So I haven't played Crusader Kings 2 in quite a long time, and finally got back to it a few days ago. Took my hand at trying ironman Aegon the Conqueror bookmark and things are going well. Just one thing caught my eye. I got a successful event where the Red Keep expansion concluded a phase, leaving me a level 3 Crownlander castle. But the decision to go into the next phase hasn't popped up, even after refreshing the decision panel, leaving and entering the game again, I thought this might be because Winter was upon Westeros and construction halted untill the snows cleared. Yet they cleared and came back and still no decision. Since I'm in Ironman, I can't do my usual console the event to fire and it's been some years since I had a King's Landing event. I may just have forgotten I pressed it again and just have horrendous luck with the MTTH for the Red Keep/Royal Fleet/King's Landing expansion.