I would like to thank Backfire (who is no longer active here) for starting this thread back in 2004!
There is plenty to say about how much impact the "fans" have in this writing forum. Like with any written medium -- it wouldn't exist if no one read it!
And, more to the point, on an unpaid forum, no writer knows they're being read unless fans pop up to encourage, cajole, provide constructive criticism, rave, ask questions, etc. Readers make this forum run! And our favorite readers are the fans who post in the AARs.
This is our own corner devoted to pointing out and honoring those deserving fans who we, as writers (or as fans -- takes one to know one!), appreciate!
One thing I will suggest as a thread tradition is for the winners to tell us about a particular AAR they find most interesting as a fan -- one that often prompts them to comment. Or more than one, for that matter... Fans are usually all over. Here's your chance to showcase some of your favorites, if you like.
...and, naturally, the tradition has always been for the winner of the award each week to pick his/her successor at the end of his week! Someone who has made a difference as a fan in your own AARs, or in general as a fan in the Forum.
There is a proud heritage in the Paradox writing forum (ref: above in 2004 when Backfire started this). It would be a shame to lose track of all those previously honored fans, so all the previous material is recorded on the old thread, here:
* * The Old Fan of the Week Thread - Archive * *
Bridging out into a new thread is in no way meant to lose touch with the old thread. It's the only way we could take advantage of Catknight's work in accumulating an index of winners, which I will now keep up. Backfire has left the forum, so we can't go back and fix the older thread. As a sort of fan-administrator, I hope to eventually improve things. Perhaps even adding links back to the old posts which honored each winner. In time...
Meanwhile, please do your part in adding vibrancy to this new thread!
Here is some elaboration on the rules for passing this on (updated December 2024):
1. Every recipient has ONE WEEK to enjoy this award, no matter what day it was passed to them.
2. Ideally the person who most recently recieved the award will pass it on when their week is over. This can be allowed to slip for a day or two for extenuating circumstances.
3. Candidates for the award must meet these criteria (or very close!):
a. Have not received the award "recently" -- this is traditionally 6 months, but can be allowed to slip a little.
b. Be an active commenter recently, or be an active contributor to the Forum in a way that supports writers.
c. To ensure the candidate has not received this recently check the Index in this first posting (below).
4. If the award continues to go unawarded with no response from the award holder Rensslaer or a Moderator will likely open nominations. At that stage making a nomination for a new nominee is first come, first served.
Catalog of Past Fan Winners:
(many thanks to Catknight for compiling the initial list!!!)
By Date:
1/4/25: Diskoerekto (also also 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 7/4/21, 3/27/22, 3/12/24)
1/16/25: Bullfilter (also 5/17/17, 2/11/18, 11/18/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23, 4/14/24)
1/27/25: StrategyGameEnthusiast (also 7/16/24, 12/1/24)
2/2/25: TrocaNero
2/9/25: Son of Liberty
1/1/24: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23)
1/7/24: Lord Durham (also 2/28/08, 3/3/13)
1/14/24: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 12/11/22)
1/25/24: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
2/8/24: Zenphoenix (also 4/14/19, 4/9/17, 6/17/18)
2/16/24: CaptainAlvious (also 6/24/18, 6/23/19)
2/24/24: GhostRider124 (also 6/30/19)
3/12/24: diskoerekto (also 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 7/4/21, 3/27/22)
3/18/24: Chac1 (also 7/9/23)
3/25/24: The Kingmaker (also 8/16/23)
3/31/24: WPCSolver
4/14/24: Bullfilter (also 5/17/17, 2/11/18, 11/18/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
4/21/24: jak7139 (also 10/17/21, 4/10/22, 6/18/23, 12/10/23)
4/28/24: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22, 6/11/23)
5/6/24: CBR JGWRR
5/19/24: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
5/26/24: Macavity116 (also 1/20/19, 12/8/19, 1/16/22, 4/9/23)
6/2/24: Eurasia (also 2/18/18 and 1/10/21)
6/9/24: Nikolai II
6/16/24: Wagonlitz
6/25/24: Randakar
7/9/24: Rensslaer (also 9/18/05, 4/30/06, 1/5/10, 6/2/13, 8/20/23)
7/16/24: StrategyGameEnthusiast
7/22/24: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22, 6/11/23, 4/28/24)
7/25/24: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22)
7/28/24: Michelangelo (also 2/22/15, 3/13/16, 4/16/17)
8/11/24: HistoryDude (also 5/19/24, 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
8/25/24: Bullfilter (also 4/14/24, 5/17/17, 2/11/18, 11/18/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
9/8/24: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
9/15/24: Historywhiz (also 5/29/22, 1/29/23)
9/22/24: Crisrko (also 4/29/18)
9/29/24: Slothinator (also 6/14/20, 1/23/22)
10/5/24: Sirdramaticus
10/29/24: Chac1 (also 7/9/23, 3/18/24)
11/6/24: jhhowell (also 10/24/09, 7/2/23)
11/17/24: jak7139 (also 10/17/21, 4/10/22, 6/18/23, 12/10/23, 4/21/24)
11/24/24: Hootieleece
12/1/24: StrategyGameEnthusiast (also 7/16/24)
12/8/24: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22, 9/27/23)
12/17/24: Zeogludon
1/1/23: hjarg (also 5/5/08)
1/8/23: Wraith11B (also 8/26/18, 1/23/20, 10/4/20, 9/19/21, 9/11/22, 10/1/23)
1/29/23: Historywhiz (also 5/29/22)
2/5/23: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 12/31/23)
2/12/23: Side
2/19/23: Chilango2 (also 1/30/22)
3/5/23: KiratRawr
3/19/23: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 5/15/16, 8/28/16, 01/29/17, 3/7/21)
3/26/23: Arithmatician (also 1/9/22)
4/2/23: Von Acturus (also 4/2/23)
4/9/23: Macavity116 (also 1/20/19, 12/8/19, 1/16/22, 12/17/23, 5/26/24)
4/16/23: filcat (also 7/25/21, 12/26/21, 7/24/22)
4/30/23: Barsoom (also 5/30/12)
5/21/23: J_Master (also 2/26/17, 11/19/17, 11/13/23)
5/28/23: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 12/3/23)
6/11/23: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22)
6/18/23: jak7139 (also 10/17/21, 4/10/22, 12/10/23)
6/25/23: Sanvone
7/2/23: jhhowel (also 10/24/09)
7/9/23: Chac1
7/16/23: streaker77 (also 8/4/19, 11/6/22)
7/23/23: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22)
7/30/23: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 12/25/22)
8/6/23: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21)
8/13/23: The Kingmaker
8/20/23: Rensslaer (also 9/18/05, 4/30/06, 1/5/10, 6/2/13)
8/27/23: Qorten (also 7/24/08, 7/25/10, 9/27/15)
9/3/23: Bored Student1414 (also 6/3/18, 11/13/22)
9/10/23: Emissary of the Prophets
9/27/23: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 12/4/22)
10/1/23: Wraith11B (also 8/26/18, 1/23/20, 10/4/20, 9/19/21, 9/11/22, 1/8/23)
10/8/23: Killerduck
10/15/23: nuclearslurpee (also 9/9/18, 2/9/20, 9/27/20, 6/6/21, 12/5/21, 6/26/22)
10/22/23: roverS3 (also 2/25/18 , 2/16/20, 10/11/20, 6/13/21, 8/28/22)
10/29/23: Casko
11/5/23: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22)
11/13/23: J_Master (also 2/26/17, 11/19/17, 5/21/23)
12/3/23: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23)
12/10/23: jak7139 (also 10/17/21, 4/10/22, 6/18/23)
12/17/23: Macavity116 (also 1/20/19, 12/8/19, 1/16/22, 4/9/23, 5/26/24)
12/24/23: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 9/25/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22)
1/2/22: Ramidel
1/9/22: Arithmetician (also 3/26/23)
1/16/22: Macavity116 (also 1/20/19, 12/8/19, 4/9/23, 12/17/23, 5/26/24)
1/23/22: slothinator (also 6/14/20)
1/30/22: Chilango2 (also 2/19/23)
2/6/22: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
