Forum Rules
All Rules for the general forum as outlined in the user agreement for registering with Paradox are in force in this forum.
Forum Rules
Pay particular attention to the following :
* You will respect the rights of other users to have their own opinions.
* You will not use expressions that are considered foul, vulgar, sexually harassing, racially offensive or in any way discriminatory. These expressions include, but are not limited to, ethnic slurs, hate speech and religious epithets. Whether an expression fits under this definition will be determined by Paradox staff at the time.
* You will not make posts that are inflammatory with the perceived intent to rile people up (i.e. "trolling" and "flaming" are prohibited).
* You will not flood or post on the forums redundant, empty, or nonsensical posts or advertisements as determined by Paradox staff (i.e. no "spamming").
Further additions to the rules that will apply specifically to this forum will be posted as they are needed.
All Rules for the general forum as outlined in the user agreement for registering with Paradox are in force in this forum.
Forum Rules
Pay particular attention to the following :
* You will respect the rights of other users to have their own opinions.
* You will not use expressions that are considered foul, vulgar, sexually harassing, racially offensive or in any way discriminatory. These expressions include, but are not limited to, ethnic slurs, hate speech and religious epithets. Whether an expression fits under this definition will be determined by Paradox staff at the time.
* You will not make posts that are inflammatory with the perceived intent to rile people up (i.e. "trolling" and "flaming" are prohibited).
* You will not flood or post on the forums redundant, empty, or nonsensical posts or advertisements as determined by Paradox staff (i.e. no "spamming").
Further additions to the rules that will apply specifically to this forum will be posted as they are needed.