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Apr 12, 2024
  • Cities: Skylines
  • Cities: Skylines - After Dark
  • Cities: Skylines - Snowfall
  • Cities: Skylines - Natural Disasters
  • Cities: Skylines - Mass Transit
  • Surviving Mars
  • Cities: Skylines - Green Cities
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife
  • Cities: Skylines Industries
  • Cities: Skylines - Campus
Is there a reliable way to spawn industry storage buildings?
I can (kind of) understand that there is no zoning type. But there is hardly any storage buildings spawning in my city. Maybe unique industrial buildings for storage could be a better option.
I’ve never figured out an entirely reproducible way to ensure industrial storage building types to spawn. The best I’ve been able to do is increase the *likelihood* of an industrial building type to spawn is:

1) lower or subsidize taxes for the particular industry you want to see more of (this includes storage warehouses too)

2) build a lot of particular specialized extractor industries (timber, farming, ore, oil).

I fully expect a future CS2 version of an Industries DLC will have finer-tuned industrial building placement controls, but that’s just my prediction. All the pieces seem to be there already…
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Is there a reliable way to spawn industry storage buildings?
I can (kind of) understand that there is no zoning type. But there is hardly any storage buildings spawning in my city. Maybe unique industrial buildings for storage could be a better option.
Well maybe there's no need for more storages to spawn. Keeping stuff laying in a silo or whatever doesn't generate profit.
Why do you want more storage buildings? I think they're a waste of space. They don't provide any jobs and just generate traffic.

More immersion. In the real world all companies have distribution centers, some small, some large and some gigantic. The Cargo hub in the game also serve as this purpose.

We just need a bit more control over these facilities to make them more efficient and by placing them in logical places we could actually reduce traffic (in already congested areas). Put on your logistic hat and study the real world and your eyes will open :)
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I’d like to know how to get softer industrial buildings like warehouses too, but there’s a lot more missing and more options are needed. I’m having a lot of fun right now with CS2 recreating my hometown in Australia. But there are essential zoning types missing.
I don’t want heavy polluting industry with smoke stacks in the main city. In Oz these only exist out on the edges of town away from everyone.

We still have the Main Street type commercial zones, but we also have semi industrial/dirty commercial zones for a number of auto type industries like tyre shops, auto mechanics, vehicle collision repairs, huge car dealerships, auto accessory stores as well as building suppliers for plumbing, electrical, flooring etc. Also in those areas are yard retailers like bbq and outdoor living and camping plus there’s usually a huge Bunnings (Home Depot) hardware store in there somewhere.

Then there’s heavier commercial, what’s called bulky goods retailers for homewares like furniture, bedding, electrical like tv”s etc, office supplies, pets, hobbies, DFO”s. These are normally large warehouse type stores. These are usually in a type of shopping centre around a large carpark off a main road.

I imaging other counties do things differently, and many zoning types may be needed for different regions. It would be nice if we could make custom regions and choose specific zoning types and decide what goods are sold or made in each zone.

I’m dreaming now.
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It may help to get a lot more of the specialized industry plots for at least the resources.

In CS1 I did enjoy placing warehouses, but there was a huge issue; the industries did not reliably pick resources from those warehouses so you ended up importing, having high resource costs from the importing, or businesses dying because they couldn't get the resource. Sometimes this was due to traffic, other times it was due to the industry picking a warehouse that was way across the map.
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Why do you want more storage buildings? I think they're a waste of space. They don't provide any jobs and just generate traffic.
They should provide jobs and generate profit. it would be nice to have a lumber yard near your forestry areas for example.
The industries dlc from cs1 was pretty nice and also zonable specialized industry was good. they should have build on this system and give us dedicated zoning for all the resources. I remember that they were talking about a city wide bonus for „specializing“ your industry in some dev diary. i have never seen this bonus nor is there any documentation about it.
There is a way to only spawn storage. Draw some industrial zones while you set industry taxes to the highest.

Because storage has lower priority than production buildings, cancelling the demand for all industry production ensures that the demand for storage can be realized.
I would also want to petition for storage only zone or separate warehouses with deliver trucks.

In my attempted use case my cargo port is far from the inland industry zone, and most industry vehicles never use it, preferring the train station near the industry zone instead.

However the port is quite close to one major city area that is also far from the industry area. The city area could use the cargo ports capacity to import goods if there are storage buildings in between them. The issue is there is not enough space for a proper manufacturing area. Thus the need for warehouse zones.

Of course, connecting the cargo port to the train station would be another proper way to utilize it's capacity, the problem is the left side of the port where the train track extends is occupied and unsuitable for train tracks.
I remember that they were talking about a city wide bonus for „specializing“ your industry in some dev diary. i have never seen this bonus nor is there any documentation about it.
Yeah this function is actually super-annoying and counterintuitive if you're trying to use tax rates to balance your city's production (or at least prevent deficits from appearing); the way it works is the game actually incentivizes more of whichever industries are already producing the most -- it gives a scaling efficiency bonus that goes up for a given industry as that industry opens more factories.

What's really bonkers about this approach is that the devs also built the simulation to punish industrial imbalance because prices go up for a product when you don't have enough and have to import. Prices go down for a product when you have too much and have to export. Either of these scenarios will also place more traffic on your streets. But with the "City Production Specialization" mechanic, the sim itself is set up to exacerbate production imbalances.

They should provide jobs and generate profit. it would be nice to have a lumber yard near your forestry areas for example.
The industries dlc from cs1 was pretty nice and also zonable specialized industry was good. they should have build on this system and give us dedicated zoning for all the resources. I remember that they were talking about a city wide bonus for „specializing“ your industry in some dev diary. i have never seen this bonus nor is there any documentation about it.
Yes, but that's not what the original post was about. It wasn't a wish list for how to improve industrial zoning and fix warehouses, which is what the rest of the discussion seems to be about. OP specifically wanted a way to ensure more warehouses are spawned. That would ensure only more jobless warehouses with the same flawed industry simulation. Hence, my point is that in this current state, spawning more warehouses is not advantageous.