3/6/22: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 8/21/22, 6/11/23)
3/13/22: iain_a_wilson
3/27/22: diskoerekto (also 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 7/4/21)
4/3/22: alscon (also 7/24/16, 4/23/17, 12/17/17, 6/21/20, 1/31/21)
4/10/22: jak7139 (also 10/17/21, 6/18/23, 12/10/23)
4/17/22: NecromancerPL
5/1/22: Von Acturus (also 4/2/23)
5/8/22: eoncommander (also 5/16/21)
5/22/22: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
5/29/22: Historywhiz (also 1/29/23)
6/5/22: Superstorm
6/12/22: RustyHunter (also 11/28/21, 8/22/21)
6/19/22: SSmith (also 12/18/11)
6/26/22: nuclearslurpee (also 9/9/18, 2/9/20, 9/27/20, 6/6/21, 12/5/21, 10/15/23)
7/10/22: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 11/5/23)
7/24/22: filcat (also 12/26/21, 7/25/21, 4/16/23)
7/31/22: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
8/7/22: KanadeSomeone
8/14/22: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
8/21/22: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 6/11/23)
8/28/22: roverS3 (also 2/25/18 , 2/16/20, 10/11/20, 6/13/21, 10/22/23)
9/4/22: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 12/4/22)
9/11/22: Wraith11B (also 8/26/18, 1/23/20, 10/4/20, 9/19/21, 1/8/23, 10/1/23)
9/18/22: Thaiga
9/25/22: lone_wolf7660
10/30/22: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 7/23/23)
11/6/22: streaker77 (also 8/4/19, 7/16/23)
11/13/22: Bored Student1414 (also 6/3/18, 9/3/23)
11/20/22: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 9/25/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 12/24/23)
11/27/22: Nathan Madien (also 2/7/10)
12/4/22: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22)
12/11/22: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 1/14/24)
12/18/22: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 5/28/23)
12/25/22: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 7/30/23)
1/3/21: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22)
1/10/21: Eurasia (also 2/18/18)
1/17/21: serutan (also 3/4/18, 10/18/20)
1/24/21: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
1/31/21: alscon (also 7/24/16, 4/23/17, 12/17/17, 6/21/20, 4/3/22)
2/14/21: JSB217118 (also 3/1/20)
2/21/21: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
2/28/21: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
3/7/21: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 5/15/16, 8/28/16, 01/29/17, 3/19/23)
3/14/21: Crimson Lionheart (also 10/2/19)
4/11/21: Cromwell (also 5/10/20)
5/2/21: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20)
5/16/21: eoncommander (also 5/8/22)
5/23/21: Director (also 8/25/07, 1/1/17)
5/30/21: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
6/6/21: nuclearslurpee (also 9/9/18, 2/9/20, 9/27/20, 12/5/21, 6/26/22, 10/15/23)
6/13/21: roverS3 (also 2/25/18 , 2/16/20, 10/11/20, 8/28/22, 10/22/23)
6/20/21: 37th Armoured div
6/27/21: Midnite Duke (also 6/28/20, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22, 6/11/23)
7/4/21: diskoerekto (also 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 3/27/22)
7/11/21: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 11/8/20, 3/22/20, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
7/18/21: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 9/25/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
7/25/21: filcat (also 12/26/21, 7/24/22, 4/16/23)
8/1/21: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 10/30/22, 7/23/23)
8/8/21: CaesarVincens
8/15/21: TWR97 (also 3/3/19, 4/28/19)
8/22/21: RustyHunter (also 11/28/21, 6/12/22)
9/5/21: Surt
9/12/21: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 8/6/23)
9/19/21: Wraith11B (also 8/26/18, 1/23/20, 10/4/20, 9/11/22, 1/8/23, 10/1/23)
9/26/21: Garfunkel
10/10/21: BBBD316
10/17/21: jak7139 (also 4/10/22, 6/18/23, 12/10/23)
10/31/21: Cora Giantkiller
11/7/21: GulMacet (also 10/28/18)
11/14/21: Eludio
11/28/21: RustyHunter (also 8/22/21, 6/12/22)
12/5/21: nuclearslurpee (also 9/9/18, 2/9/20, 9/27/20, 6/6/21, 6/26/22, 10/15/23)
12/12/21: Bibliophile
12/19/21: The Meme King
12/26/21: filcat (also 7/25/21, 7/24/22, 4/16/23)
1/1/20: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 3/24/19, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
1/12/20: diskoerekto (also 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 11/22/20, 7/4/21, 3/27/22)
1/23/20: Wraith11B (also 8/26/18, 10/4/20, 9/19/21, 9/11/22, 1/8/23, 10/1/23)
1/30/20: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
2/9/20: nuclearslurpee (also 9/9/18, 9/27/20, 6/6/21, 12/5/21, 6/26/22, 10/15/23)
2/16/20: roverS3 (also 2/25/18, 10/11/20, 6/13/21, 8/28/22, 10/22/23)
2/23/20: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
3/1/20: JSB217118 (also 2/14/21)
3/8/20: !Peel
3/15/20: JabberJock14 (also 7/2/17, 7/22/18)
3/22/20: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
4/1/20: Le Jones
4/5/20: H.Appleby (also 3/2/14)
4/12/20: caffran
4/30/20: LWE
5/10/20: Cromwell (also 4/11/21)
5/31/20: mad orc
6/7/20: mike the knight (also 12/16/12)
6/14/20: slothinator (also 1/23/22)
6/21/20: alscon (also 7/24/16, 4/23/17, 12/17/17, 1/31/21, 4/3/22)
6/28/20: Midnite Duke (also 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22, 6/11/23)
7/5/20: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21)
7/12/20: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/17/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 8/6/17, 10/24/17, 5/13/18, 11/4/18, 5/19/19)
7/19/20: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 5/2/21)
7/26/20: Werther
8/2/20: The Number 9 (also 3/30/17, 8/20/18)
8/9/20: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 9/25/19, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
8/16/20: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
8/23/20: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
8/30/20: volksmarschall (also 3/1/09, 2/9/14, 12/4/16, 9/24/17)
9/6/20: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17, 4/15/18, 10/10/19)
9/20/20: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 1/24/21, 8/6/23)
9/27/20: nuclearslurpee (also 9/9/18, 2/9/20, 6/6/21, 12/5/21, 6/26/22)
10/4/20: Wraith11B (also 8/26/18, 1/23/20, 9/19/21, 9/11/22, 1/8/23, 10/1/23)
10/11/20: roverS3 (2/25/18, 2/16/20, 6/13/21, 8/28/22, 10/22/23)
10/18/20: serutan (also 3/4/18, 1/17/21)
10/25/20: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
11/1/20: Fiftypence
11/8/20: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22)
11/22/20: diskoerekto (also 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 7/4/21)
11/29/20: HIMDogson (also 11/8/15)
12/13/20: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 9/15/19, 8/9/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
12/20/20: Brisingr
12/27/20: generalis Julius Caesar
1/20/19: Macavity116 (also 12/8/19, 1/16/22, 4/9/23, 12/17/23, 5/26/24)
1/27/19: Smokez83
2/3/19: Kylia Quilor (also 12/30/18)
2/10/19: HistoryDude (also 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
3/3/19: TWR97 (also 4/28/19, 8/15/21)
3/24/19: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 11/18/18, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
3/31/19: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
4/14/19: zenphoenix (also 4/9/17, 6/17/18)
4/28/19: TWR97 (also 3/3/19, 8/15/21)
5/19/19: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/17/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 8/6/17, 10/24/17, 5/13/18, 11/4/18)
5/26/19: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
6/2/19: RossN
6/9/19: loup99 (also 5/3/15, 11/22/15, 3/20/16, 4/24/16, 2/19/17, 8/12/18)
6/16/19: darkhaze9
6/23/19: CaptainAlvious (also 6/24/18)
6/30/19: GhostRider124
7/7/19: cookfl
7/21/19: tpmcinty (also 12/31/17)
7/28/19: terr0rizm
8/4/19: streaker77 (also 11/6/22, 7/16/23)
8/18/19: Lord Decobius
8/25/19: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
9/1/19: HistoryDude (also 2/10/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23)
