hi i have bouth hearts of iron 1 and 3 and i have the nuber 3 on stem and the nuber 1 on a cd. i bught the harts of iron 3 bicuse i tught it was going to be bether then the hearts of iron 1 it was not i just cant get ecsited over soldiers represented trugh numbers. i find the hearts of iron 1 to be a much bether game but i cant get it to run. i have lookt arond the internet trying to find somone that can aswer this my cd is slightly scracht but that was no problem on my old pc. pls help hearts of iron 1 is one of my favorit game and looking forwoth to harts of iron 4 wich looks more realistic but for now i find 1 to be the best one and i wud trade my hearts of iron 3 for a new hearts of iron 1 anny day.