La patch officiel 1.1 est sortie:
+ New Option: No tech trading.
+ New Option: Blind exploration (players can't see the spheres of influence on the mini map)
+ New Option: Random intelligence (Players select a general difficulty level and the game can randomize the indvidiaul intelligences of each player.
+ New Option: Random number of players (Players can elect to have the game decide how many players they're going up against)
+ New Option: Random opponents (Players can elect to have the game choose which players they are up against)
+ New OPtion: Random galaxy size (Players can elect to have the game randomly pick a galaxy size)
+ Computer AI *significantly* enhanced.
+ Computer AI updated to work together with other players (including human player) to thwart a common foe.
+ New Alien dialog: (ex: Drengin: "You complete me." ack!). Another Ex: Computer players grovel dialog more satisfying.
+ Fleet Manager Screen added to manage stacks of ships and fleets that are on the same tile more easily
+ Rally points can be moved
+ Lots of UI tweaks
+ Game will tell you when someone else is paying off, manipulating things behind the scenes to go to war with you (but won't tell you precisely who is doing it).
+ Players can choose to upgrade ships and either have the functional components removed by default or have them stay.
+ Unused Social Production now transferred automatically to military production rather than "wasted".
+ Economic System overhauled to be more transparent and intuitive.
+ Production that is the result of abililities is only charged at 50%. (that is, if player is getting 10 more industrial units of production per turn because of starbases, player abilities, etc. they only have to pay for 5 of it).
+ Population growth revamped to put more emphasis on population growth ability and morale.
+ Lots of new hot keys.
+ Metaverse Scoring revamped.
+ Ship Designer revamped to be easier to use, more powerful.
+ Ship Designer now allows players to rotate ship pieces on the fly.
+ Ship Destination markers also display how many weeks until ship arrives there.
+ Selected ship displays an animated line showing where its destination is.
+ Constructors will display what area of effect a starbase would have it one were built in the constructor's current position.
+ Lots of new balancing of technologies, planetary improvements, starbase modules, etc. based on the feedback from players.
+ Lots of new options added to the options screen
+ Better support for modding (full-blown mod UI coming in v1.2).
+ New Music playing
+ Lots of tweaks to improve pacing, balance, etc.
+ Removed a lot of player discovered "exploits"
+ Performance and memory optimizations
+ New hot keys
+ Lots of bug and glitch fixes
# # #
The detailed list of changes:
What's new in v1.1 over 1.0X:
+ NEW FEATURE: You can select a planet on the main map and then use Z and X keys to cycle through your planets
+ NEW SCREEN: The Fleet Manager. Players can now easily manage multiple fleets and stacks of ships in a single UI.
+ Optimized fleet manager screen for faster response times Implemented
+ New Option: "Hide Nebulae and Stars in Ship Preview Windows". This option fixed some compatibility/crash issues some users ran into (video card related).
+ Only thumbnails for ships your civ can use are pre-loaded Fixed bug where UP would vote to change to Democracy, but would changeto Federation instead
+ AI now factors "Fear" into relations. If someone is going around conquering others, they'll begin to get nervous about them.
+ AI will tend to band together to try to stop someone who is going around conquering them (whether that be human or another AI player who is mopping everyone up).
+ AI players will evaluate threats and put together coalitions against aggressive players or at the very least take a more active role in thwarting aggression from the sidelines. (LOTS involved in implementing this).
+ Computer players weigh risk of being ganged up on if they start a war of aggression before starting said war of aggression.
+ AI Much more effective at evaluating threats and discarding false positives.
+ Some AI players will be more aggressive at secretly paying someone else off to go to war with another player.
+ Many new messages to human player to let them know if someone has gone to war with them because they've been paid off or some other reason.
+ Some new AI upgrading code to ships to prevent it from trying to upgrade Precursor light cruisers (aka Rangers).
+ Torian and related AIs now adjust what they are building/researching based on the status of the galaxy. If the galaxy is on fire with war, it begins to rearm.
