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Mar 23, 2003
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Download Interregnum 1.03 here.

For information on 1.03, look down the thread.

Updates for Version 1.02

This is probably the penultimate version of Interegnum 1. Likely there will be at least one more with additional bug fixes etc, but no grand new material. That will all go into Interregnum 2, where I now switch my personal focus.

Lots of little bugs (text, events other) from Ahmed. Too many to mention.

Uzbeks now begin in an alliance with Sindh.
Changed the following province goods: Vologda to furs; Pskov to Honey/Wax; Tobolsk to furs; Shaanxi to marginal; Jedisan to Wool; Carpathia to Marginal; Maros to Grain; Gambia to Marginal; Nicaragua to Marginal; Mosquitos to marginal; Manunda to Sugar; Khorasan to spice; Amazonian provinces to marginal; Cali to marginal; Laos to sugar; Tavastland to marginal; Kurland to Navs; Estland to Honey; Stanovoc, Djagdi, Mogotcha, Chatga, Obdorsk, Berezovov, kalar to Furs; Tchumkan to Fish; Kolima to Gold (10); Shan to Gold (10); Manadalay to Grain; Tassaret and Nuadibuh to Marginal; Karabogaz to Salt; Tajikistan to Luxury; Nepal to Marginal; Yunnan to Copper; Hanoi to Grain; Muni to Slaves; Ndongo to Ivory; Namaqua to Marginal; Baicheng to Marginal; Savolaks to Furs; Ambavombe to Spice; Makkah to Luxury;
Altered the years and efficiency ratings for the Infra and Trade files, to lower the late-game earnings from trade and province taxes slightly.
Changed the in-game names for the technology groups from Latin, Orthodox, Moslem, Asian and Exotic to Innovative, Renaissance, Conservativism, Conventionalism and Traditionalism, respectively.
Renamed Rajkot (founded in 1612) to Ahmenabad (founded as the capital of that region in 1411 ).
Ahmed's idea (one of many) - I have made the ahead-of-time penalty for Naval Tech kick in at level 53, immediately after the last naval benefit. Meaning that for the remaining level you will have the ahead-of-time-penalty. This makes it more expensive. The sole aim of this is to give you something to spend ducats on in the late game, instead of racking up inflation.
Albania is Albanian culture again. I wonder why theArchduke removed it? Doesn't matter. Only Albania and gets Albanian culture at the moment. It also makes more sense, because otherwise Albanian can conquer all of the greek provinces and have them as right-culture.

AI Files
Updated all the ai files (yes, all of them ... ) removing all references to the element that sets the ais frequency of sending merchants, except for each country's initial ai, where I set them all to 10%. Now, the ai will care little about sending non-profitable merchants while their Trade tech level is low. Added ai files which altered only this characteristic, triggered from random events which use trade tech level as its trigger. So, when an ai country gets to Trade 3, it will start to send more merchants, now that trade has because fiscally worthwhile. And so on through to Trade level 7, where the event pushes the ais traders characteristic to 100%.

Alternative Reformation
Added an ai-only event to give extra conversions to help the Protestant faith stick in the early years.

Added ai assist events for bavarian and Savoy as the crusade leaders. Bavaria especially needs this as it often cannot walk its troops there.

Added this new file for the Economic events (and presumably more in the future). Added new events for the more-advanced-trading-and-colonizing-countries to challenge ganges as the CoT. depending on what ganges does (or how advanced it is in trade) and the approach taken (mercantilist or free trade) the effects vary somewhat, as well as the time it takes. Can move Kutch to Mumbai or Goa, ganges to Mylagore (Madras) or Cuttack.

Added an ai-only event to give them some cores in India to help the ai with the Indies Trade events. Removed the Gulf-Atlantic Company give-away events.

Maintaining the lex halicia now keeps H-V immune to Heretic events. (Nice touch, Ahmed!)

The Polish union events now care about province 300 (Wielkipolska) instead of 298, Galizien, which - as Ahmed pointed out - is neither part of Poland nor Polish (in Interregnum). Also rewrote the event effects to make more sense.

