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ho Mixobarbaros
Aug 27, 2000
Now that we're all about to get HOI and already have a forum for MODs, why not start a thread for a World War I mod? :)

I guess we could start out with timeframe and countries to include discussion. First thing first, which dates would you rather TGW encompass?

IMHO, 1905 would be a nice year to start the GC as that'd be:

1) Right after the end of Russo-Japanese War
2) Year of the Moroccon Crisis (along with the possibility of an early WW1)
3) Little before British is -certainly- allied with France and Russia which might leave some chance of a different WW1 setup

Not sure about an ending date, perhaps 1923 or even 1929... eagerly awaiting to hear from everyone :)
Sounds like a great idea. Especially the starting date. AS for the end date I'm thinking something a little earlier? Maybe like 1921?
Along similar lines, I thought about WW2, but with WW1 countries, i.e. an alternate universe where World War 1 never happened and so the "old order" goes to war with the means of World War 2.... any interest in this? :D
I would love to join in on making a WW1 scenario for HOI. Since we don't have the game yet there isn't much we can do, but perhaps we could start on lists for the generals and government officals for each country. BTW in retail HOI, are the names for the head of the Navy, Army, etc. random, or are they all historical?
Originally posted by Fate
I would love to join in on making a WW1 scenario for HOI. Since we don't have the game yet there isn't much we can do, but perhaps we could start on lists for the generals and government officals for each country. BTW in retail HOI, are the names for the head of the Navy, Army, etc. random, or are they all historical?

Most of them should be: "Historical accuracy as much as possible" is one Paradox goal I truly admire; I submitted the names of Turkish cabinet members along with some army / navy ones so pretty sure this was done for other countries as well...

BTW, I'm truly glad that there are others interested in this mod as I'm a big fan of the Great War :) The only concern I have with the 1905 starting date is that the historical First World War would be in nine years and so many things might go wrong during that time (leading to alternative history GCs almost every time around)
Originally posted by Fate
There could always be two scenarios like Prelude to War, and The Great War.

I definitely like that idea :) Given the detail and scope of HOI, I hope this project doesn't turn out to be unfeasible. I'm mostly clueless on WW1 weaponry and such...

Any ideas on how could we apply the triangular diplomacy model of HOI to pre-WW1 conditions by the way?
There really wouldnt be any ww2 tech if there wasnt ww1..i mean..it would be a bit better, but not as far as it is..
I think a campaign just pre-war i.e. 1910 + and one at the very outset of hostilities. And maybe one mid-war.
Two important Questions:
How would the Revolution in Russia be simulated?
How would the treaty of Versailles be simulated?
How can you hope to convert the tech tree? Will SMGs, Assault rifles etc. be simulated(I think Tommy guns and BARs were made around then) and of course tanks. I think very strong restrictions must be made(v/long research period maybe?) to prevent peeps using hindsight and blitzkreiging europe;)
Originally posted by albi
I think a campaign just pre-war i.e. 1910 + and one at the very outset of hostilities. And maybe one mid-war.
Two important Questions:
How would the Revolution in Russia be simulated?
How would the treaty of Versailles be simulated?
How can you hope to convert the tech tree? Will SMGs, Assault rifles etc. be simulated(I think Tommy guns and BARs were made around then) and of course tanks. I think very strong restrictions must be made(v/long research period maybe?) to prevent peeps using hindsight and blitzkreiging europe;)

Well new techs basically just give added numerical bonuses to existing unit types right? If this is so all that needs to be done is to rename some techs to coincide with WWI advances and to delete the ones that would produce an effect that can not be adjusted into a wwI time frame (nuke powered subs, rockets). As for as tanks, just delete all the tech adavances past the first generation and make the first generation take a lot to research. This is all speculation though because I have no idea how easy or hard it is to edit techs.
You mean like this?

Just to avoid any confusion, this is not included in the official game, its just something I threw together.

Whats needs to be done to make a WWI mod?
OBs, ministers, leaders and events (not too many).