+ Lots of tweaks on which ships are built.
+ AI much better at focusing on tech researched based on its own strategy. Previously it tended to over focus on how much a tech cost so it would tend to research techs that weren't central to its strategy simply because they were "Cheap". Such distractions really add up.
+ A LOT of work on the tactical AI, picking out which ships to go after, how to focus power and project it in a focused way.
+ AI will move offensive ships into defensive positions in orbit of a planet if it feels threatened.
+ If the galactic atmosphere gets dangerous (i.e. lots of wars) AI will start fortifying its planets more to prevent sneak attacks.
+ Starting spend rate changed to 67. "New" users will hence see the game pace improved (i.e. the "I just keep having to hit the turn button over and over" issue where people who don't increase their spend rate end up waiting a long time should be helped a bit).
+ Game now keeps track of how many civilizations a given race has conquered. pCiv->ulCivsConquered.
+ New API: FindBestFriend. Returns a player's best friend that they can reasonably trust. Takes into account if said friend is going around conquering everyone and is not allied.
+ Saved game and load game format changed to support new features.
+ Saved game makes use of new weapon and defense focus features.
+ Planets under alien influence defect faster.
+ Tweaked planet seeding so that there's a bit more difference between rare and uncommon.
+ Fixed rare crash where a ship has been destroyed but the bad pointer is left in the orbit list. Now it will NULL it out if the ship's been destroyed.
+ Cleaned up the way influence ability affects the map. Much better.
+ AI will tend to use space on a ship design more optimally.
+ AI: If you're playing on Impossible (or whatever the most difficult level) the AI gets a free miniaturization ability. At this difficulty level, our focus is to provide god-like players with a challenge. (besides, if you're beating it at genius or higher, you're probably doing something similarly cheesy ).
+ Report screen on foreign relations screen tweaked to show fear as a negative (or positive) effect on relations.
+ Influence on the map tends to spread further into empty areas.
+ AI somewhat more shrewed in negotiations.
+ AI takes into account how many wars the player has started before making peace.
+ Iconian home world nerfed to 14.
+ Lots of new alien dialog.
+ Various tweaks to costs and benefits to planetary improvements based on player feedback.
+ Iconians are now good (were neutral).
+ Torians made slightly nicer ("more gooder" ).
+ Influence modules made more powerful at the high end.
+ AIs consider hulls more important.
+ Saved games now load MUCH MUCH faster on new saves
+ Changed saved game version because saved games no longer save influence data - speeds up saved game load time
+ Added support for loading older saved games that still have influence data
+ Implemented Cari's change to prevent AutoSave crashing
+ Improved stability in various places by checking process pointers before appending them to other processes
+ Added debug messages when memory allocation fails
+ Influence updates immediately after loading a game (No need to wait a turn for the influence to correct itself)
+ Fixed a bug where saved games from older versions that had orbital fleet managers in them did not allow the player to attack ships in a planet
+ Ship Design Screen deletes an old design if the new design has the same name
+ Fixed bug where if you pressed ESC in election window, you would never get any more elections from then on
+ Updated AI rally point code to adjust to it being blocked by opponents.
+ AI rally points are now closer to friendly planets so that they're nearer to reinforce
+ New Ship Design and Adaption system implemented based on experiences from (ahem) "after hours play testing".
+ Alien ship names are better. I.e. Drengin Fighter instead of just "fighter".
+ Tightened AI tech trading so that weapons are rarely traded.
+ Torians much better at managing planets.
+ AI treats home planet differently than other planets when it comes to deciding how to build improvements.
+ Lots of tweaks to how the AI determines which technology to research.
+ Updates several of the AI modules to support an improved starbase handling algorithm (didn't update all because "better" is subjective).
+ AI better at upgrading their ships
+ Lots of tweaks to the tactical battle AI
+ AI will tend not to send combat ships out of orbit if doing so would leave the planet vulnerable to an invasion.