Large Nation Events
The initial event now gives a hit to DP, but the final War event gives +1 stab to take the edge off all the stab you lose for attacking a vassal etc.

Added a player-only event for 1600 onwards which allows you to move the capital back to Yucatan or Campeche. This was Ahmed's idea, and it makes it easier to convert the pagan provinces there.
Maya now gets core events for the antilles and caribe.
The sequence for the reconquest of the mainland can now occur from 1530, not just 1640.
The event "Mikhail Ranovsky and the Exhibition of New World Investigations" now works if Islam was chosen as the state religgion, not just Christianity, as originally intended.

Papal States
Added three events based on province 399 not being owned by the Papal Staes, in which the Pope negotiates to have Papal States re-established. Definitely a beneficial event for the owner. One is Sinxtus VI in 1470s, then Leo XI (Luther) in 1530 (assuming he is Pope) and finally Urbanus VIII in 1627.

Random Events
Devestating Fire (which removes a manu) has been updated with a less-specific title, some better desc and an action_c to use inflation instead of cash (so you can ick the lesser of those two evils). More importantly, it can now only occur once you hit infra 3.
Colonial Revolt has been altered with the premise that it is native raids/warfare. The event cannot now occur to you once you hit land tech 30, as you are simply too strong military at that point for such incursions and small wars to be of significance.
Added an ai-only random event to fortify their colonies, because they never do and one succesful rebel wanders through them all and bye bye. This was Ahmed's idea, thanks again.


Added religion = xxxx to many of the entries to prevent catholic states emerging as sunni, because that was the religion of the new capital. Mostly the Iberian states but also Turkmenistan.
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siafu said:
Matty, are we adding no more events until the new map is instituted?

I am not going to add new events till then. If someone wants to take over the editorship of Interregnum 1, they have my blessing. But I will be putting my energies into designing Interregnum 2, and there is a lot of groundwork to be done before we start dividing the map up. We have, especially, some really big questions to answer about the tech issues. I really don't want to be coding events for two different maps and country set-ups. It's one thing to take on the mammoth task of translating existing events, but I am not in this for punishment. :D
To cut cown on the number of stickies, I have removed Interregnum Bug Reporting. Please report all bugs for Interregnum 1 here.
MattyG said:
I am not going to add new events till then. If someone wants to take over the editorship of Interregnum 1, they have my blessing. But I will be putting my energies into designing Interregnum 2, and there is a lot of groundwork to be done before we start dividing the map up. We have, especially, some really big questions to answer about the tech issues. I really don't want to be coding events for two different maps and country set-ups. It's one thing to take on the mammoth task of translating existing events, but I am not in this for punishment. :D

Well, for what it's worth, the Ming events I posted all have province IDs for the vanilla map, if you feel inclined to add them. Otherwise, no sweat.
siafu said:
Well, for what it's worth, the Ming events I posted all have province IDs for the vanilla map, if you feel inclined to add them. Otherwise, no sweat.

Sorry, had not checked that thread. I need to upload again soon with some major bug fixes and the revised Scotland file. I'll work on the Ming events as well. And maybe some Champa.
The in-game version number (i.e., in the box that pops up when a game is first started or loaded) is still 1.01.
siafu said:
The in-game version number (i.e., in the box that pops up when a game is first started or loaded) is still 1.01.

Thank heavens for nit pickers. :D
The Wei event file seems to be missing from events.txt again. :(

Also, while Song has the right shield, they seem to have the same flag as Ming. Do we have a flag graphic with Song (宋) on it?

Finally, there's something very wrong with the Shanghai CoT; it's completely static. It's impossible to expand your trade there, and no one ever gains or loses merchants in it. Ever.


So, this is the CoT def. for Shanghai:

# Shanghai
cot = { location = 653
merchant = { tag = u35 level = 5 }
merchant = { tag = NIP level = 2 }
merchant = { tag = KOR level = 3 }
merchant = { tag = u36 level = 3 }
merchant = { tag = u37 level = 2 }
merchant = { tag = MCH level = 1 }
merchant = { tag = DAI level = 1 }
merchant = { tag = CHA level = 1 }
merchant = { tag = EDE level = 1 }
merchant = { tag = u38 level = 2 }

I see nothing wrong with it (excepting that it should really be u36 at level 5, not u35). Why is the weirdness happening? All of the country tags check out, the location is right, and it looks just like all the others.

