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Second Lieutenant
16 Badges
Nov 25, 2012
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • 500k Club
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Crusader Kings III
  • Crusader Kings III: Royal Edition
I think that for now free folk is badly represented. Firstly, they aren't tribal as for some reason they've got feudal system with castles, which completely doesn't make sense with harsh living conditions beyond the wall, in books they are totaly tribal. And with castles their armies are heavy infantry based, but they should be light infanty based, Wildlings didn't have much armour and good weaponry, except for the Thenns.

Also as now raiding is connected not only to religion, but also to culture, wouldn't it be better and more accurate to the books, if raiding was connected to free folk culture and beyond the Wall old gods religion was removed from the game? Then only the basic version of this religion would stay and it will be more canonical.
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There is a big difference between the worship of the old gods in the north and beyond the wall, a difference which is perfectly well represented by them being different religions and is quite canonical.
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And can you quote books detailing this big difference? I think that difference is not in old gods religion which is realy simple, animistic faith, but in cultures, northmen are civilised feudal people, wildlings are tribal and barbarous.
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They aren't tribal because this mod is supposed to be completely playable without the need for any DLC. That's why there aren't retinues, either.
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And can you quote books detailing this big difference? I think that difference is not in old gods religion which is realy simple, animistic faith, but in cultures, northmen are civilised feudal people, wildlings are tribal and barbarous.
So you mean the difference between people like Ned just calmly sitting in the godswood praying and wildlings doing ritual sacrifices is not at all different in the slightest? Ok seems legit to me.
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Think of it like the separation of Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox churches. They both love Jesus but they're different enough in their practice to be represented as separate.

Same with Skagos vs the mainland North when it comes to worship.
Think of it like the separation of Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox churches. They both love Jesus but they're different enough in their practice to be represented as separate.
Better example would be arian christianity among civilised roman citizens and barbarous Goths and Vandals. It was the same religion for both groups, but uncivilized barbarians mixed it with their old pagan way of life without changing belief system. In the same way Ned wouldn't even think about sacrifices and for savage Wildlings it was normal. So, it's still more connected to culture, but I won't argue as I see from @blackninja9939 posts that would be pointless.
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They aren't tribal because it was too easy for Wildlings to raise massive doomstacks through the prestige decision during wars. If I'm remembering correctly, that is.

Not to mention it's rather difficult to play as a Wildling, break through the Wall, and maintain your hold on it due to the different Government types opinion penalty.
A little over a year ago when playing this I felt the same way, so I changed them to tribal, all their holdings were such, and even PS'd the tribal holding art to look snowy ect.

Played the Thenns all the time, was good fun.
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Not to mention it's rather difficult to play as a Wildling, break through the Wall, and maintain your hold on it due to the different Government types opinion penalty.
And that's the point of Wildlings, Mance could have break through the Wall, maybe even spmehow conquer the north, but maintaing feudal lands wouldn't be easy.
In version 0.9 they added tribal holdings and In 0.9.2 They removed tribal holdings from wildlings and here was the reason
So it completely doesn't make sense.
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We may revist wildlings as tribal as with governments we have the ability to more easily script what they can and cannot do as opposed to paradox deciding what a tribal government does. But honestly it is not the highest priority as they do work perfectly fine in this form.
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With custom government forms, there are many, many options, I think.

Also, am I the only one who just can't succeed as a wildling? I started as the Thenns in one of the quiet years, and conquered all of Beyond the Wall, but now I get bigger and bigger revolts (based on increasing garrison sizes) so fast, my troop count decreases instead of replenishing. Which is a shame, because Wildling Barracks are super sweet... when they are full. My latest peasant revolts are 1500-2000 men, I can raise barely more than 1000 even though I control everything North of the Wall. Is there an option I'm missing here?

Also, as a Thenn I can't even make or hold the Kingdom Beyond the Wall, severely limiting my raiding (I was planning to save up for a city, make a Merchant Republic vassal with one of the coastal duchies, and go raiding Lys or something).