I have verifed my game files (Steam only)
YesI have disabled all mods
YesI am running the latest game update
Family keep dying from plagues that hit our former capital.Description
After completing the New Troy legend, I left my original kingdom in England and conquered another using the adventure casus belli it gave me. A few months later I lost several family members and courtiers to measles, despite having no outbreak in my realm. There was one in my old capital at Dorset. A few years afterwards, I lost a lover and another child to consumption in the same circumstances. Checking some of the surviving courtiers that were with me before the move, I find they are still being shown as located in Dorset rather than in either the new capital the adventure automatically gave me, or to the one I had moved to later.I don't know if it is related, but after the adventure I tried to clear ground for the legendary statue I had the option of building and the only place it would let me build it was back in Dorset, a county I no longer held.
Steps to reproduce
Adventure to another kingdom, then use the go to your location button to see where the game thinks your children and courtiers are.Game Version
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
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View attachment King_Alfred_of_Nova_Troy_893_01_28.ck3Other Attachments
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