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Attention is love.
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Mar 23, 2003
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Download Beta 6.35 Here!

It is getting so close I can smell it.

This is the penultimate beta version. The next beta will be the last and include the last of the Alternate reformation events and the missing Swabian/Lombardy material and the final Jizya events, plus the usual bunch of tidbits and fixes.


Renumbered the Ruthernian monarchs and leaders to avoid the clash with the Byzantine leaders and monarchs.

Added exclusions to the triggers for the Pillars of Hercules events so they cannot trigger twice for the same country.

Discovered some tag errors in the Hungary file and fixed them.

Updated Bavaria's End of the Peasant War event to recognize both versions of the event, so that it actually triggers ...


Finished the overdue project of rewriting country descriptions, completely updating and correcting most of the descriptions, now also posted on the forums.

Removed Graduated Loansizes as a game option, as they are now player only and can be refused by the player, so not much point having it as an option.

Added Inno -2 and ADM +3 for 30 years to each of the first explorer events for the ai to ensure they produce sufficient colonists and have improved chances of successfully colonizing.

Added three new cultures, Caribbean is now "Shi'a Persian", Mataco is now "Shi'a Afghani" and Amazonian is now "Shi'a Arabic", and have assigned these cultures to provinces 508, 525, 525, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 536, 1528 and 1529.

Added flags and shields for the Baltic Republic, and updated the various files to recognize the tag AMI as Baltic Republic.

AI Events

Added a new series of events to help reduce relations among ai countries to counter the hated DiploAnnexation.

Alternative Reformation

Created all the new files for the Alternative Reformation. Includes all of mikls development events for the Papacy/province399, on to Luther's Papacy, the subsequent Reformist Schism, with events for every Catholic Nation. Read the forums for a complete idea of what goes on, or else read the event files. Suffice to say that in this reformation there is no easy ride for Eire, Iberia or Italian states! Then there are files for each province to support the German or Roman Pope, a 50% chance either way, which occurs for any 'non-standard' province a country owns. Lots of RR and revolts and craziness for thirty years, with additional random events specific to this period.

There are three ways the Schism can end, either with an Alternate version of the Edict of Tolerance, or one of the sides can crush the other, essentially a military victory. The countries with the losing religion subsequently get an event to convert, but action_b allows them to refuse.

There is also an event to explain what Protestant means in the alternate reformation to help people who are confused.

I have only completed North America for the Colonial province events. Central and South for the next beta, along with the Reformed religious events.

There has been a LOT of work that has gone into this Alternative Reformation. Please have a go at it. I suggest playing as the Papal States to ensure the right choices are made to have Luther elected, then save and switch to something else if it pleases you.

Random Events

Tweaked the text and values for the Strained Relations events.

Altered the event Regional Population Boom such that it no longer gives you a choice (becuase we don't control these things, this isn't Victoria!) and instead is a mix of home and colonial pop increases.

Included Ahmed's idea to alter the triggers and effects of Rush of Colonists so that it will no longer trigger for non-colonizing countries (which was always a total pain in the ass).

Added a series of events when not at war to represent downscaling and reducing of quality of the army.


The revised name for Cordoba. Changed all references from Cordoba to Al-Andalus and from Cordoban to Al-Andalusian.


Removed the German War of Religion event, which never triggered anyway and didn't make any sense, with a new event wherein, once counterreform, it will challenge a protestant Swabia, gaining all cores and 'stripping' the Hapsburgs of lands and titles.

Altered some of the triggers and values for the Peasant's War.


Altered the name to Al-Andalus.

If the main Iberian crusade takes place, it now sleeps the remainder of the Age of Fueds events, so the province RRs are cancelled, the technology is reset to latin and there's a bonus to centralization.

Made the leader Mohammed IX come and go matching the dates for the monarch he represents.

Cossack Hetmanate

Added an action_b to refuse to become Ruthenia if the situation arises.


Redveloped the Lollard events into something that can spread throughout souther Britain and gives the chance for Wessex and City of London to go Reformed in the 1400s. The events are also province-based and give some benefit for being Lollard (permananet reduction in province RR to represent non-violence), which otherwise gives you tax and manpower deductions.


Added all of mikl's events for the Reformed religious events in Germany. This completes the events for the standard reformation. (Phew!)


Added events for any nation that is muslim and owns any of the shi'a cultured provinces listed above to make policies regarding them. Being anti-shia loses you those cultures and brings higher risk of revolts through shia-specific revolt randoms. Being pro-shia costs your DP sliders but gains you those cultures. Based on sliders, there are random events that allow you to change your position regarding shia through the game. Iran does not get these events.


Added monarchs and leaders.


Added events for the standard Reformation; another chance to lose the lex halicia and crash and burn ...


Updated the reformation event so that there is now a 50% chance Hungary goes reformed (assuming ai) instead of an 86% chance.


Included about a quarter of the Jizya events. Dairpo will complete the remainder after his exams. These are the events for muslim countries owning non-muslim provinces and being able to intriduce additional taxes, but at a cost of manpower.


Created an ai only event for Leon to inherit Galicia if not at war between 1490 and 1510. And if a player is playing Galicia, this is automatically slept.


Reduced greatly the RR caused by the reformation in Scotland.


Updated the Trouble in House Hapsburg event to care about province ownership. The events can now see the dissident Catholic Hapsburgs retreating to Milan or Tirol or Styria. Created the subsequent Milan/Tirol/Styrian events for the catholic duchy it creates. Still requires the habsburg family line to be written, though.

Teutonic Order

Rebuilt the existing Reformation reaction events which were actually impossible to ever trigger. It's now a more drawn out and complicated affair that can lead to either conversions and centralization under an inquisition, or a partial collapse of the Order and the breaking away of the Baltic Republic.


Added Explorer and conquistador events for York, and ai files to assist.
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