+ Normal and Bright AI intelligence levels made a bit easier
+ Trade route value increased based on population of source/destination planets.
+ Fixed bug where display name was used to find ships (can't assume English names!)
+ Updated AI ability picking based on new values.
+ Optimized AI usage of space on a ship.
+ AI will now create sub-fleets that will go after enemy starbases.
+ Technologies 20% cheaper by default (use technology rate to adjust this).
+ AI wont' "help" you by giving you starbases to fight wars.
+ AI is much less likely to trade away mining starbases.
+ Nano Ripper costs more, does 5 damage instead of 6 (it's still a very potent weapon).
+ Drengin loyalty removed from abilities.
+ Fixed bug where AI ships would build mining starbases without resources. It was allowing them to do this as long as the starbase limit had not been met. Now, if they try it, it will abort before building the starbase and leave a message in debug.err
+ Planet Context window will now update the planet stats as you change the sliders in the Domestic Policy Economy window
+ Fixed upgrade overlay for AI fleets to not display time to upgrade (Release Mode only)
+ Fixed "Auto-obsolete" bug when upgrading a ship design
+ More balancing on what techs AIs should research
+ Tighter controls over tech trading
+ AI won't lower relations with a player for military reasons unless it has a distinct military advantage
+ Good civilizations now get an outright + to their relations from neutral civs.
+ Torians better at making use of constructors
+ AIs will tend to have much different sets of technologies based on race.
+ AIs will make a priority out of terraforming their tiles
+ Terran Alliance AI ship designs more flexible with galaxy size (other civs already using this)
+ Terran Alliance will use economic bases to extend their range
+ AIs will accelerate military production if they fall behind enough on military spending.
+ New API FindClosestLocalUnfriendShip(). AIs will use this to put ships near potentially hostile ships that are somewhat near its worlds.
+ New APIs: CalcFullAttack(), CalcFullDefense(). These APIs allow the AI to quickly (CPU wise) determine if a potential target is getting benefits from military starbases and make decisions based on this information.
+ Military Might makes use of the new CalcFullAttack and CalcFullDefense APIs
+ Precursor Rangers don’t show up until after game year 5 (was 3).
+ Some Civs put more emphasis on increasing food production
+ Tech research slightly faster at default tech rate
+ Cleaned up planet economy display so that ()’s only show up if you’re not spending.
+ Tool tip for military spending now shows up if you mouse over the actual number. It will explain where that number comes from.
+ AI better at valuing the worth of planets.
+ AI more wary about attacking fortified starbases (this is harder to balance than it might seem, you want the AI to sacrifice units if necessary to wear down a starbase but you don’t want it mindlessly throwing ships at them, it’s a fine line).
+ Start-up abilities made cheaper but less powerful too. More opportunity to spread ones Civ out.
+ Political Parties re-balanced based on new values.
+ Updated graphics for some planetary improvements.
+ Some planetary improvements made less expensive
+ Spin Control Center now requires Majesty
+ Neutrality Learning Center added
+ Attack Assist Modules now cost typically $300 per module. The reason for this is that these modules essentially give the same benefit as building several small ships when used correctly. $300 may even be too cheap. Late in the game, these costs won’t be significant but it prevents a player from b-lining to these techs and eliminating opponents before the game has really started.
+ Attack and Defense assist modules will require that the starbase have battle stations on them at the very least.
+ Starbase militarization techs cost more to research.
+ Terran Alliance AI focuses more on self-defense of planets Drengin
+ AI now uses experimental weapons focus technology system Scoring system tweaks. See Link for details
+ Music playing tweaks
+ Update the influence borders when an influence module is added
+ Drengin racial morale increased to 25%, Soldiering racial bonus decreased to 20%.
+ fixed bugs reading in height map mods
+ added ability to read in .str files from the mods\data folder
+ added support for modded star types
+ added support for replacing the custom planets and race config files with copies in the mods folder (but not adding new or partial mods)
+ added support for replacing the abilities xml file with a copy in the mods folder
see below for part 2
+ New Option: No tech trading.
