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Cynical Scallophead
38 Badges
Sep 27, 2014
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In my grand Campaign as the Celtigar loyalist who were pushed beyond the point of breaking in how much s*** they could take from Targs gone tarded, I found myself in a wonderful campaign with a great AAR in the works.

So, what I want help in is what House words would fit the Celtigars, given what the lore says on them.

I have seen words such as: Note some are jokes
  • All in Our Grasp
  • F*** with Us, and We'll give you Crabs
  • Sure and Steadfast
  • Pinch to Prosper
  • Our axes are sharp, and our crabs are delicious
and etc.

Input your own words, pick one you favor, or just hit the back button and ignore this thread :D
You mess with crab(o) you get the stab(o)
This Kills The Crab/Targ/whatever

The Crabs of Dragonstone

And who are you, the dragon lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a crab of a different shell,
that's all the truth I know.
In a shell of white or a shell of red,
a crab still has claws,
And mine are two, both long and sharp,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Dragonstone,
But now the crabs reign o'er his hall,
with no dragon there to hear.
Yes now the crabs reign o'er his hall,
and not a Targ to hear.
"Why Not us?" - House Celtigar

In all seriousness, here's a few suggestions I had in a quick brainstorming session.
"Armored but fierce" referencing a crabs tough shell and their fury when cornered, which thematically would fit the setting you created.

"Dig Deep and Strike hard" Referencing a crab's ability to burrow, then leap forth. Could potentially be a reference to their "Hiding" on the claw isle until the Conquest, as well as their offensive roles in history post conquest.

"Always Scavenging" Referencing the crab's natural tendency to scavenge carcasses for food, as well as the Celtigar's eagerness to always be underfoot, earning scraps from under the tables of kings. IE, The Targs and becoming their Master of coin, Sitting on the Black Council in the DOD, Willingly siding with Joffrey when the boy had the power, yet bowing to Stannis' army instead of fighting them. Might not fit the theme of your particular world, but worth considering on the cannon actions of the house.

"Hard as Dragonscale" could be a reference to their heritage from old Valyria, a kind of way of stating that they might no longer be technically considered a Valyrian House by Westerosi standards. Could look at it from the perspective that they changed from a dragon to a crab to fit the Westerosi style, but kept their words as homage to their homeland/ancestors.

There's not much information on them in the wiki, and I haven't read the books to know much more, but those are some of my ideas.
Heh, neat idea for a house with no official words.

House Celtigar:

-Claw Your Way to the Top

-The Meatiest of Claws

-Good with Butter

-The Deadliest Catch

-Scuttle Forward!