MattyG said:
My bad.
See orimazd's posting in the
thread he was not supposed to post his comments in ... such a naughty boy.
Is your wife going to punish me? Please say yes!
/post is reserved for about an hour later when i have time to post my cacoal place stuff
/now is good
But first:
Yes. oops. And the name of the state was Michhuàquê. I will update the game accordingly.
Yes, let us call them "Those who have fish!"
Would be pretty funny actually.
You have missed the arrow I have on the map indicating that I put the Cholula in the wrong province, that they ought to have been in the province named Cholula. Paint is an unforgiving program where nothing can be removed or undone.
I see it now. Was kinda faint but the whole map was pretty new to me.
So, the Azteca to Mexico province, yes???
Si senor! What happened to putting the Mayans in north west south america? ame rationale as with not getting all of Haiti?
I know that when I play as the Maya...or when I did, anyways, I was big on colonizing the antilles and then everywhere else in sight that wasn't colonized already. Will they be able to see the islands, florida, and north west south america at least?
Moving on to Cacoal, I can't make them look rounded out without making them big, but my original intention basically was to give them Amapa, Marajo, Tembe, and Jacunda. However, I don't know where the gold province Mato Grosso got moved to in this map, which complicates things.
And considering how much people of this day actually got around, they should know the sea lanes leading up to the Mayan capital, and maybe their cuban provinces as well. Thor Heyerdahl showed that people in little boats got a lot further around than we originally thought, and there is plenty of pottery evidence of Jomon (ancient Japanese) contact with Ecuador or Bolivia or something like that, from thousands of years ago. There are also some awesome boats in Egypt which were build to sail oceans, buried at the Osirion I think, from not so many thousands of years ago, so yeah. People got around more than we originally thought they did, so we should show that kinda.
I also suggest giving Cacoal knowledge of the entire Amazon river provinces, though definitely not controlling them. Perhaps having trading posts in Coropa, Munduruku, and Apanta, though, with fortresses because the natives will probably revolt at the drop of a hat if they are set up anything like in Vanilla.
/reads Graham Hancock, but ignores the batshit insane ideas