+ New Option: Blind exploration (players can't see the spheres of influence on the mini map)
+ New Option: Random intelligence (Players select a general difficulty level and the game can randomize the indvidiaul intelligences of each player.
+ New Option: Random number of players (Players can elect to have the game decide how many players they're going up against)
+ New Option: Random opponents (Players can elect to have the game choose which players they are up against)
+ New OPtion: Random galaxy size (Players can elect to have the game randomly pick a galaxy size)
+ Computer AI *significantly* enhanced.
+ Computer AI updated to work together with other players (including human player) to thwart a common foe.
+ New Alien dialog: (ex: Drengin: "You complete me." ack!). Another Ex: Computer players grovel dialog more satisfying.
+ Fleet Manager Screen added to manage stacks of ships and fleets that are on the same tile more easily
+ Rally points can be moved
+ Lots of UI tweaks
+ Game will tell you when someone else is paying off, manipulating things behind the scenes to go to war with you (but won't tell you precisely who is doing it).
+ Players can choose to upgrade ships and either have the functional components removed by default or have them stay.
+ Unused Social Production now transferred automatically to military production rather than "wasted".
+ Economic System overhauled to be more transparent and intuitive.
+ Production that is the result of abililities is only charged at 50%. (that is, if player is getting 10 more industrial units of production per turn because of starbases, player abilities, etc. they only have to pay for 5 of it).
+ Population growth revamped to put more emphasis on population growth ability and morale.
+ Lots of new hot keys.
+ Metaverse Scoring revamped.
+ Ship Designer revamped to be easier to use, more powerful.
+ Ship Designer now allows players to rotate ship pieces on the fly.
+ Ship Destination markers also display how many weeks until ship arrives there.
+ Selected ship displays an animated line showing where its destination is.
+ Constructors will display what area of effect a starbase would have it one were built in the constructor's current position.
+ Lots of new balancing of technologies, planetary improvements, starbase modules, etc. based on the feedback from players.
+ Lots of new options added to the options screen
+ Better support for modding (full-blown mod UI coming in v1.2).
+ New Music playing
+ Lots of tweaks to improve pacing, balance, etc.
+ Removed a lot of player discovered "exploits"
+ Performance and memory optimizations
+ New hot keys
+ Lots of bug and glitch fixes
# # #
The detailed list of changes:
What's new in v1.1 over 1.0X:
+ NEW FEATURE: You can select a planet on the main map and then use Z and X keys to cycle through your planets
+ NEW SCREEN: The Fleet Manager. Players can now easily manage multiple fleets and stacks of ships in a single UI.
+ Optimized fleet manager screen for faster response times Implemented
+ New Option: "Hide Nebulae and Stars in Ship Preview Windows". This option fixed some compatibility/crash issues some users ran into (video card related).
+ Only thumbnails for ships your civ can use are pre-loaded Fixed bug where UP would vote to change to Democracy, but would changeto Federation instead
+ AI now factors "Fear" into relations. If someone is going around conquering others, they'll begin to get nervous about them.
+ AI will tend to band together to try to stop someone who is going around conquering them (whether that be human or another AI player who is mopping everyone up).
+ AI players will evaluate threats and put together coalitions against aggressive players or at the very least take a more active role in thwarting aggression from the sidelines. (LOTS involved in implementing this).
+ Computer players weigh risk of being ganged up on if they start a war of aggression before starting said war of aggression.
+ AI Much more effective at evaluating threats and discarding false positives.
+ Some AI players will be more aggressive at secretly paying someone else off to go to war with another player.
+ Many new messages to human player to let them know if someone has gone to war with them because they've been paid off or some other reason.
+ Some new AI upgrading code to ships to prevent it from trying to upgrade Precursor light cruisers (aka Rangers).
+ Torian and related AIs now adjust what they are building/researching based on the status of the galaxy. If the galaxy is on fire with war, it begins to rearm.
