Galactic Pacification for Dummies
a Stellaris Mechanics AAR using my Priesthood Tech Build
Class is in Session
a Stellaris Mechanics AAR using my Priesthood Tech Build
Class is in Session
Welcome, Class
Over the next several weeks you will be subjected to incredible hardships as you struggle to come to terms with the concept: Galactic Pacification. I will be the gentle but firm hand, that guides you through a simulated Galactic Pacification, and the rules and regulations that you should follow, when it is your time to pacify a galaxy by your own hand, assuming you manage to complete your master's degree.
Take a good look at your fellow students. Proud warriors one and all, with a bachelor's degree in Galactic Conquest. The cream of the crop, tomorrow's conquerors!
In your feckless days as undergraduates you've conquered simulated galaxies as xenophobic and militant morons, bought them as a megacorp, eaten all the real estate as mindless Terravores, and, according to the files listing your accomplishments, six out of ten of you have been tricked by the Destroyer of Hope into committing galactic suicide by ”becoming the crisis” to empower his realm in the Shroud. I'm sure you're still proud of that one.
Indeed, looking at you, squirming uneasily in your seats, I notice a few familiar faces. If my mind doesn't fail me, it seems only yesterday that some of you struggled to cope with the introductory class on World Conquest for Dummies.
It is clear this isn't a class of the best and brightest, the faculty having once again lowered academic standards for short term profit, but make no mistake: This postgraduate class is obligatory, and you will learn or die trying.
Just my little joke.
Galactic Pacification and You
Now, what is Galactic Pacification and how does it differ from Galactic Conquest? I hear you cry.
The official position of the university is that Galactic Pacification is a peaceful and harmonious way of uniting the galaxy of your choice through diplomatic means for the betterment of all, and that this is an essential skill for any leader of a Galactic Conquest to master to improve his long-term earnings.
Moreover, from an ethical perspective this is the preferential way of treating other galaxies, taking their huddled masses and uniting them in a utopia of universal brotherhood and sisterhood, though frankly that sounds awfully incestuous to me, but who am I to contradict the official bullshit?
Thus, to business.
I shall be showing you the development of a single galactic empire, from its origins as a single-world polity to galaxy-spanning greatness, with minimal use of unnecessary violence.
Rather than dazzle you with my brilliance, I will act sloppily, like a student; I will forget to act on important issues in time, improperly balance resource stockpiles, and in general demonstrate the minimal level of competency required to pass the course.
At the end of each lecture, I will provide you with a save-point allowing you to study the situation on hand before the next lecture, and perhaps even have a go at it yourself. Assuming you've got your console properly configured that is, rather than using it to browse pornography and play games. Or whatever it is delinquent youths do these days.
The Galaxy and the Empire
These are the settings for the simulation. They are very lenient, mostly default settings, as the Dean insisted anything harder would be beyond you. But they should qualify you for pacifying fluffy bunny paradises, and that's apparently the level of academic excellence our proud institution aims for these days.
One of these simulated empires is that of the Alarians, and they are the ones I will be controlling.
Their background is that the discovery of the hyperdrive triggered world-spanning wars of unification, which were halted just short of nuclear Armageddon by the intervention of the spiritual leader of a priesthood dedicated to universal harmony and a veneration of knowledge, who convinced people that extinction was bad mojo, and would they consider giving survival a chance instead?
People grudgingly accepted that she might have a point, and in no time at all she brokered a peace with herself as dictator in a compromise government, because she was simply that good, just, honest, and beloved by everybody. Just a temporary position until something more permanent and more representative could be agreed upon.
Being the daughter and heir to the ruler of the largest of the contending powers, the After All Clan, which was in possession of the largest army, may have helped a bit.
Now, united in arms and with new allies, the Alarians are looking to spread their colonies across the stars!
Score one for our friends in the department of literature who came up with that whopper, and let us get down to the business of numbers.
2200: The Luminary and her Dictatorship
An Enlightened Ruler, Pious Ascetic, and perhaps a bit Naive, the Luminary is ready to steer the ship of state to foreign shores. Even if the challenges appear insurmountable, the Luminary remains Undaunted After All as the world is finally United After All, as an Exalted Priesthood with Vaults of Knowledge.
The Alarian people are largely xenophile spiritualist pacifists, talented traditionalists who make up for their psychological infertility during wartime with a sex drive that would make a rabbit blush whenever their numbers decline. Their home world is imaginatively named Home After All. This is why we pay the literature department the big bucks.
2200: Home After All
Aiding the Luminary is a small council with a Minister of State, Minister of Defence, and Head of Research:
2200: The Council
Undaunted After All will need more devoted acolytes chosen from amongst the best and the brightest of the priesthood, the world of business, and the clan militaries. Some early contenders for this honour are:
2200: Tech and Leaders
The leaders are a mixed bunch.