9/15/19: skagerakk
9/18/19: SibCDC
9/25/19: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
10/2/19: Crimson Lionheart (also 3/14/21)
10/10/19: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17, 4/15/18)
10/13/19: Forster
10/24/19: Theodorian
11/14/19: Surt (also 12/25/11, 11/3/13, 5/6/18)
11/22/19: RossN (also 6/2/19)
12/1/19: Viden (also 7/10/11)
12/8/19: Macavity116 (also 1/20/19, 1/16/22, 4/9/23, 12/17/23, 5/26/24)
12/15/19: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/2/17, 11/25/18, 8/1/21, 10/30/22, 7/23/23)
12/22/19: Zemurin
1/15/18: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 9/7/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
1/21/18: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
1/28/18: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
2/4/18: Macke11 (also 9/3/17)
2/11/18: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 11/18/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 8/6/23)
2/18/18: Eurasia (also 1/10/21)
2/25/18: roverS3 (also 2/16/20, 10/11/20, 6/13/21, 8/28/22, 10/22/23)
3/4/18: serutan (also 10/18/20, 1/17/21)
3/18/18: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
3/25/18: ThaHoward (also 10/6/16)
4/1/18: sebas379 (also 10/26/14, 12/14/14, 11/6/16)
4/15/18: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 12/10/17, 8/13/17)
4/22/18: Lautipus
4/29/18: crisrko
5/6/18: Surt (also 12/25/11, 11/3/13)
5/13/18: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/17/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17 ,8/6/17, 10/24/17, 11/4/18)
5/20/18: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21)
5/27/18: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
6/3/18: Bored Student1414 (also 11/13/22, 9/3/23)
6/10/18: We Are Not Yet Lost
6/17/18: zenphoenix (also 4/9/17)
6/24/18: CaptainAlvious
7/8/18: Tom D. (also 10/10/16, 1/22/17, 11/5/17)
7/22/18 JabberJock14 (also 7/2/17)
7/29/18: Asantahene (also 10/8/17, 1/11/15)
8/5/18: markkur (also 11/17/16, 8/27/17)
8/12/18: loup99 (also 5/3/15, 11/22/15, 3/20/16, 4/26/16, 2/19/17, 6/9/19)
8/20/18: The Number 9 (also 3/30/17, 8/2/20)
8/26/18: Wraith11B (also 1/23/20, 10/4/20, 9/19/21, 9/11/22, 1/8/23, 10/1/23)
9/1/18: Finshades
9/9/18: nuclearslurpee (also 2/9/20, 9/27/20, 6/6/21, 12/5/21, 6/26/22, 10/15/23)
9/17/18: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
10/7/18: diskoerekto (also 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 7/4/21, 3/27/22)
10/21/18: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
10/28/18: GulMacet (also 11/7/21)
11/4/18: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/17/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 8/6/17, 10/24/17, 5/13/18)
11/18/18: Bullfilter (also 5/21/17, 2/11/18, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
11/25/18: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22, 7/23/23)
12/2/18: diskoerekto (also 10/7/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 7/4/21, 3/27/22)
12/9/18: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
12/16/18: Ol' Johnny
12/30/18: Kylia Quilor (also 2/3/19)
1/1/17: Director (also 8/25/07, 5/23/21)
1/8/17: NightmareSSV
1/15/17: Anonomoosle
1/22/17: Tom D. (also 10/10/16, 11/5/17, 7/8/18)
1/29/17: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 5/15/16, 8/28/16, 3/7/21, 3/19/23)
2/5/17: EmperorofMordor
2/12/17: Sir Dippingsauce
2/19/17: loup99 (also 5/3/15, 11/22/15, 3/20/16, 4/26/16, 8/12/18, 6/9/19)
2/26/17: J_Master (also 11/19/17, 5/21/23, 11/13/23)
3/12/17: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/17/14, 11/27/16, 8/6/17, 5/13/18, 11/4/18)
3/19/17: Pchang
3/26/17: The Number 9 (also 8/20/18, 8/2/20)
4/2/17: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22, 7/23/23)
4/9/17: zenphoenix (also 6/17/18)
4/16/17: Michaelangelo (also 2/22/15, 3/13/16)
4/23/17: alscon (also 7/24/16, 12/17/17, 6/21/20, 1/31/21, 4/3/22)
4/30/17: TheTeaMustFlow
5/7/17: TheButterflyComposer (also 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/7/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
5/21/17: Bullfilter (also 2/11/18, 11/18/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23)
5/28/17: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
6/4/17: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 12/11/22, 1/14/24)
6/10/17: Vlad_Dracul1989
6/18/17: Lucifer
7/2/17: JabberJock14
7/9/17: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
7/16/17: Captain Waffles
7/23/17: Alex Borhild
7/30/17: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
8/6/17: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 5/13/18, 11/4/18)
8/13/17: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 12/10/17)
8/20/17: TheButterflyComposer (also 5/7/17, 1/15/18, 9/7/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23)
8/27/17: markkur (also 11/17/16, 8/5/18)
9/3/17: Macke11
9/10/17: Nuada Airgetlám (also 7/31/16, 12/11/16)
9/17/17: blitzthedragon (also 4/20/14, 12/28/14)
9/24/17: volksmarschall (also 3/1/09, 2/9/14, 12/4/16)
10/1/17: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
10/8/17: Asantahene (also 1/11/15)
10/15/17: jasondroth24
10/24/17: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 8/6/17)
10/29/17: Ericpiplup
11/5/17: Tom D. (also 10/10/16, 1/22/17, 7/8/18)
11/12/17: fabiolundiense
11/19/17: J_Master (also 2/26/17, 5/21/23, 11/13/23)
11/26/17: TK-XD-M8
12/10/17: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17)
12/17/17: alscon (also 7/24/16, 4/23/17, 6/21/20, 1/31/21, 4/3/22)
12/31/17: tpmcinty (also 7/21/19)
1/3/16: Terraferma (also 7/17/06)
1/10/16: m.equitum
1/17/16: Riccardo93 (also 10/7/12, 6/1/14)
1/31/16: Keinwyn
2/7/16: Danarca
2/14/16: Panzer_Commader
3/13/16: Michaelangelo (also 2/22/15)
3/20/16: loup99 (also 5/3/15, 11/22/15, 4/24/16, 2/19/17, 8/12/18, 6/9/19)
3/27/16: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 5/15/16, 8/28/16, 1/29/17, 3/7/21, 3/19/23)
4/3/16: iisbroke
4/10/16: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09, 4/17/10, 1/2/11, 1/26/14, 3/30/14, 10/25/15)
4/17/16: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 8/13/17, 12/10/17)
4/24/16: loup99 (also 5/3/15, 11/22/15, 3/20/16, 2/26/17, 8/12/18, 6/9/19)
5/1/16: Attalus (also 4/27/15)
5/15/16: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 8/28/16, 1/29/17)
5/29/16: Machiavellian (also 9/4/04, 2/17/13)
6/12/16: Andre Massena (also 5/25/14, 9/21/14, 3/15/15, 10/11/15)
6/26/16: Sergeant Flutter
7/3/16: Jack45
7/24/16: alscon (also 4/23/17, 12/17/17, 6/21/20, 1/31/21, 4/3/22)
7/31/16: Nuada Airgetlám (also 12/11/16, 9/10/17)
8/7/16: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
8/14/16: Dohaeris
8/21/16: Twighlight Array 17
8/28/16: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 5/15/16, 1/29/17, 3/7/21, 3/19/23)
9/4/16: Henry v. Keiper
9/25/16: Olligarchy
10/6/16: ThaHoward
10/10/16: Tom D. (also 1/22/17, 11/5/17, 7/8/18)
10/17/16: atwix
10/24/16: bbqftw
11/2/16: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
11/6/16: sebas379 (also 10/26/14, 12/14/14, 4/1/18)
11/20/16: markkur (also 8/27/17, 8/5/18)
11/27/16: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/17/14, 3/12/17, 8/6/17, 10/24/17, 5/13/18)
12/4/16: volksmarschall (also 3/1/09, 2/9/14, 9/24/17)
12/11/16: Nuada Airgetlám (also 7/31/16, 9/10/17)
12/18/16: Crimson Drakon
12/25/16: Specialist290 (also 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19)
1/4/15: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
1/11/15: Asantahene (also 10/8/17)
1/18/15: Saxon125
2/8/15: Stuyvesant (also 9/11/05, 3/12/06, 4/20/09, 2/20/11, 3/24/12, 2/2/14)
2/15/15: blklizard (also 11/2/14, 6/21/15)
2/22/15: Michaelangelo
3/1/15: DKM (also 9/14/14, 11/9/14)
3/8/15: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 6/8/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17)
3/15/15: Andre Massena (also 5/25/14, 9/21/14)
3/22/15: KanyeWest
