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Jim Zucci

8 Badges
Mar 5, 2024
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Magicka 2
  • Stellaris
  • Surviving Mars
  • Surviving Mars: Digital Deluxe Edition
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
  • Crusader Kings III


I have verifed my game files (Steam only)​


I have disabled all mods​


I am running the latest game update​




Game crashes seconds after HUD glitches


For 2 weeks I have tried to play a game of CK3, and the first sessions works fine, but sometimes when I come back the HUD will start to glitch when entering my save (buttons and images will become blank for a split second), then my game will crash seconds after.
It happened since I installed the "[FSF] Positive Albino Trait" mod, but I uninstalled it and deleted the save files using it, and the issue is still ongoing.
Here is everything i tried to far :
- Unintall the game

- Deleted the "Paradox Interactiv" folder in Documents

- Deleted the saves that encountered that issue

- Disabled option "Winter Particles Effects" & "Advanced Shader Effects"

- Reduced graphics quality from high to medium

- Uninstalled every mods

- "Steam verify" options

- Update every drivers of my computer

Steps to reproduce​

- Created a new game
- Installed the "[FSF] Positive Albino Trait"
- Used the previous game file with the mode
- Issue started happening to I uninstalled and deleted my save

Now here is what happens when I try to play :
- Game opens to main menu
- Continue my new game save (created after I uninstalled every mod of the game, uninstalled the game, verified steam files, etc...)
- Sometimes, upon entering the save, the HUD will glitch on random buttosn and images
- Game will crash 5-15 secondes after the issue starts
- Game close and no error message is displayed

Game Version​

Scythe (1.12.1



Additional Information​

Affected Feature​

  • Crashes
  • Interface
  • Modding

Save Game​

View attachment Ducissa_Saenehrys_of_Dragonstone_881_07_07.ck3

Other Attachments​

View attachment pdx_settings.txt

Upvote 0
Hi there,

The mods are prone to crash the game after update, In order to bring the CK3 back to the original state, please uninstall the game, and check the game folder for any residual files, after doing so, delete the Paradox Interactive folder in your documents folder. Let me know if the issue still occurs

Take care!