hello eep community:
i have coded some possible ways for italy to unite. i need feedback from you guys on it. i plan to code for all penninsular italian minors (minus savoy) shld the ideas be accepted. i will also test, & have one volunteer to test as well, but wld, of course, love it if some folks volunteered to test too.
a summary of how the different italian unification events work as coded:
1) papal states road to italy
necessary conditions:
a) the papal states must own all of its core provinces & own 7 contiguous italian culture provinces. (the condition of contiguousness was made in order to ease coding & to increase difficulty.) the event will check at the start of every year after 1494.
b) the papal states must be at peace
c) the papal states must have 100 ducats in its treasury
d) PAP cannot be in an alliance w/ the austrians
a) austria will likely dow the papal states, relations - 200 + permanent cb on papal states
b) relations w/ france, spain & all protestant states in europe - 200
c) cores on all kingdom of italy provinces -- that is, emilia, siena, firenze, mantua, lombardia, liguria and piemonte.
d) all fortresses in kingdom of italy provinces already owned by the papal states will be reduced by one, except for fortresses in roma, romagna & marche. (this was added in order to make it painful to do.)
e) relations w/ all remaining states in the kingdom of italy - 200 & they get a permanent cb on the papal states
f) stability - 3, revolt risk increase of 3 for 5 years
g) - 100 ducats
2) milanese italian unification:
necessary conditions:
a) milan must own 5 contiguous italian provinces
b) the event checks every 10 years starting in 1542
this sets a new set of necessary conditions:
c) starting in 1562, the event checks every 40 years to see whether the following is true:
d) milan is at peace
e) milan has 100 ducats on hand
f) milan is not an ally of austria
g) milan owns 5 contiguous italian provinces &, if rome is not one of them, has vassalized the papal states
(the 40 year lag is an attempt to be sure that rr in owned italian provinces is as close to 0% due to nationalism as possible. in some cases it will happen, but in others it will not.)
a) stability - 3, revolt risk +3 for 5 years
b) adds cores on all italian provinces, including sardinia & corsica
c) reduces fortresses by one in all provinces owned by milan in italy, except for milan, corsica or sardinia
d) breaks royal marriages w/ all remaining italian states
e) grants a permanent cb to all remaining italian states on milan & relations - 200
f) same for austria
g) - 100 ducats
h) inflation + 10%
i) relations - 200 w/ france & spain
j) sets event to check whether or not you own all italian provinces every year
if, you manage j) you also get:
k) the ability to move to rome
if you move to rome, you get:
l) all remaining generals/admirals from italy (this does not include monarchs nor any leader around which events are scripted) -- if a country w/ leaders re-appears out of italy, they will be "slept" & you will never get access to them again
m) remaining flavor events from other italian states
3) tusany italian unification w/ militia
necessary conditions:
a) the same as for milan, except for you must have chosen to keep your militia following the medici's return
same as for milan, except, to make it real painful & bring your country close to collapse:
a) stability - 6
b) revolt risk + 6 for 10 years
c) manpower in all provinces owned at the time of claiming italy + 2
the code for all of these will be presented in further posts on this thread.
i have coded some possible ways for italy to unite. i need feedback from you guys on it. i plan to code for all penninsular italian minors (minus savoy) shld the ideas be accepted. i will also test, & have one volunteer to test as well, but wld, of course, love it if some folks volunteered to test too.
a summary of how the different italian unification events work as coded:
1) papal states road to italy
necessary conditions:
a) the papal states must own all of its core provinces & own 7 contiguous italian culture provinces. (the condition of contiguousness was made in order to ease coding & to increase difficulty.) the event will check at the start of every year after 1494.
b) the papal states must be at peace
c) the papal states must have 100 ducats in its treasury
d) PAP cannot be in an alliance w/ the austrians
a) austria will likely dow the papal states, relations - 200 + permanent cb on papal states
b) relations w/ france, spain & all protestant states in europe - 200
c) cores on all kingdom of italy provinces -- that is, emilia, siena, firenze, mantua, lombardia, liguria and piemonte.
d) all fortresses in kingdom of italy provinces already owned by the papal states will be reduced by one, except for fortresses in roma, romagna & marche. (this was added in order to make it painful to do.)
e) relations w/ all remaining states in the kingdom of italy - 200 & they get a permanent cb on the papal states
f) stability - 3, revolt risk increase of 3 for 5 years
g) - 100 ducats
2) milanese italian unification:
necessary conditions:
a) milan must own 5 contiguous italian provinces
b) the event checks every 10 years starting in 1542
this sets a new set of necessary conditions:
c) starting in 1562, the event checks every 40 years to see whether the following is true:
d) milan is at peace
e) milan has 100 ducats on hand
f) milan is not an ally of austria
g) milan owns 5 contiguous italian provinces &, if rome is not one of them, has vassalized the papal states
(the 40 year lag is an attempt to be sure that rr in owned italian provinces is as close to 0% due to nationalism as possible. in some cases it will happen, but in others it will not.)
a) stability - 3, revolt risk +3 for 5 years
b) adds cores on all italian provinces, including sardinia & corsica
c) reduces fortresses by one in all provinces owned by milan in italy, except for milan, corsica or sardinia
d) breaks royal marriages w/ all remaining italian states
e) grants a permanent cb to all remaining italian states on milan & relations - 200
f) same for austria
g) - 100 ducats
h) inflation + 10%
i) relations - 200 w/ france & spain
j) sets event to check whether or not you own all italian provinces every year
if, you manage j) you also get:
k) the ability to move to rome
if you move to rome, you get:
l) all remaining generals/admirals from italy (this does not include monarchs nor any leader around which events are scripted) -- if a country w/ leaders re-appears out of italy, they will be "slept" & you will never get access to them again
m) remaining flavor events from other italian states
3) tusany italian unification w/ militia
necessary conditions:
a) the same as for milan, except for you must have chosen to keep your militia following the medici's return
same as for milan, except, to make it real painful & bring your country close to collapse:
a) stability - 6
b) revolt risk + 6 for 10 years
c) manpower in all provinces owned at the time of claiming italy + 2
the code for all of these will be presented in further posts on this thread.
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