+ Lots of tweaks on which ships are built.
+ AI much better at focusing on tech researched based on its own strategy. Previously it tended to over focus on how much a tech cost so it would tend to research techs that weren't central to its strategy simply because they were "Cheap". Such distractions really add up.
+ A LOT of work on the tactical AI, picking out which ships to go after, how to focus power and project it in a focused way.
+ AI will move offensive ships into defensive positions in orbit of a planet if it feels threatened.
+ If the galactic atmosphere gets dangerous (i.e. lots of wars) AI will start fortifying its planets more to prevent sneak attacks.
+ Starting spend rate changed to 67. "New" users will hence see the game pace improved (i.e. the "I just keep having to hit the turn button over and over" issue where people who don't increase their spend rate end up waiting a long time should be helped a bit).
+ Game now keeps track of how many civilizations a given race has conquered. pCiv->ulCivsConquered.
+ New API: FindBestFriend. Returns a player's best friend that they can reasonably trust. Takes into account if said friend is going around conquering everyone and is not allied.
+ Saved game and load game format changed to support new features.
+ Saved game makes use of new weapon and defense focus features.
+ Planets under alien influence defect faster.
+ Tweaked planet seeding so that there's a bit more difference between rare and uncommon.
+ Fixed rare crash where a ship has been destroyed but the bad pointer is left in the orbit list. Now it will NULL it out if the ship's been destroyed.
+ Cleaned up the way influence ability affects the map. Much better.
+ AI will tend to use space on a ship design more optimally.
+ AI: If you're playing on Impossible (or whatever the most difficult level) the AI gets a free miniaturization ability. At this difficulty level, our focus is to provide god-like players with a challenge. (besides, if you're beating it at genius or higher, you're probably doing something similarly cheesy ).
+ Report screen on foreign relations screen tweaked to show fear as a negative (or positive) effect on relations.
+ Influence on the map tends to spread further into empty areas.
+ AI somewhat more shrewed in negotiations.
+ AI takes into account how many wars the player has started before making peace.
+ Iconian home world nerfed to 14.
+ Lots of new alien dialog.
+ Various tweaks to costs and benefits to planetary improvements based on player feedback.
+ Iconians are now good (were neutral).
+ Torians made slightly nicer ("more gooder" ).
+ Influence modules made more powerful at the high end.
+ AIs consider hulls more important.
+ Saved games now load MUCH MUCH faster on new saves
+ Changed saved game version because saved games no longer save influence data - speeds up saved game load time
+ Added support for loading older saved games that still have influence data
+ Implemented Cari's change to prevent AutoSave crashing
+ Improved stability in various places by checking process pointers before appending them to other processes
+ Added debug messages when memory allocation fails
+ Influence updates immediately after loading a game (No need to wait a turn for the influence to correct itself)
+ Fixed a bug where saved games from older versions that had orbital fleet managers in them did not allow the player to attack ships in a planet
+ Ship Design Screen deletes an old design if the new design has the same name
+ Fixed bug where if you pressed ESC in election window, you would never get any more elections from then on
+ Updated AI rally point code to adjust to it being blocked by opponents.
+ AI rally points are now closer to friendly planets so that they're nearer to reinforce
+ New Ship Design and Adaption system implemented based on experiences from (ahem) "after hours play testing".
+ Alien ship names are better. I.e. Drengin Fighter instead of just "fighter".
+ Tightened AI tech trading so that weapons are rarely traded.
+ Torians much better at managing planets.
+ AI treats home planet differently than other planets when it comes to deciding how to build improvements.
+ Lots of tweaks to how the AI determines which technology to research.
+ Updates several of the AI modules to support an improved starbase handling algorithm (didn't update all because "better" is subjective).
+ AI better at upgrading their ships
+ Lots of tweaks to the tactical battle AI
+ AI will tend not to send combat ships out of orbit if doing so would leave the planet vulnerable to an invasion.
+ Normal and Bright AI intelligence levels made a bit easier
+ Trade route value increased based on population of source/destination planets.
