In my grand Campaign as the Celtigar loyalist who were pushed beyond the point of breaking in how much s*** they could take from Targs gone tarded, I found myself in a wonderful campaign with a great AAR in the works.
So, what I want help in is what House words would fit the Celtigars, given what the lore says on them.
I have seen words such as: Note some are jokes
Input your own words, pick one you favor, or just hit the back button and ignore this thread
So, what I want help in is what House words would fit the Celtigars, given what the lore says on them.
I have seen words such as: Note some are jokes
- All in Our Grasp
- F*** with Us, and We'll give you Crabs
- Sure and Steadfast
GIB CRACKCLAW POINT- Our axes are sharp, and our crabs are delicious
Input your own words, pick one you favor, or just hit the back button and ignore this thread