I saw some times Milan becaming big enough and If it was in AGCEEP it could form Italy... I think that forming Italy in Aberration should be possible... We should ask for the files from AGCEEP and use it in Aberration what you think?
Also, All Catholic nations should have an event to let the Papal States form in one of her Provinces if she controls Rome, It could be something like option A: "Form in Rome" ( the PS form in Rome and she is a vassal of the mother nation); option B: "Form in somewhere else ) the PS is form in a random province, she continues to be a vassal of the mother nation). option C: Don't let the pope have any province ( +10 BB and a Revolt and -1 Stab hit )
Also, All Catholic nations should have an event to let the Papal States form in one of her Provinces if she controls Rome, It could be something like option A: "Form in Rome" ( the PS form in Rome and she is a vassal of the mother nation); option B: "Form in somewhere else ) the PS is form in a random province, she continues to be a vassal of the mother nation). option C: Don't let the pope have any province ( +10 BB and a Revolt and -1 Stab hit )