In the event below, the second choice commands that the event itself should be slept (200210). Whereas, it seems that it should be sleeping event 200211, trigger by the option A election of Alexander Masser.
event = {
id = 200210
random = no
country = HSA
name = "The eleventh great Hansetag in 1475"
desc = "It´s Hansetag and the gathered merchants, representatives of the Hansa decide who will be Eldermann for the next 6 years. Alexander Masser has already served for two years since the sudden death of Rudolf Hartig and shown his abilities as a naval reformer but a promising new talent named Johannes Lidoslav challenges him. Masser is from Lübeck whilst Lidoslav is a descendent from a mighty merchant family from Novgorod."
date = { day = 1 month = april year = 1475 }
action_a = {
name = "Alexander Masser"
command = { type = relation which = KAL value = 50 }
command = { type = relation which = BUR value = -50 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = land value = -1 }
command = { type = trade value = 1000 }
action_b = {
name = "Johannes Lidoslav"
command = { type = relation which = FIN value = 50 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = land value = 1 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 30256 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 30255 }
command = { type = infra value = 1000 }
command = { type = cash value = 500 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 200210 }
event = {
id = 200211
random = no
country = HSA
name = "The naval reforms of Alexander Masser"
desc = "Coming to office after the death of Rudolf Hartig, Masser was a veteran of the sund war and used his knowledge of naval tactics to reform the League fleet and concentrated on the expansion of the fleet."
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1476 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 2 month = january year = 1478 }
action_a ={
name = "Sounds like a plan!"
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 15 }
command = { type = trade value = 500 }
command = { type = naval value = 4000 }
event = {
id = 200210
random = no
country = HSA
name = "The eleventh great Hansetag in 1475"
desc = "It´s Hansetag and the gathered merchants, representatives of the Hansa decide who will be Eldermann for the next 6 years. Alexander Masser has already served for two years since the sudden death of Rudolf Hartig and shown his abilities as a naval reformer but a promising new talent named Johannes Lidoslav challenges him. Masser is from Lübeck whilst Lidoslav is a descendent from a mighty merchant family from Novgorod."
date = { day = 1 month = april year = 1475 }
action_a = {
name = "Alexander Masser"
command = { type = relation which = KAL value = 50 }
command = { type = relation which = BUR value = -50 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = land value = -1 }
command = { type = trade value = 1000 }
action_b = {
name = "Johannes Lidoslav"
command = { type = relation which = FIN value = 50 }
command = { type = domestic which = mercantilism value = 1 }
command = { type = domestic which = land value = 1 }
command = { type = wakemonarch which = 30256 }
command = { type = sleepmonarch which = 30255 }
command = { type = infra value = 1000 }
command = { type = cash value = 500 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 200210 }
event = {
id = 200211
random = no
country = HSA
name = "The naval reforms of Alexander Masser"
desc = "Coming to office after the death of Rudolf Hartig, Masser was a veteran of the sund war and used his knowledge of naval tactics to reform the League fleet and concentrated on the expansion of the fleet."
date = { day = 2 month = january year = 1476 }
offset = 180
deathdate = { day = 2 month = january year = 1478 }
action_a ={
name = "Sounds like a plan!"
command = { type = warships which = -2 value = 15 }
command = { type = trade value = 500 }
command = { type = naval value = 4000 }