3/29/15: Duke of Awesome
4/27/15: Attalus
5/3/15: loup99 (also 11/22/15, 3/20/16, 4/24/16, 2/19/17, 8/12/18, 6/9/19)
5/10/15: Idhrendur (also 4/13/14, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22, 7/23/23)
5/17/15: Sakura_F (also 1/20/13)
5/24/15: LatinKaiser
6/8/15: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17)
6/14/15: Dayni
6/21/15: blklizard (also 11/2/14, 2/15/15)
6/28/15: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 9/25/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
7/5/15: IconOfEvil
7/16/15: Maximus101
8/9/15: RedBaron223
8/16/15: Cityracer
8/23/15: Dr.Livingstone
8/30/15: Asalto (also 12/15/13)
9/13/15: Gukpa
9/27/15: Qorten (also 7/24/08, 7/25/10, 8/27/23)
10/4/15: TheAnguishedOne (also 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 5/15/16, 8/28/16, 1/29/17, 3/7/21, 3/19/23)
10/11/15: Andre Massena (also 5/25/14, 9/21/14 & 3/15/15)
10/18/15: George Parr
10/25/15: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09, 4/17/10, 1/2/11, 1/26/14, 3/30/14)
11/1/15: DKM (also 9/14/14, 11/9/14, 3/1/15)
11/8/15: HIMDogson (also 11/29/20)
11/22/15: loup99 (also 5/3/15, 3/20/16, 4/24/16, 2/19/17, 8/12/18, 6/9/19)
11/29/15: Lunarc
12/6/15: Gukpa (also 9/13/15)
12/20/15: MastahCheef117
12/27/15: Shynka
1/5/14: GreatUberGeek
1/12/14: Seelmeister
1/19/14: Derahan
1/26/14: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09, 4/17/10 & 1/2/11)
2/2/14: Stuyvesant (also 9/11/05, 3/12/06, 4/20/09, 2/20/11, 3/24/12)
2/9/14: volksmarschall (also 3/1/09, 12/4/16, 9/24/17)
2/16/14: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 6/4/17, 12/11/22, 1/14/24)
2/24/14: Sir Humphrey
3/2/14: H. Appleby (also 4/5/20)
3/9/14: Buckingham
3/16/14: GreatUberGeek
3/23/14: AsdfeZxcas
3/30/14: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09, 4/17/10, 1/2/11, and 1/26/14)
4/6/14: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
4/13/14: Idhrendur (also 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22, 7/23/23)
4/20/14: blitzthedragon (also 12/28/14, 9/17/17)
4/27/14: Soda7777777
5/25/14: Andre Massena
6/1/14: Riccardo93 (also 10/7/12)
6/8/14: Contravarius
6/15/14: Dyranum
6/22/14: Rudders10
7/6/14: Ikarases
7/13/14: red_KLG
7/24/14: TehDarkMiner
8/1/14: Belgiumruler
8/8/14: GermanKaiser
8/15/14: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 8/6/17, 10/24/17, 5/13/18, 11/4/18)
9/7/14: Specialist290 (also 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21)
9/14/14: DKM
9/21/14: Andre Massena (also 5/25/14)
9/28/14: Willum
10/19/14: DarthShiznit
10/26/14: Sebas379 (also 12/14/14, 11/6/16, 4/1/18)
11/2/14: blklizard (also 2/15/15, 6/21/15)
11/9/14: DKM
11/16/14: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 6/28/15, 9/29/19, 8/9/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
11/23/14: The B
11/30/14: StanislavSoltys
12/7/14: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 6/8/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17)
12/14/14: sebas379 (also 10/26/14, 11/6/16, 4/1/18)
12/21/14: TehDarkMiner (also 7/24/14)
12/28/14 blitzthedragon (also 4/20/14, 9/17/17)
1/6/13: A_Dane
1/13/13: Gen. Marshall
1/20/13: Sakura_F
1/27/13: Seelmeister
2/3/13: SirkTheMonkey
2/10/13: Brian Shanahan
2/17/13: Machiavellian (also 9/4/04)
3/3/13: Lord Durham (also 2/28/08, 1/7/24)
3/10/13: Ricardo Rolo
3/17/13: loki100
3/24/13: Derahan
3/31/13: [MM]
4/7/13: KLorberau
4/14/13: Ikarases
4/21/13: Belgiumruler
4/28/13: tate43
5/5/13: BarrosRodrigues
5/19/13: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 9/29/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
5/26/13: Tanzhang (譚張)
6/2/13: Rensslaer (also 9/18/05, 4/30/06, 1/5/10, 8/20/23)
6/9/13: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
6/16/13: aniuby
6/23/13: Xenophon13
7/7/13: Lord Curlyton
7/14/13: misterbean
8/4/13: Belgiumruler (also 4/21/13)
8/11/13: Webstantine
8/18/13: DensleyBlair (also 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 11/16/14, 9/29/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 12/24/23)
8/25/13: Gen. Marshall (also 1/13/13)
9/8/13: guillec87 (also 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17)
9/29/13: Marsz
10/13/13: Baltasar
10/27/13: Avindian (also 4/24/11 and 10/14/12)
11/3/13: Surt (also 11/25/11, 5/6/18)
11/9/13: Beaga
12/1/13: Nikolai (also 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
12/8/13: NikephorosSonar
12/15/13: Asalto
12/22/13: Winner (also 6/27/09)
12/29/13: tnick0225
1/1/12: Tanzhang (譚張)
1/8/12: Dewirix
1/15/12: Malurous
1/22/12: Omen
1/29/12: Gabor (also 6/19/09 & 9/3/11)
2/5/12: Athalcor (also 9/12/11)
2/27/12: Chris Taylor (also 8/28/11)
3/5/12: Stabber
3/12/12: TheBromgrev (also 11/28/11)
3/19/12: Saithis
3/24/12: Stuyvesant (also 9/11/05, 3/12/06, 4/20/09, 2/20/11)
3/31/12: aldriq (also 6/12/09, 9/14/09)
4/9/12: mayorqw
4/18/12: Calipah
4/26/12: morningSIDEr (and 9/7/10, 2/27/11)
5/5/12: RGB (and 8/6/07, 8/8/10)
5/14/12: ChiefRagusa (and 8/14/06, 2/6/07, 10/14/07, 3/12/11)
5/21/12: Prawnstar (also 6/29/08)
5/28/12: Barsoom (also 4/30/23)
6/3/12: dragonizer
6/10/12: EU3Noob
6/24/12: Memento Mori
7/15/12: robb1993
8/19/12: Ashantai (also 9/19/10)
8/26/12: loki100 (also 2/13/11, 5/8/11, 8/7/11)
9/2/12: Murmurandus (also 12/18/06, 10/21/07)
9/9/12: robw963
9/16/12: Frymonmon
9/26/12: Gloa
9/30/12: thekinguter
10/7/12: Riccardo93
10/14/12: Avindian (also 4/24/11)
10/21/12: alhoward
11/11/12: Davy
11/18/12: KLorberau
11/25/12: Jagdpnzr
12/9/12: DensleyBlair (also 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 9/29/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23)
12/16/12: mike the knight (also 6/7/20)
12/23/12: NewbieOne
12/30/12: Dovahkiing
1/2/11: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09 & 4/17/10)
1/9/11: Tommy4ever
1/16/11: Communard
2/6/11: Alfredian
2/13/11: loki100
2/20/11: Stuyvesant
2/27/11: morningSIDEr (also 9/7/10)
3/4/11: CatKnight (also 8/28/04, 12/31/05)
3/11/11: Chief Ragusa (also 8/14/06, 2/6/07, 10/14/07)
3/20/11: The Arch Mede (also 11/8/09)
4/10/11: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09, 4/17/10 & 1/2/11)
4/17/11: Boris ze Spider
4/24/11: Avindian
5/1/11: knul
5/8/11: loki100 (also 2/13/11)
5/15/11: TheExecuter (also 9/9/07 & 1/6/08)
5/22/11: Rogov
6/5/11: WelshDude
6/12/11: Seek75
6/19/11: Projekt 919
6/26/11: Rogov
7/3/11: Alfredian (also 2/6/11)
7/10/11: Viden (also 12/1/19)
7/17/11: Mr. Santiago
7/24/11: King50000
7/31/11: FinnishFish
8/7/11: loki100 (also 2/13/11 and 5/8/11)
8/14/11: Derehan
8/21/11: NACBEAST
8/28/11:Chris Taylor
9/3/11: Gabor (also 6/19/09)
9/12/11: Athalcor
9/19/11: Nikolai (also 9/20/07)
9/26/11: Blxz
10/2/11: eqqman
10/9/11: Uriah
10/16/11: Baltasar
10/23/11: BohleyK
11/6/11: Cybvep
11/13/11: misterbean
11/20/11: Slan
11/28/11: TheBromgrev
12/10/11: Cybvep (also 11/6/11)
12/18/11: SSmith (also 6/19/22)
12/25/11: Surt (also 11/3/13, 5/6/18)
1/5/10: Rensslaer (also 9/18/05, 4/30/06, 6/2/13, 8/20/23)
1/12/10: SirCliveWolfe
1/19/10: Jape (also 6/4/06)
1/31/10: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
2/7/10: Nathan Madien (also 11/27/22)
2/21/10: Davout
2/28/10: Sweboy
3/9/10: Marco Oliverio
3/13/10: naggy
3/20/10: Duke of Wellington (also 2/20/06 & 12/26/06)
3/27/10: KaiserMuffin
4/4/10: FlyingDutchie
4/10/10: Karaiskandar
4/17/10: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09)
4/25/10: JDMS
5/2/10: History_Buff
5/9/10: ColonelIronboot
5/16/10: Zhuge Liang
5/30/10: trekaddict (also 12/14/08)
6/12/10: Griffin.Gen
6/24/10: Darknesskilla
7/3/10: DvD-IT
7/10/10: TheRealKestrel
7/25/10: Qorten (also 7/24/08, 9/27/15, 8/27/23)
8/1/10: dinofs
8/8/10: RGB (also 8/6/07)
8/16/10: Vesimir
8/24/10: Iain Wilson
8/31/10: Threedog43
9/7/10: morningSIDEr
9/12/10: blsteen
9/19/10: Ashantai (also 8/19/12)
9/26/10: Dewirix (also 12/26/10)
10/3/10: sprites
10/10/10: Range
10/17/10: King_Richard_XI
10/24/10: Junuxx
10/31/10: naggy
11/7/10: Alexspeed
11/14/10: Communitarian!
