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Kicked out of defensive Great Holy War on liege successionDescription
While defending a jihad for my primary kingdom title as a vassal of the Byzantine Empire, a claimant faction installed a new emperor on the throne. I and ALL of the defender's allies were removed from the war, including the previous emperor. In addition, all captured territory reverted to an unsieged state and war score was reset to 0.Additionally, the game does not allow me to rejoin the war as a defender, stating that I had already been called to that war.
Enemy jihadists were still marked as hostile.
As another note, I am currently playing on XBox Gamepass on PC, not Steam.
Steps to reproduce
1) Own a title that becomes the target of a Great Holy War - in this case, a jihad.2) Join as a defender using the, "Offer to join war" function.
3) Have your liege dethroned by a claimant faction while the Great Holy War is still on.
4) All described issues should be reproduced.
Game Version
1.11.3 (Peacock)Platform
WindowsAdditional Information
Affected Feature
- Gameplay
Save Game
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