Is anyone else having this problem?

EDIT AGAIN: I figured it out; there were 21 merchants in the CoT, which was causing problems. I just changed u38 from having 2 to having 1, and it works fine now.
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I saw the CoT problem before I even saw the edit. Sorry about that.
Downloaded different versions of those flag/shield sets that look better.
Added Wei to the events file. :eek:o
January 15, 1450: Leon went with Reward the loyal in the Administration of Cantabria
January 15, 1450: Leon became vassals of Leon

When I click on Leon in diplomatic mode, sure enough, it lists Leon as a vassal.
siafu said:
January 15, 1450: Leon went with Reward the loyal in the Administration of Cantabria
January 15, 1450: Leon became vassals of Leon

When I click on Leon in diplomatic mode, sure enough, it lists Leon as a vassal.

Those Leonese are amazing!

(But I'll still fix it ...)
Upload Interregnum 1.03 here.

Here is the list of changes from 1.02 - 1.03


Corrected the extra merchant in the Shanghai CoT that made it static.
Added the Wei events file to the event list. Duh.
Significantly, discovered that the trigger repation which = { country = XXX value = yyy } has worked for all situations because it instead needs to be data = yyy, not value. This meant that all of the Strained Relations events had triggers that were almost always true, explaining why they seemd to happen a little too often. It also meant that the ai only events to reduce the amount of DA it does might now work as intended. It also affected about 50 other nation-specific events.
In reviewing those files I also found oddly that the replication of the AI Anti-DA events had produced actions for about half of the events that were those for the Strained Relations events. Not sure how that could have happened, but I'll give MichaelM a heads up. Corrected them all by hand (yawn).
Fixed the (basically impossible) bug of the Administration of Cantabria (and other similar events) from both triggering. Each of these SLEEPS the corresponding event (there's one for each of Leon existing or not existing) so that ought to be it, done deal. But if the offset is identical, then on the same day Leon doesn't exist (triggering one event) and does exist (because of the event that just fired. Weird, I know. But this was the problem a few uploads ago with the Il-Khanate events. So, I added NOT = { event = xxxxxx } to each version.

Added alternative flag/shield sets for Ming and
Removed the CoTs from Ivoria and Yemen
Updated the text for Ming.
Added Dalmatia to Dalamtia and Ragusa and gave Ragusa Dalmatian as its state culture.
Instituted siafus changes to Chinese province cultures: 660 is Vietnamese 1545 and 1553 are now Bai, 1558 and 606 are Qiang, Changed Cantonese to Yue name and moved 1556 and 1566 to Han culture.
Bermuda is nor Marginal.
Capital of Bosnia is now Jajce, as sarajevo was not founded until the Ottomans occupied the region.
Removed the CoT in Ragusa and altered the composition of the merchants in Thrace. Removed all references to the Ragusan CoT in existing evets etc
Moved the CoT in calicut to Colombo.
Lanka now begins with a Shipyard and level 2 in Naval and Trade.

If a CoT emerges in Morbihan, it closes the CoT in Burgogne.

Added an event for the loss of the Cajamarca CoT when the Europeans or Chinese arrive, unless they have reached level 3 trade. Added the command also to the event for Smallpox in that city as a backup.

Reduced to two (from 5) the number of times you have to convert Galicia as a muslim country before it 'works' if you also want to keep El Camino open.

Added in the Hansa file (where else could I put it?) a sequence of events for Novgorod CoT to move if Novgorod is lost by Hansa. It can go to one of five locations: Kurland, Ukraina, Krakow, Magyar or Nyland. If anyone wants to suggest alternatives I can code that in as well. The recipient has to be owned by TO, Ruthenia, Poland, Hungary or Finland, respectively, have the certain trade level and mercantilism rating, and it has to occur before 1600, when New World trade will make it less relevent, and so we leave it to the game system,

Maya/Ben Zaa/Azteca
Removed all the early events related to CoT loss in Atlixco and its movement to Guantanamo. Added a different event for the Maya to gain one in Guantanamo between 1500 and 1530.