11/21/10: Surume
11/28/10: badger_ken
12/5/10: meat67
12/26/10: Dewirix (also 9/26/10)
1/6/09: Hannibal Barca2
1/18/09: demokratickid (also 11/16/08)
1/25/09: The_Guiscard
2/1/09: Eams
2/8/09: Alfred Packer
2/12/09: The Swert
2/19/09: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
3/1/09: volksmarschall (also 2/9/14, 12/4/16, 9/24/17
3/8/09: BritishImperial (also 12/24/08)
3/16/09: El Pip (also 11/30/08, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
3/22/09: merrick
4/5/09: Vann the Red (also 5/7/06)
4/13/09: Stuyvesant (also 9/11/05, 3/12/06)
4/20/09: Enewald (also 4/18/08 & 9/28/08)
4/28/09: demokratickid (also 11/16/08, 1/18/09)
5/5/09: asd21593
5/11/09: robou (also 7/6/08 & 10/5/08)
5/18/09: Woody Man (also 1/19/08)
5/26/09: Kampf_Machen
6/5/09: Brandenburg III
6/12/09: aldriq
6/19/09: gabor
6/27/09: Winner
7/7/09: Milites
7/19/09: The Yogi
7/27/09: Simon_Jester
8/5/09: Singleton Mosby (also 3/19/06)
8/13/09: Myth
8/16/09: Lordban
8/23/09: DvD-IT
8/30/09: Enewald (also 4/18/08, 9/28/08 & 4/20/09)
9/6/09: Nodscouterr
9/12/09: Cyreidel
9/14/09: aldriq (also 6/12/09)
9/21/09: Didaa
9/28/09: Johan11
10/5/09: Nodscouterr (also 9/6/09)
10/13/09: Jambor
10/24/09: jhhowell (also 7/2/23)
11/1/09: nsahn
11/8/09: The Arch Mede
11/18/09: antracer
11/25/09: blsteen
12/3/09: Malurous
12/10/09: enkhuush
12/17/09: Junuxx
12/29/09: Darkrenown
1/1/08: DerKaiser
1/6/08: TheExecuter (also 9/9/07)
1/12/08: Canonized (also 11/11/07)
1/19/08: Woody Man
1/27/08: Capibara (also 12/16/07)
2/3/08: germanpeon (also 7/31/08)
2/12/08: Mangudai
2/19/08: rcduggan (also 3/4/07, 4/29/07, 6/18/07 & 4/11/08)
2/28/08: Lord Durham (also 3/3/13, 1/7/24)
3/6/08: Estonianzulu
3/11/08: Dr. Gonzo
3/24/08: ComradeOm
3/30/08: Olaus Petrus
4/6/08: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 12/11/22, 1/14/24)
4/11/08: rcduggan (also 3/4/07, 4/29/07, 6/18/07 & 2/19/08)
4/18/08: Enewald (also 9/28/08 & 4/20/09)
4/26/08: Comagoosie (also 7/13/08 & 9/18/08)
5/5/08: hjarg (also 1/1/23)
5/17/08: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07)
5/26/08: TheConqueror
5/29/08: IamWhoa
6/6/08: Mettermrck (also 10/8/04 & 7/2/06)
6/22/08: Emperor_krk
6/29/08: Prawnstar
7/6/08: Robou (also 10/5/08)
7/13/08: Comagoosie (also 4/26/08 & 9/18/08)
7/18/08: Eber
7/24/08: Qorten (also 7/25/10, 9/27/15, 8/27/23)
7/31/08: Germanpeon (also 2/3/08)
8/2/08: Maj. Von Mauser
8/10/08: Sokraates
8/16/08: 4th Dimension
8/24/08: ColossusCrusher
9/6/08: Helmhold
9/18/08: comagoosie (also 4/26/08 & 7/13/08)
9/28/08: Enewald (also 4/18/08 & 4/20/09)
10/5/08: Robou (also 7/6/08)
10/12/08: likk9922 (also 8/13/07)
10/19/08: Ghostwriter (also 9/25/05, 12/27/05, 6/11/06 & 9/16/07)
10/20/08: Backfire
11/3/08: Semi-Lobster
11/10/08: Lord E (also 3/26/06 & 10/6/07)
11/16/08: demokratickid
11/22/08: phargle
11/30/08: El Pip (also 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22)
12/7/08: Raaritsgozilla
12/14/08: trekaddict
12/24/08: BritishImperial
12/29/08: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 12/11/22, 1/14/24)
1/3/07: Grundius
1/10/07: Mr Capiatlist
1/15/07: Lord Boreal
1/21/07: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17)
1/28/07: Draco Rexus (also 8/17/04 & 1/24/06)
2/6/07: Chief Ragusa (also 8/14/06 & 10/14/07)
2/12/07: Walter Model
2/18/07: Chesterton
2/25/07: Grayghost (also 6/5/07)
3/4/07: rcduggan (also 4/29/07, 6/18/07, 2/19/08 & 4/11/08)
3/16/07: Emperor Ike
3/25/07: Kurt_Steiner (also 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 12/11/22, 1/14/24)
4/1/07: DarkReborn
4/14/07: R0ter
4/22/07: Gardarian
4/29/07: rcduggan (also 3/4/07, 6/18/07, 2/19/08 & 4/11/08)
5/9/07: Chefportnen (also 11/5/06)
5/23/07: bbcrackmonkey
6/5/07: Grayghost (also 2/25/07)
6/10/07: SEG-CISR
6/18/07: rcduggan (also 4/29/07, 3/4/07, 2/19/08, 4/11/08)
7/22/07: anonymous4401 (also 4/20/06)
8/6/07: RGB
8/10/07: Tskb18
8/13/07: Likk9922 (also 10/12/08)
8/25/07: Director (also 1/1/17, 5/23/21)
9/3/07: J. Passepartout (also 7/12/04 & 9/3/06)
9/9/07: TheExecuter (also 1/6/08)
9/16/07: GhostWriter (also 9/25/05, 12/27/05, 6/11/06 & 10/19/08)
9/20/07: Nikolai (also 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23)
9/28/07: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
10/6/07: Lord E (also 3/26/06 & 11/10/08)
10/14/07: Chief Ragusa (also 8/14/06 & 2/6/07)
10/21/07: Murmurandus (also 12/18/06)
10/29/07: Kurt_Steiner (also 3/25/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 12/11/22, 1/14/24)
11/4/07: Judas Maccabeus
11/11/07: Canonized (also 1/12/08)
11/18/07: Grubnessul
11/26/07: Charle_88
12/2/07: Dysken
12/8/07: Evil Santa
12/16/07: Capibara (also 1/27/08)
12/23/07: Ahura Mazda
1/8/06: JWolf
1/16/06: Farquharson
1/24/06: Draco Rexus (also 8/17/04 & 1/28/07)
1/31/06: Therev
2/8/06: Lifeless
2/15/06: BBBD (also 10/10/05)
2/20/06: Duke of Wellington (also 12/26/06 & 3/20/10)
2/27/06: Storey (also 8/9/04 & 10/5/04 & 9/10/06)
