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Lt. General
82 Badges
Jul 16, 2013
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Is there a way to force certain characters to do certain thing, say a bit of coding I can muck about with so that Joffrey always chooses Margery to marry, and that always forces Theon to kill Bran and Rickon. Thing is, I need Sansa alive and as a heir to Winterfell so that I can marry her and take the North, but it means waiting on things that might not happen, so I'd rather force the issue.

I don't mind save editing or using console commands.
If you're that concerned about Sansa, why not console move her to your court then marry/betroth yourself to her?

Because if Joffrey decides to marry her, even if she's under house arrest, she stays in his court, and if I console her to marry me instead, the game bugs out and Sansa has Joffreys kids even though she's married to me.

That's why I'm wondering if I can go to somewhere in the coding and force them choose one choice in their events all the time.