Well, heres that code for the event in 0.7.1. I may be wrong, but it appear to say that you can't be plotting to kill anyone BUT Renly, but don't have to be trying.
character_event = {
id = clash_of_kings.4
desc = "EVTDESCclash_of_kings.4"
picture = GFX_evt_parley_storms_end
is_triggered_only = yes
option = {
name = "EVTOPTAclash_of_kings.4" #battle
hidden_tooltip = {
if = {
limit = {
OR = {
NOT = { has_plot = plot_kill_character }
plot_target_char = { has_character_flag = renly_baratheon }
set_character_flag = shadow_baby_ftw
character_event = { id = red_priest.6 days = 4 }