A question Incompetent raised in Scandinavia thread. Why does Kalamar resemble Scandinavia proper in Vanilla.
I choose to answer here as opposed to there and maybe generate discussion about other regions along the same idea
Very likely because of geography bottlenecks
The mountains and seas, the coming and going of winter, attrition and concentration of power allow even the countries that do not have proper combinations of culture / shields to assume the borders of the countries in vanilla.
To change that we need to rethink some geography around the globe to make for different geograpical borders
No mater what you do Italy will look like italy under one name or the other since the easily defendable terrain is to the north
I choose to answer here as opposed to there and maybe generate discussion about other regions along the same idea
Very likely because of geography bottlenecks
The mountains and seas, the coming and going of winter, attrition and concentration of power allow even the countries that do not have proper combinations of culture / shields to assume the borders of the countries in vanilla.
To change that we need to rethink some geography around the globe to make for different geograpical borders
No mater what you do Italy will look like italy under one name or the other since the easily defendable terrain is to the north
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