Please post any bugs or omissions you may find in this forum.
Please make a new thread for each new report, do not post new reports in this thread or at the end of existing threads.
Attaching a screenshot or savegame if you think it would be helpful would be most appreciated, especially if it is a mega-war related issue!
Please also check you are using the correct version of vanilla CK2 with the correct checksum:
Current Version Checksum: DECP
Compatible with: CK2 2.1.6
If any of the modders fix any of the listed problems please do tell and I'll adjust this post accordingly
Known Issues fixed for next patch
Mega Wars/Wars
Known Issues to be fixed
-When you are the attacker in a battle and win a duel, the defenders get a morale bonus
-When you are the attacker in a battle and and the defneder flees a duel, the defenders get a morale bonus
-When marrying two of your children together you get two marriage prompts
Mega Wars/Wars
-Podrick Payne's ancestry is inaccurate
-Reek (the original one) is still alive in AFFC
-Starting on October 11th 8299 will cause a CTD
-Sometimes when fighting with a dragon fighting slows to a crawl, and the enemy no longer loses men
-Sometimes characters inexplicably die of natural causes when other characters die
-Castellan "Improve defense" action doesnt have tooltip
Possible omissions
-A holder of a barony with an alchemist guild can use wildfire against the county holder
Known Issues that can't be fixed
-Ineritance calculations are often weird
-The correct portraits are not always shown on tool tips
-The AI will send their councillors to 'research economy tech'
Vanilla Bugs
-Harry the Heir cannot be of House Hardyng and heir to the Vale both, due to bugged paradox succession laws
-When a Lord Paramount loses an independence war their proper heir is no longer the heir anymore
-If loads of holdings are occupied in a war the game sometimes doesnt take them into account for warscore purposes
-Flipping through scenarios at the character selection can screw up the war setups, just restart if it happens
-When joining a side in a mega war you can only join the chosen side's first war
-If you declare a war to depose liege but your liege is is then usurped, the war continues anyway
Please make a new thread for each new report, do not post new reports in this thread or at the end of existing threads.
Attaching a screenshot or savegame if you think it would be helpful would be most appreciated, especially if it is a mega-war related issue!
Please also check you are using the correct version of vanilla CK2 with the correct checksum:
Current Version Checksum: DECP
Compatible with: CK2 2.1.6
If any of the modders fix any of the listed problems please do tell and I'll adjust this post accordingly
Known Issues fixed for next patch
Mega Wars/Wars
Known Issues to be fixed
-When you are the attacker in a battle and win a duel, the defenders get a morale bonus
-When you are the attacker in a battle and and the defneder flees a duel, the defenders get a morale bonus
-When marrying two of your children together you get two marriage prompts
Mega Wars/Wars
-Podrick Payne's ancestry is inaccurate
-Reek (the original one) is still alive in AFFC
-Starting on October 11th 8299 will cause a CTD
-Sometimes when fighting with a dragon fighting slows to a crawl, and the enemy no longer loses men
-Sometimes characters inexplicably die of natural causes when other characters die
-Castellan "Improve defense" action doesnt have tooltip
Possible omissions
-A holder of a barony with an alchemist guild can use wildfire against the county holder
Known Issues that can't be fixed
-Ineritance calculations are often weird
-The correct portraits are not always shown on tool tips
-The AI will send their councillors to 'research economy tech'
Vanilla Bugs
-Harry the Heir cannot be of House Hardyng and heir to the Vale both, due to bugged paradox succession laws
-When a Lord Paramount loses an independence war their proper heir is no longer the heir anymore
-If loads of holdings are occupied in a war the game sometimes doesnt take them into account for warscore purposes
-Flipping through scenarios at the character selection can screw up the war setups, just restart if it happens
-When joining a side in a mega war you can only join the chosen side's first war
-If you declare a war to depose liege but your liege is is then usurped, the war continues anyway
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