relation which = SCO value = -200 }
		command = { type = MIL which = 2 value = 60 } 
		command = { type = DIP which = -2 value = 60 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 60 }
	#Won't we need York versions of these with different IDs?
		#command = { type = wakeleader which = 34961 } # Malborough
		#command = { type = wakeleader which = 34966 } # Wellesley
		#command = { type = wakeleader which = 34976 } # Nelson
This event will probably trigger Scottish annexation of York if they haven't already managed it by 1670. The B choice will make Scotland angry instead - I'd suggest a 2 choice event triggered for them: either go to war for it (immediate WAR or a CB, plus added cores?) or accept Elizabeth and re-vassalise. If they go for war, I think Scotland should get a "Sultan becomes Khalifa" type immediate annexation if they capture Yorkshire.
#  The Last of the Percies - Scottish Claims  #

event = {
	id = 406112
	trigger = {
		vassal = { country = SCO country = YOR }
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "The Last of the Percies"
	desc = "The last male heir of the Percy family who have ruled the North of England as Earls of Northumberland and Dukes of York has died, leaving only a daughter, Elizabeth. Title to all the Duchy's lands is being claimed by the Scottish crown."
	date = { day = 20 month = May year = 1670 }
		action_a = {
		name = "Accept Union with Scotland."
		command = { ###trigger a Scottish event to annex YOR ### }
		action_b = {
		name = "Long live the Grand Duchess!"
		command = { ###trigger a different Scottish event ### }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = SCO }
		command = { type = relation which = SCO value = -200 }
Solid Start,

However, we can't have both players receiving the BIG 3. These leaders should only be woken by the "We Won the Tussle for England" event, which ccan only happen for York or Wessex, never both.

Now, where to from here?

There need to be events for York breaking the vassalage with Scotland, overcoming Scotland and eventually getting Scottish culture if its capital stayed in the North. (Yes, probably a player-only event!)

Other ideas?
Other possible events could be some sort of Protestant/Catholic bother, similar perhaps to the Pilgrimage of Grace, and Duke Algernon, since historically he helped Cromwell create the New Model Army, could be responsible for some military reforms worth land and naval tech investment and a slider shift.
The first one, a historical event remodelled for Abe history:
# The Pilgrimage of Grace #

event = {
	id = 406113
	trigger = {
		OR = { 
		relgion = protestant 
		religion = reformed }
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "The Pilgrimage of Grace"
	desc = "The religious policies of the Protestant rulers are proving unpopular in many districts and the people are gathering in mobs demanding that their voices be heard in this matter.
They insist that they grievances are purely religious and do not challenge ducal authority, but how should we respond?"
	date = { day = 1 month = January year = 1530 }
	offset = 90
	deathdate = { day = 30 month = December year = 1544
		action_a = {
		name = "Dismiss the complaints of these troublemakers"
		command = { stability = -2 }
		command = { domestic which = centralization value = 1 }
		command = { type = religiousrevolt which = -1 }
		action_b = {
		name = "Make some concessions"
		command = { stability = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = -50 }
		command = { type = domestic which = centralization value = -1 }
		action_c = {
		name = "Return to the old faith"
		command = { type = religion which = catholic }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = 150 }
		command = { domestic which = centralization value = -2 }
		command = { domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
		command = { domestic which = serfdom value = -1 }

The military one. It might be interesting if the inheritance event fires for Scotland not long afterwards, they might get an event of their own to reform the Scottish army along the same lines - in this case the A option should set a flag as well:
# The Great Military Reorganisation #

event = {
	id = 406114
	trigger = {
	monarch = xxxx #Algernon
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "The Great Military Reorganisation"
	desc = "We are fortunate enough to have at the head of our realm a man with a flair for all things military whose ambitious proposals would begin a thorough reform of both the army and the navy. Shall we proceed?"
	offset = 300
		action_a = {
		name = "Press ahead with the reforms"
		command = { type = treasury value = -200 }
		command = { type = land value = 1000 }
		command = { type = naval value = 1000 }
		command = { type = domestic which = quality value = 1 }
		command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = 1 }
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = -2 value = 1 }
		command = { type = provincemanpower which = -1 value = 1 }
		action_b = {
		name = "Minimal reforms to save on expense"
		command = { type = treasury value = -25 }
		command = { type = land value = 500 }
		command = { type = naval value = 500 }
The Impaler said:
I note that claiming the Crown of England doesn't make either Wessex or York become England... is this intentional? Has ENG been used for some other country?

