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2 Badges
Jul 1, 2009
  • Europa Universalis III Complete
  • Europa Universalis: Rome
I got was was advertised as "King Arthur: Complete Pack" (bolded for emphasis), yet when I go into the game and click on the DLC button, it says that the Druids pack is "not purchased". This is what is known in legal terms as "false advertising", "sale under false pretense", or "fraud" or in layman's terms as "lying", "cheating", or "stealing".
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The druids have not been released, at all, by any vendor, or neocore. I fail to see how any customer could legally have it.

You do have the legal complete pack.

When I click on the pack it says
King Arthur
Knights and Vassels (DLC)
Legendary Artifacts (DLC)
The Saxons (DLC)"

Word for word. This is not false advertising, also it was not in any small print. It's in rather normal sized print right on the picture showing king Arthur in the middle of the screen.

Just sayin...

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If they do not intend to release future content as part of the deal, they should not advertise it as a "COMPLETE" pack. They should label it as a "Gold" or "Diamond" or some other precious material, or maybe just a "Bonus Content" pack. Those would not imply that future content is included. However, let's look at what the word "complete" means:

Random House Dictionary said:
   /kəmˈplit/ [kuhm-pleet] adjective, verb, -plet·ed, -plet·ing.
having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full: a complete set of Mark Twain's writings.
finished; ended; concluded: a complete orbit.
As of right now, the game you purchased is complete. When The Druids release, you can consider it incomplete if you want, but DLC is really just bonus content, and doesn't make the game less complete. And if it really bugs you that much, just pay 5 dollars or whatever for the DLC, and you just got a 50+ dollar game/DLC for 10.
I just want to point out that this is a steam promotion, not a paradox promotion. So you are technically on the wrong forum. You are just so full of fail today it seems.

Also, by your logic, I should own all of paradox's future expansions for any and all paradox games in the steam paradox complete pack. By your own logic... I hope you can see through your delusional argument and come back to your senses.

EDIT: I also want to point out that, legally speaking, in America things are as they were at the time of the agreement. For example, if a law were made based on someones actions to exploit something, that person would not be viable to that law, as the law was not in effect during the time he did said action. This is blatantly obvious with AIG in recent news. When steam offers a complete pack, legally, they only have to offer what is complete as of the time the offer is given. Your whole premise is just absurd. another example of your fallacy is when a complete set of star wars was offered with episodes 4, 5, and 6. By your logic, when the new movies were created, the complete pack is now a lie, and false advertising. But is it really expected of Lucas Arts to give the new movies away for free (in I would assume VHS) to all the millions of Star Wars fans?
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I got was was advertised as "King Arthur: Complete Pack" (bolded for emphasis), yet when I go into the game and click on the DLC button, it says that the Druids pack is "not purchased". This is what is known in legal terms as "false advertising", "sale under false pretense", or "fraud" or in layman's terms as "lying", "cheating", or "stealing".

Being a lawyer myself, i can tell you this is not actually a "fraud"....
And this, despite my intense personal dislike for Steam beacuse of the whole "Lionheart s/n" issue. I actually bought the KA Coplete Pack myself, just to support PI...
If they do not intend to release future content as part of the deal, they should not advertise it as a "COMPLETE" pack. They should label it as a "Gold" or "Diamond" or some other precious material, or maybe just a "Bonus Content" pack. Those would not imply that future content is included. However, let's look at what the word "complete" means:

EU3 Complete also didn't include all the addons, so whats the problem?
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'll look into our future naming of products. I am not sure if the name comes from us or Steam, I'll look into it.

That is a very patient response; I am impressed. I personally think the OP is being unreasonably picky with his interpretation of terminology generally acknowledged as applying to a game solely at the time of release (and it is thus "complete" at the time).
I got was was advertised as "King Arthur: Complete Pack" (bolded for emphasis), yet when I go into the game and click on the DLC button, it says that the Druids pack is "not purchased". This is what is known in legal terms as "false advertising", "sale under false pretense", or "fraud" or in layman's terms as "lying", "cheating", or "stealing".


Wait, no I won't, faggot!
I just recieved this game on Steam, and I'm absolutely aghast.
I got was was advertised as "King Arthur: Complete Pack" (bolded for emphasis), yet when I go into the game and click on the DLC button, it says that the Druids pack is "not purchased". This is what is known in legal terms as "false advertising", "sale under false pretense", or "fraud" or in layman's terms as "lying", "cheating", or "stealing".

Etitlist bitch...much?