Short version first and more information below.
My Kingdom of the Iron Throne has become a Merchant Republic ruled by an Archon. How do I go about fixing that?
So in my game I'm playing the Targ line. Everything was proceeding just fine until my 3rd ruler had one of those "Who is my heir" conventions because I had a bastard daughter and a royal daughter, while brothers had sons. During that meeting it was decided that we would go with Seniority succession and my uncle received "The Free city of Dragonstone," while my younger brother stepped in line to become heir.
Well, I played through that son's life, and his son had both died by the plague, leaving a 5 year old to inherit the Kingdom. It really became a case of, "The Royal family lost all of their adult riders, but the Dragonstone branch had the most members and had all of the dragons, besides a couple babies grabbed by lesser nobles and commoners in my court.
Needless to say, I didn't win that war and I took over as the Son to the aforementioned uncle, making him Archon of the Iron Thrones. Now, here's the thing that bothers me. In Vanilla CK, I remember accidentally finding a Republic and I got rid of it by passing on that city and keeping a castle within the same county.
Yet, in this game I cannot move my capital BACK to King's Landing, And I do not have the option to even give away the land I DO have. And the Weirdest thing? Is that my current Archon doesn't even HOLD any cities. Both, KL and DS are both Castles that he rules, yet they call them cities of X and Y.
My Kingdom of the Iron Throne has become a Merchant Republic ruled by an Archon. How do I go about fixing that?
So in my game I'm playing the Targ line. Everything was proceeding just fine until my 3rd ruler had one of those "Who is my heir" conventions because I had a bastard daughter and a royal daughter, while brothers had sons. During that meeting it was decided that we would go with Seniority succession and my uncle received "The Free city of Dragonstone," while my younger brother stepped in line to become heir.
Well, I played through that son's life, and his son had both died by the plague, leaving a 5 year old to inherit the Kingdom. It really became a case of, "The Royal family lost all of their adult riders, but the Dragonstone branch had the most members and had all of the dragons, besides a couple babies grabbed by lesser nobles and commoners in my court.
Needless to say, I didn't win that war and I took over as the Son to the aforementioned uncle, making him Archon of the Iron Thrones. Now, here's the thing that bothers me. In Vanilla CK, I remember accidentally finding a Republic and I got rid of it by passing on that city and keeping a castle within the same county.
Yet, in this game I cannot move my capital BACK to King's Landing, And I do not have the option to even give away the land I DO have. And the Weirdest thing? Is that my current Archon doesn't even HOLD any cities. Both, KL and DS are both Castles that he rules, yet they call them cities of X and Y.