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Happy Holidays Heretics!
Milestone One: Men in the Old World
- Old World vs Chaos Gameplay
- Duels and Battle events
- Trade
- Norscans
- Nomads of the chaos wastes
- Imperials
- Kislev & Ungols
- Bretonnians
- Tilea & Estalia
- Border Princes
- Beastmen
- Vampires
- Witchhunters
- Societies
- Doom Counter
- Magic
- Battle Magic
- Bloodlines
- Holy Orders
- Daemons
- Offmap Powers
- Orks
- Goblins
- Dwarves
- Chaos Dwarves
- High Elves
- Dark Elves
- Wood Elves
- Magic Power Places ( oghams, leylines, waystones )
- Colleges of Magic
- Arabyans
- Nehekharans
- Desert Nomads
- Cathayans
- More Vampires
- Albion
- Ogres
- Skaven
- Lizardmen
- Amazons
- Secret Things
Internally this is version 1.3 of geheimnisnacht. Each milestone will be a new version of the mod, and the first public release will be with the completion of the Vampire Wars milestone. As you can see the first two milestones are the largest and so it will be some time before you'll get to play.
To sate your appetite each faction will feature in its own dev diary and the CK2 wiki page will be maintained and updated in order to help players with game mechanics and features. We will also of course maintain a presence on these forums as well as the official reddit: r/CK2warhammer so if you have any questions or thoughts you'd like to share you know where to find us! Please keep in mind that the team does this in their free time and if you want things done faster feel free to join the team and help out!
We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and we will see you in the new year!
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