For start date I suggest 1914. This is for a number of reasons, one is that it is much easier to find info for this startdate, another is that an earlier start would mean you have to include the balkan wars, which will surely spark of WWI when its all a game. There really wasnt the sort of WWII buildup before WWI.

Techs and units would have to be redone, most of them removed, nearly all changed. I`ve been thinking about doing away with research altogether and let technological progression be covered by events alone. For units, lowering attack and/or raising defence is probably a good idea. If possible one could raise the "dug in" bonus, or shorten the time it takes to build fortifications, all to facilitate static warfare.

The real challenge of a WWI mod would be in adapting techs and units.
Originally posted by BarristerBoy
Indeed. Everything else is easily done, but trying to configure the technologies to properly simulate trench warfare will be tough...

*nods* I can imagine; been thinking about how to simulate trench warfare, but can't really contribute much to the discussion before I know exactly what one can do with the existing game...

Ktarn: that map looks perfect :) I had already stated my reservations about a 1905 starting date, but I'm sure there are alot of people out there who wouldn't mind an alternative WWI

BTW, can't you stop the Great War from starting in 1913 by having all the Balkan nations ally with eachother and no great power?
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Tag Country
AFG Afghanistan
ALB Albania
ALG Algeria
ARG Argentina
ARM Armenia
AST Australia
AUS Austria
AZB Azerbaijian
BEL Belgium
BHU Bhutan
BLR Byelorussia
BOL Bolivia
BRA Brazil
BRU Brunei
BUL Bulgaria
BUR Burma
CAN Canada
CHC Communist China
CHI Nationalist China
CHL Chile
COL Colombia
COS Costa Rica
CRO Croatia
CUB Cuba
CZE Czechoslovakia
DEN Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
ECU Ecuador
EGY Egypt
ENG United Kingdom
EST Estonia
ETH Ethiopia
FIN Finland
FRA France
GEO Georgia
GER Germany
GRE Greece
GUA Guatemala
HAI Haiti
HOL Netherlands
HON Honduras
HUN Hungary
ICL Iceland
IDC Indochina
IND India
INO Indonesia
IRE Ireland
IRQ Iraq
ITA Italy
JAP Japan
JOR Jordan
KAZ Kazakhstan
KOR Korea
KYG Kyrgiastan
LAT Latvia
LBY Libya
LEB Lebanon
LIB Liberia
LIT Lithuania
LUX Luxemborg
MAN Manchukuo
MEX Mexico
MIN (Undefined Nation)
MLY Malaysia
MON Mongolia
MOR Morrocco
MTN Montenegro
NEP Nepal
NIC Nicaragua
NOR Norway
NZL New Zealand
OMN Oman
PAL Palestine
PAN Panama
PAR Paraguay
PER Persia
PHI Philippines
POL Poland
POR Portugal
PRU Peru
ROM Romania
RUS Russia
SAF South Africa
SAL El Salvador
SAR Sarawak
SAU Saudi Arabia
SCH Switzerland
SER Serbia
SIA Siam
SIB Siberia
SIK Sinkiang
SLO Slovakia
SLV Slovenia
SOV Soviet Union
SPA Nationalist Spain
SPR Republian Spain
SWE Sweden
SYR Syria
TAJ Tajikistan
TAN Tanna Tuva
TIB Tibet
TRK Turkmenistan
TUN Tunisia
TUR Turkey
UKR Ukraine
URU Uruguay
UZB Uzbekistan
VEN Venezuela
VIC Vichy France
YEM Yemen
YUG Yugoslavia
U00 - U19 Undefined Nations

All of the tags in HoI retail.

Here are some ideas for additional countries: Ottoman Empire, Jebel Shammar, Fezzan, Sanusiya, Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, Republic of the Rif, Austria-Hungary, Danube Confederation, Catalonia, Khuzestan, Sanjak of Novipazar, Banat of Temesvar, Herzegovina, Transcaucasus Republic, Hejaz, Asir, North Yemen, and then maybe Germany could be split up into minors like Bavaria, Saxony, Brandenburg, Rhine Province, Westphalia, etc.
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