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Click on your shortcut and hit properties. It should read "D:\Program Files (x86)\Neocore\King Arthur\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:wales

Change it to "D:\Program Files (x86)\Neocore\King Arthur\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:saxon if you want to play the saxon campaign, but it would be nice to seed a patch
You may also create two separate shortcuts, one for saxon and one for druids expansion.

But it's surprising that nobody notices that conflict despite the fact of long awaiting for the expansion to be released.
The immediate issue is that the Gamers Gate installer installs to these locations :

King Arthur RPG:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame

Saxons & Druids:
C:\Program Files (x86)\King Arthur\

The next issue is that Saxons does not register as DLC within Druids although the shortcut fix works now! One shortcut for Arthur & Saxons and the other for Druids.
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I had the same problem but here is the solution:

1. Install the expansion into EXACTLY the same directory. Even if you select your original King Arthur folder the dialog suggests creating a subdirectory named King Arthur which is wrong. Remove it manually, install and launch.

Here is my correct path:

"D:\Games\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win gamestartmode:saxon

If you don´t remove the suggested path it would have looked like:
"D:\Games\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\King Arthur\KingArthur.exe" win gamestartmode:saxon

...which is totally wrong
The solution works but you end up with 2 shortcuts: one links to King Arthur base game & Saxons and the other shortcut links to King Arthur base game & Druids. In Druids, Saxons does not appear in the DLC area.
They need to fix this.
I have a problem loading Saxons.

Here's what I've done:
1. Install King Arthyr, default folder name for KA-TRPWG
2. Install Saxxons, into exact same folder, removing the "King arthur" directory from the install dialog.
3. Install Druids, into exact same folder, removing the "King arthur" directory from the install dialog.

I end up with 3 different shortcusts; The original King Arthur, Saxons, and Druids.
Original: "C:\Spill\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win
Saxons: "C:\Spill\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win gamestartmode:saxon
Druids: "C:\Spill\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:wales

When I start via The Saxons-shortcut, I get the vanilla game. When I start Druids, I can choose between starting the original campaign and the Druids campaign. Thee is no DLC area in the "original".
What the heck am I doing wrong???
In your case Anders, the link for Saxons should read:

"C:\Spill\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:saxon



Anyone buying these should note that the add-ons do not install by default to the right directory: you must install them to where the main game is located; on Windows 7 it's here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame

Make sure you select 'add shortcut to desktop' for each install.

Click on your Saxons shortcut and select properties. For Windows 7 it should read

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:saxon

You Druids shortcut should read:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:wales

UPDATE: try this if you own Saxons & Druids:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Paradox\King Arthur - The Role-Playing Wargame\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:wales DLC:saxon

Thanks to wulfhund for this

The shortcut should now give you the base game & Saxons & Druids campaigns
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Just a question.

Am I right to guess that at the current moment, Saxons and Druids expansions are not integrated together into one game if a person installs both of them?
So that is to say I have to choose batween EITHER Saxons or Druids expansions and cannot have both?

I got it to show both in the DLC menu and when starting or loading a campaign by entering win DLC:saxon win DLC:wales after the file name in the shortcut (I am not at home to double check right now, but there may have been a semicolon or comma after the first, I can't remember will post with that info if there was).

Edit: I was close, "F:\King Arthur\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:wales DLC:saxon
only needed win once.
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Hey everyone,

I'm sure that the guys at GamersGate are already trying to fix this issue with the King Arthur installer, and we'd like to ask for your patience although we understand that it must be very frustrating.
Please continue to share any possible solutions that you find till the fix from GamersGate comes out.



I got it to show both in the DLC menu and when starting or loading a campaign by entering win DLC:saxon win DLC:wales after the file name in the shortcut (I am not at home to double check right now, but there may have been a semicolon or comma after the first, I can't remember will post with that info if there was).

Edit: I was close, "F:\King Arthur\KingArthur.exe" win DLC:wales DLC:saxon
only needed win once.

Thanks! I updated my install advice! Thanks Kate!