I recently started a game as the ruler of Thenn at the war of conquest start date. I cheated myself a dragon and soon I was the King Beyond the Wall. With my dragon I then went and invaded the Night's Watch. I was able to gain a victory and soon I invaded the North and conquered it. Then I noticed something strang. The Watch kept reforming and stealing Castle Black from me. i reinvaded them and won with ease. But it happened about three or four times before I stopped playing.
I would like to suggest a fix for this if its worth the mod teams time. Perhaps you could make an event fire if the Night's Watch no longer controls Castle Black, Brandon's Gift etc... This event would remove the Watch's claims to Castle Black etc... then an event would fire for whoever is either LP of the North or King in the North or maybe even one of the rulers of the 6 Southern Kingdoms. This event would basically offer to rebuild the Night's Watch somewhere on the Neck. If the Ruler accepts the Night's Watch is granted land somewhere on the Neck. If the ruler refuses the Night's Watch either disbanded or the events fire for other rulers until the Watch finds a sponsor. It may also be possible for the Watch to become a mercenary company until they are granted new lands. But I'm not sure as I don't mod.
I would like to suggest a fix for this if its worth the mod teams time. Perhaps you could make an event fire if the Night's Watch no longer controls Castle Black, Brandon's Gift etc... This event would remove the Watch's claims to Castle Black etc... then an event would fire for whoever is either LP of the North or King in the North or maybe even one of the rulers of the 6 Southern Kingdoms. This event would basically offer to rebuild the Night's Watch somewhere on the Neck. If the Ruler accepts the Night's Watch is granted land somewhere on the Neck. If the ruler refuses the Night's Watch either disbanded or the events fire for other rulers until the Watch finds a sponsor. It may also be possible for the Watch to become a mercenary company until they are granted new lands. But I'm not sure as I don't mod.