province_event = { # Peasants take power ending revolt
id = 40109
picture = "event_prosperity"
trigger = {
condition = { type = has_province_effect value = { revolt = yes } }
condition = { type = not value = type = peasant_loyalty value = 0.5 }
condition = { type = owner
condition = { type = trait value = user_defined_b }
condition = { type = trait value = merciful }
condition = { type = has_law value = { royal_preorgatory_law = yes } }
condition = { type = has_law value = { elective_law = yes } }
mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 1
action_a = { # Mild Reforms
ai_chance = 25
effect = { type = remove_province_effect value = revolt }
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = 0.2 }
effect = { type = peasant_power value = 0.1 }
effect = { type = owner
effect = { type = add_trait value = wise }
effect = { type = add_trait value = forgiving }
action_b = { # Radical Reforms
ai_chance = 50
effect = { type = remove_province_effect value = revolt }
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = 0.4 }
effect = { type = peasant_power value = 0.2 }
effect = { type = owner
effect = { type = add_trait value = just }
effect = { type = add_trait value = vengeful }
action_c = { # Social Revolution
ai_chance = 20
effect = { type = remove_province_effect value = revolt }
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = 0.4 }
effect = { type = peasant_power value = 0.2 }
effect = { type = owner
effect = { type = add_trait value = reckless }
effect = { type = add_trait value = vengeful }
action_d = { # Crush Them!
ai_chance = 5
effect = { type = peasant_loyalty value = -0.4 }
effect = { type = owner
effect = { type = add_trait value = cruel }
effect = { type = add_trait value = deceitful }
As part of my recent crash-course in error management I've run into a problem with the effects for this event. I'm trying to use a province event to add traits to it's owner; am I to take it that this is actually impossible? Or am I just not doing it correctly?