On modern Windows systems Documents are automatically set to backup to OneDrive. This would normally be excellent for me, because the free storage space offered by Microsoft is enough for my own needs, and I do want that backup.
However, there stuff in my Document folder that I don't want there, and haven't added there myself. The culprits behind this littering is mostly games. Of these the Paradox Games folder takes up almost a 1 GB on my drive. This is not acceptable, especially since a big part of that is the CK3 shadercache. Caches belong in AppData, not Documents.
However, there stuff in my Document folder that I don't want there, and haven't added there myself. The culprits behind this littering is mostly games. Of these the Paradox Games folder takes up almost a 1 GB on my drive. This is not acceptable, especially since a big part of that is the CK3 shadercache. Caches belong in AppData, not Documents.
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