Unstudious Conclusion, the head or research, is worthless on the council, but will prove useful for exploration, and Magical Lark, a charismatic genius, is destined for the council once I can afford her.
Unstoppable from the Outset is a great Minister of State, as politicians are my number one priority on the council to ensure things get done in a timely manner, and the recruit Insufferable Bandwagon could prove useful in the fullness of time as a sector governor due to bureaucrat's innate unity focus.
On the other hand, I'll want to keep the number of leaders low until I can easily afford the support of many leaders, so I might pass up on Insufferable Bandwagon after all.
Red Doctor, the Minister of Defence, is sort of useful. The empire doesn't know of many possible edicts yet, but when it does, he will prove helpful if he survives that long.
As for technology, the initial techs for research are great. Both Field Modulation and Hydroponics are top draws, and while Powered Exoskeletons isn't that useful as the priesthood outlaws robotic workers, it still provides a small but valuable benefit to workers.
The Plan
As I am sure you have learned by now, no battle plan survives contact with the enemy, and no long term strategy survives contact with reality.
Which means that any rigid plan is bound to fail, but does not diminish the value of planning at all, so long as you always ready to adapt the plan to the circumstances at hand.
For Galactic Pacification, the Alloys & Science approach, so beloved by undergraduates and morons, is right out. It is a blunt tool, and granted it has its place, but that place is the kindergarten. Rather I shall focus on diplomacy, a strong economy, and unifying the people.
I will, of course, field a fleet if such is needed to defend the Alarians, as even the faculty cannot object to necessary violence. So don't worry. There will undoubtedly be regrettable but necessary bloodshed of epic proportions sooner or later.
These are my three short term goals:
- Improve the economy
- Improve the leaders
- Explore the galaxy
These are my four long term goals:
- Ushering in a psionic fanatically spiritualist/xenophile empire, with Undaunted After All as god-empress, and Ascensionists/Dimensional Worship/Efficient Bureaucracy/Divine Sovereign civics, with Undaunted as a level 10 Enlightened Ruler 3, Pious Ascetic 3, Wise Mentor 1, Naive, Grey Eminence, with <Random Luminary trait from Forgotten> 2 for the final two veteran traits
- Having either the Composer of Strands or the Instrument of Desire as patron; I prefer the power of the Composer, but wimps like you might prefer the safety of the Instrument
- Become the Galactic Custodian and eternal leader of a Holy Covenant consisting of all the people of the Galaxy, united mainly through peaceful means
- Aim to output at least twice as much unity/mth as the highest of society and physics output/mth most of the time
One final note. It has come to my attention that Galactic Conquerors these days have increasingly been supplying their pawns with personal teleportation bracelets in defiance of custom. While there are those who claim that this is good strategy, I must point out that it is morally bankrupt, utterly wrong, and that the university cannot and will not condone such actions.
Hence I will simulate this effect by allowing leaders to teleport instantaneously wherever they are needed, so you know what not to do.
Class dismissed.
The 2200 Save File
Can be downloaded from this Dropbox link for those who want to look at the situation or play around from this point.
It requires the DLC listed at the end of this post and the Stellar Legions portrait pack to play.
You might be able to play it without the portrait pack, but if so, it'll be with blank portraits.
You'll probably be able to load it without all the DLC, though I haven't tried, but might not be able to play it.
About the AAR's Narrator
To present this in a slightly less dry form, I resurrected the narrator of one of my earliest AARs, the student-despising professor from World Conquest for Dummies, which I remember fondly as it was a milestone in PDS AAR forum history.
It was not only the second documented world conquest in any Europa Universalis game, ever, (I wrote the first one as well), but more importantly the game that launched a series of every more absurd world conquests in PDS games, starting with the students of the AAR going on a conquest and writing spree, and launching a forum WC AAR tradition that has lasted till this very day, adapted to the circumstances of each PDS game.
The advice the professor gives is usually good, even if it is not optimal, but his opinions are his alone. While the professor might think otherwise, I am pretty sure most of my readers aren't dummies.
Why am I Writing this AAR?
I noticed a worrying trend through the second tech beta and early 3.11 of people having trouble dealing with the tech nerfs. Given that I considered the nerfs quite mild compared to the amount of buffs to tech progression we had seen over the last few years, I had to wonder why.
That put me in a mood to write a teaching AAR again, something I do only infrequently, and found that I'd have time in April. I'll endeavour to keep this light and (by my standards) quick, so perhaps it'll finish before 3.12. I can dream.
The build I am using is the Priesthood Tech build, which I first conceived the idea of in 3.10 with the introduction of Dimensional Worship to complement the Under One Rule Luminary's Pious Ascetic, but didn't have time to play beyond a few decades.