3/6/06: Nil-The-Frogg
3/12/06: Stuyvesant (also 9/11/05 & 4/13/09)
3/19/06: Singleton Mosby
3/26/06: Lord E (also 10/6/07 & 11/10/08)
4/2/06: KenneththeGreat
4/9/06: Oranje Verzet
4/20/06: anonymous4401 (also 7/22/07)
4/30/06: Rensslaer (also 9/18/05, 1/5/10, 6/2/13, 8/20/23)
5/7/06: Vann the Red
5/15/06: Rich-Love
5/22/06: Karl Martell
5/29/06: Prussiablue
6/4/06: Jape (also 01/19/2010)
6/11/06: GhostWriter (also 9/25/05, 12/27/05, 9/16/07 & 10/19/08)
6/17/06: Brasidas
6/22/06: Quirinus308
7/2/06: Mettermrck (also 10/8/04)
7/9/06: Petrarca
7/17/06: Terrafirma
7/25/06: GrimReaper
7/31/06: Bismarck1
8/7/06: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17)
8/14/06: Chief Ragusa (also 2/6/07 & 10/14/07)
8/21/06: Rotten Venetic
8/28/06: Amric (also 9/21/04)
9/3/06: J. Passepartout (also 7/12/04 & 9/3/07)
9/10/06: Storey (also 8/9/04 & 10/5/04 & 2/27/06)
9/18/06: General Jac
9/25/06: German General
10/2/06: General Hannibal
10/9/06: OAM
10/15/06: The_Kipper
10/22/06: Pjcrowe
10/29/06: stnylan (also 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17)
11/5/06: Chefportnen (also 5/9/07)
11/19/06: CSK
11/26/06: JimboIX
12/3/06: Shuma
12/11/06: Veldmaarschalk
12/18/06: Murmurandus (also 10/21/07)
12/26/06: Duke of Wellington (also 2/20/06 & 3/20/10)
9/4/05: coz1 (also 7/19/04, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
9/11/05: Stuyvesant (also 3/12/06 & 4/13/09)
9/18/05: Rennslaer (also 4/30/06, 1/5/10, 6/2/13, 8/20/23)
9/25/05: Ghostwriter (also 12/27/05, 6/11/06, 9/16/07 & 10/19/08)
10/1/05: stynlan (also 8/1/04, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17)
10/10/05: BBBD (also 2/15/06)
10/18/05: Deus
10/27/05: Avernite
11/4/05: Igaworker
11/18/05: Dead William
11/25/05: VI Lenin
12/5/05: Cthulhu
12/19/05: Elbasto
12/27/05: GhostWriter (also 9/25/05, 6/11/06, 9/16/07 & 10/19/08)
12/31/05: Catknight (also 8/28/04)
6/24/04: Zuckergußgeback
7/1/04: Nuclear Winter
7/12/04: J. Passepartout (also 9/3/06 & 9/3/07)
7/19/04: coz1 (also 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 12/31/23)
7/25/04: Wamo
8/1/04: stynlan (also 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17)
8/9/04: Storey (also 10/5/04 & 2/27/06 & 9/10/06)
8/17/04: Draco Rexus (also 1/24/06 & 1/28/07)
8/28/04: CatKnight (also 12/31/05)
9/4/04: Machiavellian
9/13/04: Judge
9/21/04: Amric (also 8/28/06)
9/27/04: Rirre
10/5/04: Storey (also 8/9/04 & 2/27/06 & 9/10/06)
10/8/04: Mettermrck (also 7/2/06)
10/15/04: Faelin
By Name:
!Peel 3/8/20
[MM] 3/31/13
4th Dimension 8/16/08
37th Armoured div 6/20/21
A_Dane 1/6/13
Ahura Mazda 12/23/07
aldriq 6/12/09, 9/14/09, 3/31/12
Alex Borhild 7/23/17
Alexspeed 11/7/10
Alfredian 2/6/11, 7/3/11
Alfred Packer 2/8/09
alhoward 10/21/12
alscon 7/24/16, 4/23/17, 12/17/17, 6/21/20, 1/31/21, 4/3/22
Amric 9/21/04, 8/28/06
Andre Massena 5/25/14, 9/21/14, 3/15/15, 10/11/15, 6/12/16
Anonomoosle 1/17/17
anonymous4401 4/20/06, 7/22/07
antracer 11/18/09
aniuby 6/16/13
Arithmetician 1/9/22, 3/26/23
Asalto 12/15/13, 8/30/15
Asantahene 1/11/15, 10/8/17, 7/29/18
asd21593 5/5/09
AsdfeZxcas 3/23/14
Ashantai 9/19/10, 8/19/12
Athalcor 9/12/11, 2/6/12
Attalus 4/27/15, 5/1/16
atwix 10/17/16
Avernite 10/27/05
Avindian 4/24/11, 10/14/12, 10/27/13
Backfire 10/20/08
badger_ken 11/28/10
Baltasar 10/16/11 and 10/13/13
BarrosRodrigues 5/5/13
Barsoom 5/30/12
BBBD 10/10/05, 2/15/06
BBBD316 10/10/21
bbcrackmonkey 5/23/07
bbqftw 10/24/16
Beaga 11/9/13
Belgiumruler 4/21/13, 8/4/13, 8/1/14
Bibliophile 12/12/21
Bismarck1 7/31/06
blitzthedragon 4/20/2014, 12/28/2014, 9/17/17
blklizard 11/2/14, 2/15/15, 6/21/15
blsteen 11/25/09, 9/12/2010
Blxz 9/26/11
BohleyK 10/23/11
Bored Student1414 6/3/18, 11/13/22, 9/3/23
Boris ze Spider 4/17/11
Brandenburg III 6/5/09
Brasidas 6/17/06
Brian Shanahan 2/10/13
Brisingr 12/20/20
BritishImperial 12/24/08, 3/8/09
Buckingham 3/9/14
Bullfilter 5/17/17, 2/11/18, 11/18/18, 3/24/19, 1/1/20, 7/5/20, 9/20/20, 1/24/21, 9/12/21, 8/6/23, 4/10/24, 8/25/24, 1/16/25
CaesarVincens 8/8/21
caffran 4/12/20
Calipah 4/18/12
Canonized 11/11/07, 1/12/08
Capibara 12/16/07, 1/27/08
CaptainAlvious 6/24/18, 6/23/19, 2/16/24
Captain Waffles 7/16/17
Casko 10/29/23
CatKnight 8/28/04, 12/31/05, 3/5/11
CBR JGWRR 5/6/24
Chac1 7/9/23, 3/18/24, 10/29/24
Charle_88 11/26/07
Chefportnen 11/5/06, 5/9/07
Chesterton 2/18/07
Chief Ragusa 8/14/06, 2/6/07, 10/14/07, 3/12/11, 3/14/12
Chilango2 1/30/22, 2/19/23
Chris Taylor 8/28/11, 2/27/12
Cityracer 8/16/15
ColonelIronboot 5/9/10
ColossusCrusher 8/24/08
Comagoosie 4/26/08, 7/13/08, 9/18/08
Communard 1/16/11
Communitarian! 11/14/10
ComradeOm 3/24/08
Contravarius 6/8/14
cookfl 7/7/19
Cora Giantkiller 10/31/21
coz1 7/19/04, 9/4/05, 9/28/07, 2/19/09, 6/9/13, 1/22/18, 2/23/20, 5/22/22, 2/5/23, 1/1/24
Crimson Drakon 12/18/16
Crimson Lionheart 10/2/19 , 3/14/21
crisrko 4/29/18, 9/22/24
Cromwell 5/10/20, 4/11/21
CSK 11/19/06
Cthulhu 12/5/05
Cybvep 11/6/11, 12/12/11
Cyreidel 9/12/09
