1 - First put all files relevant to the mod into one directory inside your Program Files/Strategy First/Hearts of Iron folder.
2 - Call this directory TGW.
3 - Go to your Hoi.exe executable inside your Hearts of Iron folder.
4 - Right click on that.
5 - Click Create Shortcut.
6 - A shortcut, called "Shortcut to HOI.exe" has just been created.
7 - Rename shortcut to whatever you want, like shortcut to TGW or whatever.
8 - Drag shortcut to desktop.
9 - Rightclick on this shortcut. Click properties.
10 - In the Target: line, you will see this.
"C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Hearts of Iron\HoI.exe"
C can be D or E or whatever hard drive you installed HOI into.
11 - Alter this line to say:
"C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Hearts of Iron\HoI.exe" TGW
12 - Run the mod by clicking on this new shortcut. Whatever the mod can get by looking into TGW folder it will do. Whatever it cannot get, it will get from the original HOI. Therefore, any new flags or crap should go into the TGW folder.
2 - Call this directory TGW.
3 - Go to your Hoi.exe executable inside your Hearts of Iron folder.
4 - Right click on that.
5 - Click Create Shortcut.
6 - A shortcut, called "Shortcut to HOI.exe" has just been created.
7 - Rename shortcut to whatever you want, like shortcut to TGW or whatever.
8 - Drag shortcut to desktop.
9 - Rightclick on this shortcut. Click properties.
10 - In the Target: line, you will see this.
"C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Hearts of Iron\HoI.exe"
C can be D or E or whatever hard drive you installed HOI into.
11 - Alter this line to say:
"C:\Program Files\Strategy First\Hearts of Iron\HoI.exe" TGW
12 - Run the mod by clicking on this new shortcut. Whatever the mod can get by looking into TGW folder it will do. Whatever it cannot get, it will get from the original HOI. Therefore, any new flags or crap should go into the TGW folder.