+ Fixed bug where display name was used to find ships (can't assume English names!)
+ Updated AI ability picking based on new values.
+ Optimized AI usage of space on a ship.
+ AI will now create sub-fleets that will go after enemy starbases.
+ Technologies 20% cheaper by default (use technology rate to adjust this).
+ AI wont' "help" you by giving you starbases to fight wars.
+ AI is much less likely to trade away mining starbases.
+ Nano Ripper costs more, does 5 damage instead of 6 (it's still a very potent weapon).
+ Drengin loyalty removed from abilities.
+ Fixed bug where AI ships would build mining starbases without resources. It was allowing them to do this as long as the starbase limit had not been met. Now, if they try it, it will abort before building the starbase and leave a message in debug.err
+ Planet Context window will now update the planet stats as you change the sliders in the Domestic Policy Economy window
+ Fixed upgrade overlay for AI fleets to not display time to upgrade (Release Mode only)
+ Fixed "Auto-obsolete" bug when upgrading a ship design
+ More balancing on what techs AIs should research
+ Tighter controls over tech trading
+ AI won't lower relations with a player for military reasons unless it has a distinct military advantage
+ Good civilizations now get an outright + to their relations from neutral civs.
+ Torians better at making use of constructors
+ AIs will tend to have much different sets of technologies based on race.
+ AIs will make a priority out of terraforming their tiles
+ Terran Alliance AI ship designs more flexible with galaxy size (other civs already using this)
+ Terran Alliance will use economic bases to extend their range
+ AIs will accelerate military production if they fall behind enough on military spending.
+ New API FindClosestLocalUnfriendShip(). AIs will use this to put ships near potentially hostile ships that are somewhat near its worlds.
+ New APIs: CalcFullAttack(), CalcFullDefense(). These APIs allow the AI to quickly (CPU wise) determine if a potential target is getting benefits from military starbases and make decisions based on this information.
+ Military Might makes use of the new CalcFullAttack and CalcFullDefense APIs
+ Precursor Rangers don’t show up until after game year 5 (was 3).
+ Some Civs put more emphasis on increasing food production
+ Tech research slightly faster at default tech rate
+ Cleaned up planet economy display so that ()’s only show up if you’re not spending.
+ Tool tip for military spending now shows up if you mouse over the actual number. It will explain where that number comes from.
+ AI better at valuing the worth of planets.
+ AI more wary about attacking fortified starbases (this is harder to balance than it might seem, you want the AI to sacrifice units if necessary to wear down a starbase but you don’t want it mindlessly throwing ships at them, it’s a fine line).
+ Start-up abilities made cheaper but less powerful too. More opportunity to spread ones Civ out.
+ Political Parties re-balanced based on new values.
+ Updated graphics for some planetary improvements.
+ Some planetary improvements made less expensive
+ Spin Control Center now requires Majesty
+ Neutrality Learning Center added
+ Attack Assist Modules now cost typically $300 per module. The reason for this is that these modules essentially give the same benefit as building several small ships when used correctly. $300 may even be too cheap. Late in the game, these costs won’t be significant but it prevents a player from b-lining to these techs and eliminating opponents before the game has really started.
+ Attack and Defense assist modules will require that the starbase have battle stations on them at the very least.
+ Starbase militarization techs cost more to research.
+ Terran Alliance AI focuses more on self-defense of planets Drengin
+ AI now uses experimental weapons focus technology system Scoring system tweaks. See Link for details
+ Music playing tweaks
+ Update the influence borders when an influence module is added
+ Drengin racial morale increased to 25%, Soldiering racial bonus decreased to 20%.
+ fixed bugs reading in height map mods
+ added ability to read in .str files from the mods\data folder
+ added support for modded star types
+ added support for replacing the custom planets and race config files with copies in the mods folder (but not adding new or partial mods)
+ added support for replacing the abilities xml file with a copy in the mods folder
see below for part 2