Added siafu's posted events, plus a few changes and additions by Matty-the-Meddler.

Added events for the gaining of Dalmatian culture.

Removed CoT related events and added an event for the province to change to Dalmatian culture upon the loss of Ragusa to any other state (the Italian merchant families flee.)
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Reuploaded again with a few changes to the sructure and timing of the events related to the closure of the CoT in Novgorod.
This is more a gripe than a bug report, but I think you're using a bit too much badboy in your events, MattyG. In a lot of them, no sane player is ever going to pick the badboy option. Here's an example:

event = {
	id = 400103
	random = no
	country = SCO
	trigger = { 
		NOT = { exists = YOR }
		NOT = { exists = ENG }
		NOT = { owned = { province = 241 data = -1 } }
		NOT = { owned = { province = 242 data = -1 } }
	desc = "Through marriage, the Kings of Scotland were intertwined with the Percies of York. With York overriden, the Kings of Scotland have a claim upon the old duchy."
	date = { year = 1419 }
	offset = 100
	deathdate = { year = 1669 }

	action_a = {
		name = "Push our claims"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 3 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 241 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 245 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 242 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 406051 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 406052 }
		command = { type = sleepevent which = 406053 }
	action_b = {
		name = "Let the claims fade into history"
		command = { type = badboy value = -2 }

So we have three provinces which Scotland already has a good claim to (and they may well already rule one of them). Whether you think the Percies or the Stewarts are the rightful rulers there (some feudal complexities here - when I last looked at the Scotland file, I was thinking York is part of Scotland in the same way Aquitaine was part of 15th-century France, so the Percies don't have to die out for closer integration to happen - the Percies reappear later in different ways), they're both on the same team as it were by this point, as York has been conquered by someone else. So isn't 3 badboy a lot to pay for 3 provinces, the same price you'd pay for diploannexing land you have absolutely no real claim to?

Alternatively, you may think the Scottish claim to York is dodgy, in which case a big BB hit might be fair. But then why would they get -2 BB simply for not making the claim?

We also have to consider that Scotland is likely to get these cores anyway through the 'cores on provinces you own' event. So cores here would only help Scotland in a war. At any rate, I think a net difference of 5BB is far too much for three cores.

Here's another example:

event = {
	id = 519022
	random = no
	country = VOL
	trigger = {
		flag = hussite
		NOT = { event = 519021 }
		NOT = { event = 519020 }
		atwar = no
		OR = {
			event = 519015
			event = 519016
			event = 519017
		event = 515099 #Jan Hus Day
	name = "The Hussites Have Survived"
	desc = "Our aid to the Kingdom of Bohemia was both timely and strategically brilliant! The Hussites have survived, and the bond between our two nations is strengthened. The question now amid the court is how best to use this victory to our advantage."
	date = { year = 1450 }
	offset = 30
	deathdate = { year = 1521 }

	action_a = {
		name = "Use Bohemia's support for claims in the East"
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = inflation value = -2 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = -1 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = MIL which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 285 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 287 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 288 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 291 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 4 }
		command = { type = relation which = LAT value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = KIE value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = CHE value = -50 }
		command = { type = relation which = SMO value = -50 }
		command = { type = ai which = "halych_east.ai" }
	action_b = {
		name = "Use Bohemia's support for claims in Poland"
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = inflation value = -2 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = -1 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = MIL which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 299 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 303 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 4 }
		command = { type = relation which = POL value = -150 }
		command = { type = ai which = "halych_poland.ai" }
	action_c = {
		name = "Use Bohemia's support for claims in Hungary"
		command = { type = stability value = 1 }
		command = { type = inflation value = -2 }
		command = { type = revoltrisk which = 36 value = -1 }
		command = { type = DIP which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = ADM which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = MIL which = 1 value = 60 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 316 }
		command = { type = addcore which = 317 }
		command = { type = badboy value = 4 }
		command = { type = relation which = HUN value = -150 }
		command = { type = ai which = "halych_hungary.ai" }

