Amid the chorus of throat singing, the shaman places a bejeweled fur cap on the head of a prince kneeling before him. The kneeling man rises now as a khagan.
I really hope this isn't how Paradox would represent the process of choosing a Khagan in CK3, b/c the actual process was much more interesting.
Let us begin with some history quotes:
**仆,通扑, "move suddenly facing forward", translations depending on context include "bites the dust" and "lunge"
It might not make immediate sense. What is the point of making the khagan-elect ride a galloping horse and then attempt to suffocate him? Fortunately, we have sources beyond. Much further beyond China and the eastern side of the steppe, in Volga-Bolgharia, about the Khazars there.
Finally, for those of you who prefer to play before the vanilla timeline. You might be asking: what does all this info about 10th century nomad leadership election practices mean for me?
Well, behold this final piece of info from the 6th century.
To sum up, not only do I hope Paradox's history team has learned of all this before my post and baked it into their nomad content already, I also hope I gave some help to the various history-focused mods out there.
I really hope this isn't how Paradox would represent the process of choosing a Khagan in CK3, b/c the actual process was much more interesting.
Let us begin with some history quotes:
*The Khitan people who founded the Liao dynasty (916 - 1125) traditionally have 8 clans.History of Liao said:The Emperor enters the Room of Rebirth. After he finishes the Ritual of Rebirth, elders from the Eight Clans* guide and follow him, flanking the Emperor to the northeastern corner of the palace. After praying to the sun, (the Emperor) rides a horse with an old man from his wife's relatives as a jockey. The Emperor gallops (on horseback), and collapses, then the jockey and other followers smother him with a thick wool blanket. (皇帝入再生室,行再生仪毕,八部之叟前导后扈,左右扶翼皇帝册殿之东北隅。拜日毕,乘马,选外戚之老者御。皇帝疾驰,仆**,御者、从者以毡覆之。)
**仆,通扑, "move suddenly facing forward", translations depending on context include "bites the dust" and "lunge"
It might not make immediate sense. What is the point of making the khagan-elect ride a galloping horse and then attempt to suffocate him? Fortunately, we have sources beyond. Much further beyond China and the eastern side of the steppe, in Volga-Bolgharia, about the Khazars there.
Helpfully, a contemporary of al-Istakhri left even more info.Abū Ishāk al-Fārisī al-Iṣṭakhrī said:Regarding their political institutions: the most powerful of them was Khaqan of the Khazars, who was much more imposing and prestigious than the beks, though the Khaqan was in truth appointed by them. When the beks appoint a Khaqan, they grab him and throttle him with a strip of silk, till he was near death. Then they ask him: how long do you wish to rule? He then answers: so-and-so years. If he dies within the time limit, all is good, if he doesn't, he would be killed as that time draws to a close.
Ahmad ibn Fadlan said:The King of the Khazars could only reign for 40 years. If any exceeds this limit, even by a day, his viziers and guards shall kill him, declaring that: "He has lost his mind, and his thoughts are confused."
Finally, for those of you who prefer to play before the vanilla timeline. You might be asking: what does all this info about 10th century nomad leadership election practices mean for me?
Well, behold this final piece of info from the 6th century.
History of Zhou said:When their kings are elected, his guards and grandees lift him up on a thick wool blanket, and following the sun, go in nine circles. After finishing every circle, his subjects fall to their knees and salute him. After finishing nine salutes, they help him get on horseback and throttle him with white silk, till (the king) is on the brink of death, then release the silk and pressingly ask: "For how many years could you be khagan?" Their king is in a confused state and could no longer think through numbers. His subjects record the number said and compare it against the actual length of his reign. (其主初立,近侍重臣等舆之以毡,随日转九回,每一回,臣下皆拜。拜讫,乃扶令乘马,以帛绞其颈,使才不至绝,然后释而急问之曰:“你能作几年可汗?”其主既神情瞀乱,不能详定多少。臣下等随其所言,以验修短之数。)
To sum up, not only do I hope Paradox's history team has learned of all this before my post and baked it into their nomad content already, I also hope I gave some help to the various history-focused mods out there.
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