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Immortality... hmmmmmmmmm, well...

Let me introduce you to our lord and savior, R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadow!

For the low, low price of your newborn child, someones else, or someone with inbred/posh blood. You could, potentially, gain immortality! (or something resembling it in return for becoming a virtue-less and horrid creature).
Nah, no immortality trait, but ways to sustain life longer for your character.
Yeah, the eternal life event has popped up for me quite a few times. The gamble is getting the right people and events to happen as well as having the gold to cover unexpected costs. Or you know, just make a custom immortal sex machine called Austin of house Powers.
Or you know, just make a custom immortal sex machine called Austin of house Powers.

Or a custom obese character who is a master of intrigue and stronger than The Mountain, called Fat of House Bastard.

Oh, and don't forget the custom title of "Dead Sexy"
I've also gotten the Immortality event chain, but failed pretty early, so I'm not sure if it actually works/has GOT flavoring(the guide character was a Red Priestess, but that might have just been due to a quirk of the mod rather then an intended modification to the events).

it would be cool if the mod spacificly altered the events to fit the lore a tiny bit, with a few different types of immortality with different drawbacks, like R'hllor blessing you, but requiring extreme zealotry of you from then on, or merging with the Weirwood(requiring Greensight first to even be an option), but therefore becoming immobile and having your capital forcefully moved to that location, and so on.