Danarca 2/7/16
darkhaze9 6/16/19
Darknesskilla 6/24/10
DarkReborn 4/1/07
Darkrenown 12/29/09
DarthShiznit 10/19/14
Davout 2/21/10
Davy 11/11/12
Dayni 6/14/15
Dead William 11/18/05
demokratickid 11/16/08, 1/18/09, 4/28/09
DensleyBlair 12/9/12, 5/19/13, 8/18/13, 11/16/14, 6/28/15, 9/25/19, 8/9/20, 12/13/20, 7/18/21, 11/20/22, 12/24/23
Derahan 3/24/13 and 1/19/14
Derehan 8/14/11
DerKaiser 1/1/08
Deus 10/18/05
Dewirix 9/26/10, 12/26/10, 1/08/12
Didaa 9/21/09
dinofs 8/1/10
Director 8/25/07, 1/1/17, 5/23/21
diskoerekto 10/7/18, 12/2/18, 1/12/20, 11/22/20, 7/4/21, 3/27/22, 3/12/24, 1/4/25
DKM 9/14/14, 11/9/14, 3/1/15, 11/1/15
Dohaeris 8/14/16
Dovahkiing 12/30/12
Draco Rexus 8/17/04, 1/24/06, 1/28/07
dragonizer 6/8/12
Dr. Gonzo 3/11/08
Dr.Livingstone 8/23/15
Duke of Awesome 3/29/15
Duke of Wellington 2/20/06, 12/26/06, 3/20/10
DvD-IT 8/23/09, 7/3/10
Dyranum 6/15/14
Dysken 12/2/07
Eams 2/1/09
Eber 7/18/08
Elbasto 12/19/05
El Pip 11/30/08, 3/16/09, 1/31/10, 5/28/17, 10/1/17, 1/28/18, 1/30/20, 10/25/20, 5/30/21, 9/4/22, 12/4/22, 9/27/23, 12/8/24
Eludio 11/14/21
Emissary of the Prophets 9/10/23
EmperorofMordor 2/5/17
Emperor Ike 3/16/07
Emperor_krk 6/22/08
Enewald 4/18/08, 9/28/08, 4/20/09, 8/30/09, 4/17/10, 1/2/11, 4/10/11, 1/28/14, 3/30/14, 10/25/15, 4/11/16
enkhuush 12/10/09
eoncommander 2/16/21, 5/8/22
eqqman 10/2/11
Ericpiplup 10/29/17
Estonianzulu 3/6/08
EU3Noob 6/11/12
Eurasia 2/18/18, 1/10/21, 6/2/24
Evil Santa 12/8/07
fabiolundiense 11/14/17
Faelin 10/15/04
Farquharson 1/16/06
Fiftypence 11/1/20
filcat 7/25/21, 12/26/21, 7/24/22, 4/16/23
FinnishFish 7/31/11
Finshades 9/1/18
FlyingDutchie 4/4/10
Forster 10/13/19
Frymonmon 9/16/12
gabor 6/19/09, 9/3/11, 1/29/12
Gardarian 4/22/07
Garfunkel 9/26/21
Gen. Marshall 1/13/13 and 8/15/13
General Hannibal 10/2/06
generalis Julius Caesar 12/27/20
General Jac 9/18/06
George Parr 10/18/15
German General 9/25/06
GermanKaiser 8/8/14
germanpeon 2/3/08, 7/31/08
GhostRider124 6/30/19, 2/24/24
Ghostwriter 9/25/05, 12/27/05, 6/11/06, 9/16/07, 10/19/08
Gloa 9/26/12
Grayghost 2/25/07, 6/5/07
GreatUberGeek 1/5/14 and 3/16/14
Griffin.Gen 6/12/10
GrimReaper 7/25/06
Grubnessul 11/18/07
Grundius 1/3/07
guillec87 9/8/13, 12/7/14, 3/8/15, 6/9/15, 4/17/16, 8/13/17, 12/10/17, 4/15/18, 10/10/19, 9/6/20
Gukpa 9/13/15, 12/6/15
GulMacet 10/28/18 & 11/7/21
H. Appleby 3/2/14, 4/5/20
Hannibal Barca2 1/6/09
Helmhold 9/6/08
Henry v. Keiper 9/4/16
hjarg 5/5/08, 1/1/23
HIMDogson 11/8/15, 11/29/20
History_Buff 5/2/10
HistoryDude 2/10/19, 9/1/19, 8/16/20, 2/28/21, 2/6/22, 8/14/22, 12/18/22, 5/28/23, 12/3/23, 05/16/24, 8/11/24
Historywhiz 5/29/22, 1/29/23, 9/15/24
Hootieleece 11/24/24
iain_a_wilson 3/13/22
Iain Wilson 8/24/10
IamWhoa 5/29/08
IconOfEvi 7/5/15
Idhrendur 4/13/14, 5/10/15, 4/3/17, 11/25/18, 12/15/19, 8/1/21, 10/30/22, 7/25/24
Igaworker 11/4/05
iisbroke 4/4/16
Ikarases 4/14/13 and 7/6/14
J_Master 2/26/17, 11/19/17, 5/21/23, 11/13/23
J. Passepartout 7/12/04, 9/3/06, 9/3/07
JabberJock14 7/2/17, 7/23/18, 3/15/20
Jack45 7/3/16
Jagdpnzr 11/19/12
jak7139 10/17/21, 4/10/22, 6/18/23, 12/10/23, 4/21/24, 11/17/24
Jambor 10/13/09
Jape 6/4/06, 1/19/10
jasondroth24 10/15/17
JDMS 4/25/10
jhhowell 10/24/09, 7/2/23, 11/6/24
JimboIX 11/26/06
Johan11 9/28/09
Judas Maccabeus 11/4/07
Judge 9/13/04
Junuxx 12/17/09, 10/24/10
JSB217118 3/1/20, 2/14/21
jwolf 1/8/06
KaiserMuffin 3/27/10
Kampf_Machen 5/26/09
KanadeSomeone 8/7/22
KanyeWest 3/22/15
Karaiskandar 4/10/10
Karl Martell 5/22/06
Keinwyn 1/31/16
KenneththeGreat 4/2/06
King50000 7/24/11
King_Richard_XI 10/17/10
Killerduck 10/8/23
KiratRawr 3/5/23
KLorberau 11/18/12, 4/7/13
knul 5/1/11
Kurt_Steiner 3/25/07, 10/29/07, 4/6/08, 12/29/08, 2/16/14, 6/4/17, 12/11/22, 1/14/24
Kylia Quilor: 12/30/18, 2/3/19
LatinKaiser 5/24/15
Lautipus 4/22/18
Le Jones 4/1/20
Lifeless 2/8/06
Likk9922 8/13/07, 10/12/08
loki100 2/13/11, 5/8/11, 8/7/11, 8/26/12, 3/17/13
lone_wolf7660 9/25/22
Lordban 8/16/09
Lord Boreal 1/15/07
Lord Curlyton 7/7/13
Lord Decobius 8/18/19
Lord Durham 2/28/08, 3/3/13, 1/7/24
Lord E 3/26/06, 10/6/07, 11/10/08
loup99 5/3/15, 11/22/15, 3/20/16, 4/24/16, 2/19/17, 8/12/18, 6/9/19
Lucifer 6/18/17
Lunarc 11/29/15
LWE 4/30/20
m.equitum 1/10/16
Macavity116 1/20/19, 12/8/19, 1/16/22, 4/9/23, 5/26/24
Machiavellian 9/4/04, 2/17/13, 5/29/16
Macke11 9/3/17, 2/5/18
mad orc 5/31/20
Maj. Von Mauser 8/2/08
Malurous 12/3/09, 1/15/12
Mangudai 2/12/08
markkur 11/17/16, 8/27/17, 8/5/18
Marsz 9/29/13
MastahCheef117 12/20/15
mayorqw 4/9/12
Maximus101 7/16/15
meat67 12/5/10
Memento Mori 6/24/12
merrick 3/22/09
Mettermrck 10/8/04, 7/2/06, 6/6/08
Michaelangelo 2/22/15, 3/13/16, 4/16/17, 7/28/24
Midnite Duke 6/28/20, 3/1/21, 6/27/21, 3/6/22, 8/21/22, 6/11/23, 4/28/24, 7/22/24
mike the knight 12/16/12, 6/7/20
Milites 7/7/09
misterbean 11/13/11, 7/14/13
morningSIDEr 9/7/10, 2/27/11, 4/26/12
Mr. Capiatlist 1/10/07 (# of Rejections: 2)
Mr. Santiago 7/17/11
Murmurandus 12/18/06, 10/21/07, 9/2/12