England has not been used for another country, and even if it had been we could simply use a different tag and switch the reference for the flags and shields etc.

It simply seemed to Dr Bob and I that bringing back England wasn't necessary. Portugal is back as a bit player, maybe. France's destruction was recent and its possible reformation forms a principal part of the Gallic storyline line the first 150 years. But that's really it for the old majors, and I'd rather keep it that way. So, while York and Wessex can both effectively become England, let's let them do it as themselves. I like the flavour of it, and the justification could be that, while the Percies can always stake the main claim to York, they cannot do so for the title of King of England, which could be claimed by another family. Easier for them (and likewise Wessex) to not take on that flag, scare its neighbours and set themselves up for a pretender.
The Impaler said:
Other possible events could be some sort of Protestant/Catholic bother, similar perhaps to the Pilgrimage of Grace, and Duke Algernon, since historically he helped Cromwell create the New Model Army, could be responsible for some military reforms worth land and naval tech investment and a slider shift.

Very nice.

The first event "Grace" needs to have the events which can lead to York becomming Reformed or Protestant also written, but I like the feel of this. I think that if concessions are made, it should ensure that one of York's non-capital provinces goes back to Catholic, or else gives an increase to Innovative.

We could have one of two events firing; if YOR is still a Scottish vassal, then John Knox & co. will spread Protestantism from Scotland and the conversion will be to Reformed. If vassalage has been broken, then there could be a conversion to Protestant (or not) for some other reason.
...and I just noticed serious misnumbering in those events. :eek:o York Claims England should be 406111, not 406112 and its trigger should be 406110 and not 406111.
Here's a possible relgious conversion event:
event = {
	id = 406115
	trigger = {
		#a Scottish event or flag set#
		vassal = { country = SCO country = YOR }
		religion = catholic
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "The Spread of Calvinism"
	desc = "The conversion of Scotland through the teachings of John Knox and others is naturally having an effect in our own country as well. Although the Percy family is traditionally strongly Catholic, both internal and external pressure to reform the church along the same lines as our Scottish overlords is growing and a decision needs to be made."
	offset = 600
		action_a = {
		name = "Follow the example of the Scots."
		command = { type = religion which = reformed }
		command = { type = conversion which = -2 }
		command = { type = stability value = -6 }
		command = { type = relation which = SCO value = 50 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -100 }
		action_b = {
		name = "Follow a middle course."
		command = { type = religion which = protestant }
		command = { type = conversion which = -2 }
		command = { type = stability value = -3 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -100 }
		action_c = {
		name = "Stay with the faith of our fathers"
		command = { type = heretic which = -1 }
		command = { type = breakvassal which = SCO }
		command = { type = relation which = SCO value = -200 }
Last edited:
I also got Henry II mixed up with his father. Reduce his military by 2 or 3 and forget about him being a leader. Sorry. :eek:o
Here's an alternative conversion event, based on a bit more Percy family history:
event = {
	id = 406116
	trigger = {
		NOT = { vassal = { country = SCO country = YOR } }
		religion = catholic
	random = no
	country = YOR
	name = "Henry VI and the Protestants"
	desc = "While still young, Henry VI was refused permission by his father, Duke Henry V, to marry the woman to whom he was betrothed. He has since been in a loveless marriage to Lady Mary Talbot. He would like to divorce her but the Pope would never allow it.
However, many of our German neighbours are breaking with Rome, instead creating churches following the teachings of Luther or Zwingli... Duke Henry is contemplating following their example."
	date = { day = 1 month = March year = 1528 } 
	offset = 300
	deathdate = { day = 1 month = January year = 1536 }
		action_a = {
		name = "Break with the Pope. Convert to Protestantism."
		command = { type = religion which = protestant }
		command = { type = conversion which = -2 }
		command = { type = conversion which = -1 }
		command = { type = stability value = -3 }
		command = { type = relation which = PAP value = -100 }
		action_b = {
		name = "We must stay faithful Catholics."
		command = { type = heretic which = -1 }
		command = { type = MIL which = -1 value = 36 } 
		command = { type = DIP which = -1 value = 36 }
		command = { type = ADM which = -1 value = 36 }