Then I tried it in the first tech beta with different starting civics, where it turned out to be hilariously powerful as it neatly sidestepped some of the major nerfs and still hit repeatable techs around 2300 with my standard difficulty settings despite everything PDS had done to rein in tech.
For 3.11 it is merely a good build but, as I hope you'll agree with me in time, a fun one.
With regards to the level of optimization, as the narrator noted, I'll be playing sloppily rather than optimizing everything, because this isn't an optimization exercise. I'll be making use of some exploits such as teleporting leaders, but not those I find trivialize the game (such as spamming small vassals early for influence and science campuses).
Most of all, my goal is to show how good strategy, adapting to changing situations, and understanding game mechanics is more than enough to do well on all difficulty levels in Stellaris, given a decent starting position.
I would also dearly love to demonstrate how certain ideas that pervade the Stellaris meta, such as ”alloys and science are most important”, ”engineering is the most important tech discipline”, and ”always focus on science over unity” are misguided. They may well be right for specific builds, but as a general proposition they are not, and never have been.
And if I should happen to convince you along the way that the Diplomacy tradition group is the most powerful in the game, or at least a serious contender for the title, I'll consider that a bonus.
I am not planning on fighting the crisis unless it will be interesting to do so, which it usually isn't because I am either much too strong or too weak, making the outcome a foregone conclusion, with precious little chance of being just strong enough that it could go either way. Then again, if it looks like it might prove interesting with a higher setting (I am starting with the bare minimum for huge galaxies of 1.5x), I can always increase it by editing.
Oh, and with regards to editing. I fiddled a bit with the starting position, using the same save to try out different civic setups to complement Exalted Priesthood as the starting civic for United After All in a series of 15 year playthroughs, before ending up with Vaults of Knowledge as the thematic best fit for this play of my Priesthood Tech Build.
Since I found the starting position good for teaching purposes, I then started a new game with Vaults of Knowledge and copied the stats of the leaders to this save, to get the nice starting position together with genuine Vaults of Knowledge starting stats.
Well, almost genuine. There is one exception. Observant players will notice that Magical Lark starts at level 3 with level 2 stats and one level up pending, while she was originally generated as level 3 with level 1 stats and two level ups pending, as is always the case for level 3s in the internal pool. But I was so eager to see a Spark of Genius + Charismatic + Procrastinator in the starting pool that I added unity, hired her, and had levelled her once to Spark of Genius 2, before remembering I was supposed to save the game without modifications to get an untouched leader pool.
This struck me as funny at the time, so despite it being easy enough to revert the change when transferring the details to this save-game, I decided to keep it. That means that the level 3 traits available when you hire her are the same for all players, whereas normally it would have been the level 2 traits that were fixed, with level 3s generated after picking the level 2 trait.
So she's genuine enough in that she has the right number of traits – you just don't get to pick her level 2 trait.
You can still see remnants of the civics editing and testing in all the save files since the original design had Efficient Bureaucracy and the Vaults of Knowledge is saved as building 16777507 rather than 4.
The most powerful starting civic for this purpose is probably Catalytic Processing for early game power and greater chance of getting the Composer of Strands Covenant, which is what I used for the first tech beta, or Dimensional Worship for faster early physics techs, mainly to boost energy production. If I were trying to do an optimized playthrough I'd probably go with Catalytic Processing/Exalted Priesthood start due to its significant early game power
/Peter Ebbesen
Game Details
Stellaris v. 3.11.2 to start with, 3.11.3 later on if it looks stable.
UI mods
- UI Overhaul Dynamic (To make good use of a fullHD screen)
- UI Overhaul Dynamic + Tiny Outliner v2 (The default outliner is much too big)
- UI Overhaul Dynamic – Extended Topbar (I like numbers, lots of numbers)
- UI Overhaul Dynamic – Old Ship Designer (I dislike the new one in UI Overhaul Dynamic)
- Light Borders + Swapped Colors + Star Pins (I love this look)
- Stellar Legions (portrait pack with lots of variations for each portrait-theme, which is great as I play with lots of leaders; It does clash with the Stellaris art style, though )
- Stellar Legions – Disable AI (this submod ensures that randomly created empires all use the Paradox portraits)
Gameplay affecting mods: NONE
- Ancient Relics Story Pack
- Anniversary Portraits
- Apocalypse
- Astral Planes
- Distant Stars Story Pack
- Federations
- First Contact Story Pack
- Galactic Paragons
- Horizon Signal
- Humanoids Species Pack
- Leviathans Story Pack
- Lithoids Species Pack
- Megacorp
- Necroids Species Pack
- Nemesis
- Overlord
- Plantoids Species Pack
- Synthetic Dawn Story Pack
- Toxoids Species Pack
- Utopia
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