Some general suggestions after trying the scripted scenarios:
1) During a game, I saw Stannis legitimize Edric Storm. This really seems like something Stannis shouldn't be doing...
2) If Stannis takes the throne and subsequently dies, then Shireen should have a choice whether to continue with the worship of R'hllor or return to the Faith of the Seven (if Stannis dies without taking the throne but Shireen is still alive, then she should automatically flip to the Faith).
3) When Daenerys becomes Queen of Meereen, the succession law should change to Cognatic Primogeniture.
4) If Daenerys chooses to stay in Meereen and become Empress of Ghiscar but still follows the Faith, then she should have the option to switch religion (either to the Harpy, R'hllor or Valyrian).
5) There should be a 'Collapse of the Iron Throne' event if there are no surviving claimants in Westeros. This would require that:
-Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella and Cersei are all dead (and the former 3 have no surviving children).
-Stannis, Shireen and Renly are all dead and Shireen has no surviving children.
-Young Griff and Daenerys are either dead, have been defeated, have not yet launched an invasion or have declined to travel to Westeros.
-Robb Stark has not taken the Iron Throne (which he can do after beating Joffrey)
If all of these conditions are met, then no one left in Westeros can justifiably claim the Iron Throne. Hence, the title of the Iron Throne is destroyed and the current Lords Paramount will be able to reclaim their old royal titles (i.e. they gain the 'Bleeding Years'-era empire titles as de jure and the Lordships Paramount are destroyed), with all the lords in the Crownlands becoming independent. If Daenerys or Young Griff return to Westeros, they will automatically gain control of King's Landing and the Iron Throne, with a CB to subjugate the now-independent Kingdoms once more (who can choose to fight for their independence or pledge fealty).
1) During a game, I saw Stannis legitimize Edric Storm. This really seems like something Stannis shouldn't be doing...
2) If Stannis takes the throne and subsequently dies, then Shireen should have a choice whether to continue with the worship of R'hllor or return to the Faith of the Seven (if Stannis dies without taking the throne but Shireen is still alive, then she should automatically flip to the Faith).
3) When Daenerys becomes Queen of Meereen, the succession law should change to Cognatic Primogeniture.
4) If Daenerys chooses to stay in Meereen and become Empress of Ghiscar but still follows the Faith, then she should have the option to switch religion (either to the Harpy, R'hllor or Valyrian).
5) There should be a 'Collapse of the Iron Throne' event if there are no surviving claimants in Westeros. This would require that:
-Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella and Cersei are all dead (and the former 3 have no surviving children).
-Stannis, Shireen and Renly are all dead and Shireen has no surviving children.
-Young Griff and Daenerys are either dead, have been defeated, have not yet launched an invasion or have declined to travel to Westeros.
-Robb Stark has not taken the Iron Throne (which he can do after beating Joffrey)
If all of these conditions are met, then no one left in Westeros can justifiably claim the Iron Throne. Hence, the title of the Iron Throne is destroyed and the current Lords Paramount will be able to reclaim their old royal titles (i.e. they gain the 'Bleeding Years'-era empire titles as de jure and the Lordships Paramount are destroyed), with all the lords in the Crownlands becoming independent. If Daenerys or Young Griff return to Westeros, they will automatically gain control of King's Landing and the Iron Throne, with a CB to subjugate the now-independent Kingdoms once more (who can choose to fight for their independence or pledge fealty).
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