This is supposedly a 'rewards of victory' event. But it's actually rather punishing H-V, as they have no choice but to get 4 badboy. I haven't read the H-V story in detail, but I don't really understand why they have to go on the rampage at this point. As for the actual level of badboy: the A option is just about reasonable, if you really want those provinces. But I would never pick B or C, because I can think of almost no circumstances in which I'd pay 2BB per province for cores. With that much BB I could take any provinces of my choosing in an offensive war, 'claims' or no claims!

There is one situation in which we should maybe hand out heavy BB more often, and that's if we want a country's neighbours to dogpile it. Some examples might be Hussite Bohemia, a disintegrating Il-Khanate, or Cordoba trying to take all of Occitania into dar al-Islam. But such 'dogpile' BB should usually be temporary, going away if the neighbours achieve their objectives, or if the victim survives and manages to force its neighbours into accepting the status quo.
In both events I used the principle that a core is worth at LEAST 1 BB given that by having them your BB cost is normally reduced one when you take the province. It also has other benefits.

Granted, this doesn't always work out well, if you already have the province and therefore get a 3BB cost for that province overall.

For the H-V event it's definiotely a cut'n'paste error and ough to have been 2BB in actions B and C.

As for the Scottish event, I can't even remember writing that one.

Fair enough, though, in general I have probably been stingy about BB and cores. Blame my childhood.

And post any other events you want altered.
MattyG said:
In both events I used the principle that a core is worth at LEAST 1 BB given that by having them your BB cost is normally reduced one when you take the province. It also has other benefits.

A core is generally worth 1BB-ish if you want the province. (If it's some horrid wrong-culture wrong-religion province, the core is worth rather less, as you'd otherwise not even consider taking it.) As such, core-gaining options that charge 1BB per prov are often reasonable. But the core being worth this much doesn't mean you have to charge the player that much in every core-granting event. They may actually have a solid claim, it's just we didn't want to give them cores automatically in case they wanted to be peaceful.

As for the Scottish event, I can't even remember writing that one.

I don't remember writing those events either. Maybe I should do some new ones for Scotland taking over York?

And post any other events you want altered.

I'll keep an eye out. One type of event that occurs to me is 'sack of X': obviously, this is the kind of thing that got people a bad reputation IRL, but leaders' condoning or even ordering the pillage of a captured city was so common as to be considered the norm (ie, it was an act of mercy not to pillage the city); the 'rules of war' at the time generally said you were only obliged to offer quarter to the city once, at the start of the battle or siege, and if they refused you could do whatever you liked. When we have events, it just means the city is more prestigious and the sacking more dramatic than usual. So in most cases 1 badboy is appropriate - again, because the player will never pay more than this. Obviously, the victim of the sack will be extremely pissed off, but Europe as a whole won't necessarily react with horror.
Incompetent said:
I don't remember writing those events either. Maybe I should do some new ones for Scotland taking over York?

Apart from largely flavourless functional Scottish events and the stuff related to Wales, I wrote no Scottish events. Pretty sure that was one of yours, but I don't doubt that I modified it and that the offending elements are mine.

I think we do need a new York sequence, as most reports for Scotland (playing or just observing) were that the events didn't trigger. This was in part due to a bug in many Scottish events that was not solved until about two months ago, but the sequence could still use some tweaking, I think.
Comment on Maya conversion events:

The Maya only get the choice of converting to Mutazelite Islam if event 418005 fires, from the Epochal_Mutazelite file. However, if al-Andalus spends the period 1504-1515 at stability below 2, 418005 never fires. This can lead to a situation in which al-Andalus and the Maghreb is all ruled by Mutazelites (and by 1567, most of the provinces are Mutazelite as well), but the Maya are offered Traditional Islam as the A choice. I suppose it's possible that Sunni imams might still make it to the New World, but is it really so likely that it'd be an A choice?

