Already did using the other thread's decision, After 1 month I've already got a civil war. Tried to revoke a title from the paramont of the reach (Gardner). When I was a lowly count without a dragon he took my capital and whole bunch of other counts/dukes land, I've also got Arryn who decided to aid him. Pretty soon the wall will be overrun with people, also had 3 peasant rebelling along with 2 other ones I inherited (thank you Ironborn). Soo after I get rid of them hopefully their replacements will join the loyalist faction, then I will only have 1 faction in the kingdom.
Also had 2 hosts that I crushed, both challenged me to trial by combat, won both killed one sent the other to the wall.
Imprisoned 3, 1 trial by combat with a stand in, won/2 guilty all sent to the wall. (Tried to kill my courtier, wife, and usurp my title.
So in the short 1 month time I've been king I've sent 9 people to the wall killed 1 and am probably going to send 2 more.