I’d like to know how to get softer industrial buildings like warehouses too, but there’s a lot more missing and more options are needed. I’m having a lot of fun right now with CS2 recreating my hometown in Australia. But there are essential zoning types missing.
I don’t want heavy polluting industry with smoke stacks in the main city. In Oz these only exist out on the edges of town away from everyone.
We still have the Main Street type commercial zones, but we also have semi industrial/dirty commercial zones for a number of auto type industries like tyre shops, auto mechanics, vehicle collision repairs, huge car dealerships, auto accessory stores as well as building suppliers for plumbing, electrical, flooring etc. Also in those areas are yard retailers like bbq and outdoor living and camping plus there’s usually a huge Bunnings (Home Depot) hardware store in there somewhere.
Then there’s heavier commercial, what’s called bulky goods retailers for homewares like furniture, bedding, electrical like tv”s etc, office supplies, pets, hobbies, DFO”s. These are normally large warehouse type stores. These are usually in a type of shopping centre around a large carpark off a main road.
I imaging other counties do things differently, and many zoning types may be needed for different regions. It would be nice if we could make custom regions and choose specific zoning types and decide what goods are sold or made in each zone.
I’m dreaming now.