Unfortunately, this is a bit hard to fix, as there isn't a simple and guaranteed way to check whether al-Andalus has gone Mutazelite just by looking at which events have triggered. However, the event 418010 is almost there: it fires precisely if CRD converts and CAL exists, and the latter is extremely probable (has anyone even seen a total elimination of the Abbasids?). So I suggest changing the Maya event trigger to require 418005 OR 418010. Either that or we set up 418004 (the basic al-Andalus conversion event) to trigger a new event just for the conversion.

The event 'Church Demands Supression of Pagans' has a condition "NOT = { exists = CRD }", which strikes me as silly (why should al-Andalus serve to prevent suppression of Pagans?). Also, the event deserves an analogous Muslim event - Islam was more tolerant, but not to the point that they'd be happy about coatlists publicly practising their religion (which bizarrely enough may still involve human sacrifices!). The 'narrowminded' option would be severe persecution, whilst the 'progressive' option would be to offer dhimmi status to the coatlists.

Finally, whether they adopt an Old World faith or refine their own, the Maya would come to be horrified by the religious practices of the Aztecs and Zapotec. Even if the Maya have recovered all their old provinces, human sacrifice alone would be sufficient justification for war. Unfortunately, MAA is hampered by having to pay BB here, whereas a European country would not. So perhaps we could make a reward event if the Maya (or maybe other countries) manage to force-convert Pagan states and/or completely eradicate Pagan province religion in areas that would otherwise be practising large-scale human sacrifice (principally in what we think of as Mexico). The reward would include significant BB reduction, as ending human sacrifice would definitely be considered a 'good deed' by the civilised world. By contrast, countries that continue to practise human sacrifice could get a rise in BB when their practices become known to the outside world in the 16th century.
Incompetent said:
Comment on Maya conversion events:

The Maya only get the choice of converting to Mutazelite Islam if event fires, from the Epochal_Mutazelite file. However, if al-Andalus spends the period at stability below 2, never fires. This can lead to a situation in which al-Andalus and the Maghreb is all ruled by Mutazelites (and by 1567, most of the provinces are Mutazelite as well), but the Maya are offered Traditional Islam as the A choice. I suppose it's possible that Sunni imams might still make it to the New World, but is it really so likely that it'd be an A choice?

Unfortunately, this is a bit hard to fix, as there isn't a simple and guaranteed way to check whether al-Andalus has gone Mutazelite just by looking at which events have triggered. However, the event is almost there: it fires precisely if CRD converts and CAL exists, and the latter is extremely probable (has anyone even seen a total elimination of the Abbasids?). So I suggest changing the Maya event trigger to require OR . Either that or we set up (the basic al-Andalus conversion event) to trigger a new event just for the conversion.

The event 'Church Demands Supression of Pagans' has a condition "NOT = { exists = CRD }", which strikes me as silly (why should al-Andalus serve to prevent suppression of Pagans?). Also, the event deserves an analogous Muslim event - Islam was more tolerant, but not to the point that they'd be happy about coatlists publicly practising their religion (which bizarrely enough may still involve human sacrifices!). The 'narrowminded' option would be severe persecution, whilst the 'progressive' option would be to offer dhimmi status to the coatlists.

I have no idea why I have that trigger. Now it is gone.

Finally, whether they adopt an Old World faith or refine their own, the Maya would come to be horrified by the religious practices of the Aztecs and Zapotec. Even if the Maya have recovered all their old provinces, human sacrifice alone would be sufficient justification for war. Unfortunately, MAA is hampered by having to pay BB here, whereas a European country would not. So perhaps we could make a reward event if the Maya (or maybe other countries) manage to force-convert Pagan states and/or completely eradicate Pagan province religion in areas that would otherwise be practising large-scale human sacrifice (principally in what we think of as Mexico). The reward would include significant BB reduction, as ending human sacrifice would definitely be considered a 'good deed' by the civilised world. By contrast, countries that continue to practise human sacrifice could get a rise in BB when their practices become known to the outside world in the 16th century.[/QUOTE]

Excellent point. I will work on events for that.

Thank you, this is great.