Myth 8/13/09
NACBEAST 8/21/11
naggy 10/31/10
Nathan Madien 2/7/10 , 11/27/22
NecromancerPL 4/17/22
NewbieOne 12/23/12
NightmareSSV 1/8/17
NikephorosSonar 12/8/13
Nikolai 9/20/07, 9/19/11, 12/1/13, 4/6/14, 1/4/15, 11/2/16, 7/30/17, 3/18/18, 5/20/18, 12/9/18, 8/25/19, 8/23/20, 2/21/21, 12/25/22, 7/30/23, 9/8/24
Nikolai II 6/9/24
Nil-The-Frogg 3/6/06
Nodscouterr 9/6/09, 10/5/09
nsahn 11/1/09
Nuada Airgetlám 7/31/16, 12/11/16, 9/10/17
nuclearslurpee 9/9/18, 2/9/20, 9/27/20, 6/6/21, 12/5/21, 6/26/22, 10/15/23
Nuclear Winter 7/1/04
OAM 10/9/06
Ol' Johnny 12/16/18
Olaus Petrus 3/30/08
Olligarchy 9/25/16
Omen 1/22/12
Oranje Verzet 4/9/06
Panzer_Commader 2/14/16
Pchang 3/19/17
Petrarca 7/9/06
phargle 11/22/08
Pjcrowe 10/22/06
Prawnstar 6/29/08, 5/22/12
Projekt 919 6/19/11
Prussiablue 5/29/06
Qorten 7/24/08, 7/25/10, 9/27/15, 8/27/23
Quirinus308 6/22/06
Raaritsgozilla 12/7/08
Ramidel 1/2/22
Randakar 6/25/24
Range 10/10/10
rcduggan 3/4/07, 4/29/07, 6/18/07, 2/19/08, 4/11/08
RedBaron223 8/9/15
red_KLG 7/13/14
Rennslaer 9/18/05, 4/30/06, 1/5/10, 6/2/13, 8/20/23, 7/9/24
RGB 8/6/07, 8/8/10, 5/3/12
Ricardo Rolo 3/10/13
Riccardo93 10/7/12, 6/1/14, 1/17/16
Rich-Love 5/15/06
Rirre 9/27/04
robb1993 7/15/12
robw963 9/9/12
robou 7/6/08, 10/5/08, 5/11/09
Rogov 5/22/11, 6/26/11
R0ter 4/14/07
RossN 6/2/19, 11/22/19
Rotten Venetic 8/21/06
roverS3 2/25/18 , 2/16/20, 10/11/20, 6/13/21, 8/28/22
Rudders10 6/22/14
RustyHunter 8/22/21, 11/28/21
Sakura_F 1/20/13, 5/17/15
Sanvone 6/25/23
Saxon125 1/18/15
sebas379 10/26/14, 12/14/14, 11/6/16, 4/1/18
Seek75 6/12/11
Seelmeister 1/27/13, 1/12/14
SEG-CISR 6/10/07
Semi-Lobster 11/3/08
Sergeant Flutter 6/26/16
serutan 3/4/18, 10/18/20, 1/17/21
Shuma 12/3/06
Shynka 12/27/15
SibCDC 9/22/19
Side 2/12/23
Simon_Jester 7/27/09
Singleton Mosby 3/19/06, 8/5/09
SirCliveWolfe 1/12/10
Sirdramaticus 10/5/24
Sir Dippingsauce 2/12/17
Sir Humphrey 2/24/14
SirkTheMonkey 2/3/13
skagerakk 9/15/19
Slan 11/20/11
slothinator 6/14/20, 1/23/22, 9/29/24
Smokez83 1/27/19
Soda7777777 4/27/14
Sokraates 8/10/08
Son of Liberty 2/9/25
Specialist290 9/7/14, 8/7/16, 12/25/16, 7/9/17, 5/27/18, 10/21/18, 5/26/19, 7/19/20, 5/2/21, 7/31/22
sprites 10/3/10
SSmith 12/18/11, 6/19/22
Stabber 3/5/12
StanislavSoltys 11/30/14
Storey 8/9/04, 10/5/04, 2/27/06, 9/10/06
StrategyGameEnthusiast: 7/16/24, 12/1/24, 1/27/25
Streaker77: 8/4/19, 11/6/22, 7/16/23
Stuyvesant 9/11/05, 3/12/06, 4/20/09, 2/20/11, 3/24/12, 2/2/14, 2/8/15
stnylan 8/1/04, 10/1/05, 8/7/06, 10/29/06, 1/21/07, 5/17/08, 8/15/14, 11/27/16, 3/12/17, 8/6/17, 10/24/17, 5/13/18, 11/4/18, 5/19/19, 7/12/20
Superstorm 6/5/22
Surt 12/25/11, 11/3/13, 5/6/18, 11/14/19, 9/5/21
Surume 11/21/10
Tanzhang (譚張) 1/1/12, 5/26/13
terr0rizm 7/28/19
Terrafirma 7/17/06, 1/3/16
TehDarkMiner 7/24/14, 12/21/14
ThaHoward 10/6/16, 3/25/18
Thaiga 9/18/22
TheAnguishedOne 10/4/15, 3/27/16, 5/15/16, 8/28/16, 01/29/17, 3/7/21, 3/19/23
TheBromgrev 11/28/11, 3/12/12
TheButterflyComposer 5/7/17, 8/20/17, 1/15/18, 9/17/18, 3/31/19, 3/22/20, 11/8/20, 7/12/21, 7/10/22, 11/5/23, 1/25/24
TheConqueror 5/26/08
TheExecuter 9/9/07, 1/6/08, 5/15/11
The Kingmaker 8/16/23, 3/25/24
thekinguter 9/30/12
The Meme King 12/19/21
TheRealKestrel 7/10/10
TheTeaMustFlow 4/30/17
The Arch Mede 11/8/09, 3/20/11
The B 11/23/14
The_Guiscard 1/25/09
The_Kipper 10/15/06
The Number 9 3/30/17, 8/20/18
The Swert 2/12/09
The Yogi 7/19/09
Theodorian 10/24/19
Therev 1/31/06
Threedog43 8/31/10
TK-XD-M8 11/26/17
tnick0225 12/29/13
Tom D. 10/10/16, 1/22/17, 11/6/17, 7/8/18
Tommy4ever 1/9/11
tpmcinty 12/31/17, 7/21/19
trekaddict 12/14/08, 5/30/10
TrocaNero 2/2/25
Tskb18 8/10/07
Twighlight Array 17 8/21/16
TWR97 3/3/19, 4/28/19, 8/15/21
Uriah 10/9/11
Vann the Red 5/7/06, 4/5/09
Veldmaarschalk 12/11/06
Vesimir 8/16/10
Viden 7/10/11, 12/1/19
VI Lenin 11/25/05
Vlad_Dracul1989 6/10/17
volksmarschall 3/1/09, 2/9/14, 12/4/16, 9/24/17, 8/30/20
Von Acturus 5/1/22, 4/2/23
Wagonlitz 6/16/24
Walter Model 2/12/07
Wamo 7/25/04
We Are Not Yet Lost 3/10/18
Webstantine 8/11/13
WelshDude 6/5/11
Werther 7/26/20
Willum 9/28/14
Winner 6/27/09 and 12/22/13
Woody Man 1/19/08, 5/18/09
WPCSolver 3/31/24
Wraith11B 8/26/18, 1/23/20, 10/4/20, 9/19/21, 9/11/22, 1/8/23, 10/1/23
Xenophon13 6/23/13
Zemurin 12/22/19
zenphoenix 4/9/17, 6/17/18, 4/14/19, 2/8/24
Zeogludon 12/17/24
Zhuge Liang 5/16/10
Zuckergußgeback 6/24/04
By # of wins
16 wins: Nikolai
15 wins: Stnylan
13 wins: El Pip, Bullfilter
12 wins: Enewald
11 wins: Coz1, guillec87, Specialist290, TheButterflyComposer, HistoryDude, DensleyBlair
9 wins Idhrendur
8 wins: Kurt_Steiner, Midnite Duke, diskoerekto
7 wins: loup99, nuclearslurpee, Stuyvesant, TheAnguishedOne, Wraith11B
6 wins: alscon, Macavity116, roverS3, Rensslaer, jak7139
5 wins: Andre Massena, Chief Ragusa, GhostWriter, loki100, rcduggan, Surt, volksmarschall
Thank you to the moderators for helping keep this updated!
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