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Static Portrait Guru
51 Badges
Jul 13, 2008
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
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  • Battle for Bosporus
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  • Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone
  • Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back
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I've had four children in a row, all being stillborn. I'm not clicking the moon tea option, and to my knowledge, I don't believe the husband can somehow secretly force me to drink it either. My relations with my husband are +91, and he has no negative inheritable traits, and we're both of the same culture and religion. The husband is even a Genius, if that helps.

Now I will say I did cheat at the game's beginning. Ruler Designer Unlocked doesn't work (it currently makes everyone a pirate lord), so I gifted myself several traits in the default Ruler Designer, started as a 50 yr old woman, then decreased my age in the console, so I don't know if that somehow permanently flagged my character as being old, but I'm looking at my character flags and I see nothing suggesting this, except maybe "flag_mysterious_conception_mother", whatever that means:

So yea, I'm at a loss. This save is pretty much dead to me as I can't get an heir to continue my game.
I did some additional testing. I had sex with Balon Greyjoy three times and all were healthy children, therefore I've isolated the father as the culprit. There's something about having sex with the guy below that's causing my female character to have guaranteed stillborn children. I can't figure it out though, as the man looks perfectly healthy:

Edit: I tried clearing his char_flags and removing his deceitful and ruthless traits and it still happens. I also stripped him of all honorary titles and jobs. I think I'm just going to chalk this up as being a shitty DNA mismatch. I know he's not of my blood whatsoever, especially because I'm a custom character, but maybe some people just aren't compatible? I've never seen this behavior though in vanilla CKII. I suppose in AGoT, if I see a stillborn, I'm dropping the husband asap.

Edit #2: Having the same problem with another husband. Yea, it looks like I won't be able to ignore this problem. I'll have to find the culprit if I want to keep playing.

Edit #3: I solved it! According to the birth_events file, "##Ibbenese/Brindlemen/Giants cannot interbreed with regular men (neaderthals)." I had set myself as Ibbenese as an ethnicity in Ruler Designer because I thought the portraits looked attractive. It's handled by the cannot_outbreed_trigger which says:
cannot_outbreed_trigger = {
   OR = {
       graphical_culture = celticgfx
       graphical_culture = ibbenesegfx
       AND = {
           culture = brindlemen
           OR = {
               graphical_culture = westafricangfx
               graphical_culture = africangfx
               graphical_culture = muslimgfx
       graphical_culture = giantgfx

I didn't know ethnicity could have an impact, like this. Anyways, to fix it, I changed my characters graphical_culture via console to something else. It still doesn't explain why I can sex up Balon without stillborn issues, as he too is considered Ironborn, same as my husbands. Apparently, Balon is the exception and not the norm, which was throwing my testing off.
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